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총 34,607건 중 34,481 - 34,500건 출력
  • 34481
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    The Gospell of S. Mathewe. The fyrst chapter. The genealogye of Christ, and maryage of hys mother Mary. The Angel satisfyeth Josephs mynde.
  • 34482
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    The Gospell of S. Mathewe. The fyrst chapter. The genealogye of Christ, and maryage of hys mother Mary. The Angel satisfyeth Josephs mynde.
  • 34483
    Book Info
    The Gospell of S. Mathewe. The fyrst chapter. The genealogye of Christ, and maryage of hys mother Mary. The Angel satisfyeth Josephs mynde.
  • 34484
    Book Info
    The Gospell of S. Mathewe. The fyrst chapter. The genealogye of Christ, and maryage of hys mother Mary. The Angel satisfyeth Josephs mynde.
  • 34485
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    The great Charter called i[n] latyn Magna Carta with diuers olde statutes whose titles appere in the next leafe Newly correctyd. Cum priuilegio. ad imprimendum solum.
  • 34486
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    A goodly exposycyon, after the maner of a contemplacion, vpon the .li. Psalme called Miserere mei deus. Whiche Hierome of Farrarye made at the latter ende of his dayes
  • 34487
    Book Info
    The Gospell of S. Mathew. The fyrst chapter. The genealogye of Christ, and maryage of hys mother Mary. The Angel satisfyeth Josephs mynde.
  • 34488
    Book Info
    The Gospell of S. Mathew. The fyrst chapter. The genealogye of Christ, and maryage of hys mother Mary. The Angel satisfyeth Josephs mynde.
  • 34489
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    The Gospelles and Pystles of all ye So[n]dayes & sayntes dayes that are red in the churche, all the whole yere|Bible. N.T. Gospels. English. Selections. 1540.
  • 34490
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    Guilielmi Lilii grammatici, & poetae eximii, Paulinae scholae olim moderatoris de generibus nominum ac uerborum praete ritis & supinis. Regulae pueris apprime utiles. Opus recognitum & adactum cum nominum, ac verbo rum interpraetamentis. An. M.D.XXXIX.
  • 34491
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    The garden of wysdom wherin ye maye gather moste pleasaunt flowres, that is to say, proper wytty and quycke sayenges of princes, philosophers, and dyuers other sortes of men. Drawen forth of good authours, as well Grekes as Latyns, by Richard Tauerner.
  • 34492
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    The great herball newly corrected. The contentes of this boke. A table after the latyn names of all herbes, a table after the Englysshe names of all herbes. The propertees and qualytes of all thynges in this booke. The descrypcyon of vrynes, how a man shall haue trewe knoweledge of all sekenesses. An exposycyon of the wordes obscure and not well kn
  • 34493
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    A goodly prymer in Englysshe newely corrected and prynted, with certeyne godly meditations [and] prayers added to the same, very necessarye and profytable for all them that ryghte assuredlye vnderstande not the latine [and] greke tongues. Cum priuilegio regali.
  • 34494
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    Guillelmi Lilii Angli rudimenta Paruulorum Lilii nuper impressa.
  • 34495
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    The golden boke of Marcus Aurelius Emperour and eloquent oratour
    De Guevara
  • 34496
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    The greate abbrydgement of all [the] statutes of Englande untyll the .xxx yere of the reygne of our moste drad soueraygne lorde kynge Henry the eyght. To whom be all honour, reuerence, and ioyfull contynuaunce of his prosperous raygne, to the pleasure of god and weale of thys hys realme. Amen. Cum privilegio regali.
  • 34497
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    A goodly treatise of faith, hope, and charite necessary for all Christe[n] me[n] to know and to exercyse themselues therein tra[n]slated into englyshe
  • 34498
    Book Info
    The golden boke of Marcus Aurelius Emperour and eloquent oratour
    De Guevara
  • 34499
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    The Golden letany in Englysshe
  • 34500
    Book Info
    A goodly prymer in englyshe, newly corrected and printed with certeyne godly meditations and prayers added to the same, very necessarie [and] profitable for all them that ryghte assuredly vnderstande not ye latine [and] greke tongues.