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총 45,717건 중 43,161 - 43,180건 출력
  • 43161
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    The hypocrite discovered and cvred the definition, the kindes, the subject, the symptoms of hypocrisie : the prognosticks, the causes, the cure of hypocrisie : most seasonable for these times of happy designe for reformation : in two books / by Samuell Torshell ; with an epistle to the Assembly of Divines about the discerning of spirits.
  • 43162
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    A Happy discovery of the strange and fearefull plots layde by our cavaleirs for invading of Hvl and surprizing Sr. Iohn Hotham and how by night they intended utterly to destroy both, but were suddainly taken : likewise, the victorions exploit and conquest of certaine corragious prentises traviling to Yorke to learne proceedings, had over the malign
  • 43163
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    A Hellish plot discovered against the castle and the whole citie of Dublin, or, A true relation of three of the chiefe rebels in Ireland who came as spyes to the citie of Dublin to have blown up the castle and whole citie, where by the miraculous mercy of God they were wonderfully discovered and three of them apprehended at Dublin ... whereupon the
  • 43164
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    A happy deliverance, or, a wonderfull preservation of foure worthy and honourable peeres of this kingdome, and some others. Who should have beene poysoyned at a supper in St. Martins Lane neere Charing-Crosse on Tuesday, the 11. of Ian. 1641. Viz. The Earle of Leicester The Earle of Essex, Lord Chamberlaine. The Earle of Holland. The Earle of North
  • 43165
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    A happy discovery of the strange and fearefull plots layde by our cavaleirs for invading of Hul, and surprizing Sr. Iohn Hotham. And how by night they intended utterly to destroy both, but were suddainly taken. Likewise, the victorions [sic] exploit and conquest of certaine corragious prentises traviling to Yorke to learne proceedings, had over the
  • 43166
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    A happy victory obtained by the Lord Fairefax and Captaine Hotham over the Earle of New-Castle and his forces in Yorkshire, with the number of men slaine, and taken prisoners on both sides also an exact relation of all the proceedings betweene both armies, and the present state of things in that county at this present : as it was sent in a letter from the said Lord Fairfax to the Speaker of the H
  • 43167
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    A happy victory obtained by the trained band of Oxford against 400 cavaleers that had intrencht themselves neere the said city Sept. 7, 1642 : with the manner how the battell was fought and the number of those that were slain on both sides
  • 43168
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    A happy victory obtained by the trained band of Oxford, against 400. cavaleers that had intrencht themselves neere the said city. Sept. 7. 1642. With the manner how the battell was fought, and the number of those that were slain on both sides. Whereunto is annexed the resolution of the Earle of Essex, Lord generall of the Parliaments army, who is s
  • 43169
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    A health to all vintners, beer-brewers and ale-tonners, tapsters, bezlors, carrowsers, and wine-bibbers, bench-whistlers, lick-wimbles, down-right drunkards, pety drunkards; Bacchus boyes, roaring-boyes, Bachanalians, taverne antients, captaine swaggeters, foxcatchers, pot and halfe-pot men, quart, pint halfe pint men, short winded glasse-men, and
  • 43170
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    An Honest letter to a doubtfull friend about the rifling of the twentieth part of his estate
  • 43171
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    An Humble declaration of the apprentices and other young men of the city of London who were petitioners for peace shewing the causes of their petitioning and the passages concerning it : together with a true copy of their petition as it was delivered to both Houses of Parliament disclaiming those in print which were with out their knowledge.
  • 43172
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    An Hvmble petition and remonstrance presented unto both the High and Honourable Houses of Parliament concerning the insupportable grievance of the farthing tokens.
  • 43173
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    An honest ansvver to the late published apologie for private preaching wherein is justly refuted their mad forms of doctrine, as, preaching in a tub, teaching against the backe of a chaire, instructing at a tables end, revealing in a basket, exhorting over a buttery hatch, reforming on a bed side : with an objection to their common plea of divine inspiration, directly, without passion, proving th
  • 43174
    Book Info
    An honest answer to the late published apologie for private preaching. Wherein, is justly refuted their mad forms of doctrine: (as.) preaching in a tub. Teaching against the backe of a chaire. Instructing at a tables end. Revealing in a basket. Exhorting over a buttery hatch. Reforming on a bed side. With an objection to their common plea of divine
  • 43175
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    An honest letetr [sic] to a doubtful friend about the rifling of the twentieth part of his estate
  • 43176
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    An honest letter to a doubtfull friend about the rifling of the twentieth part of his estate.
  • 43177
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    An honest letter to a doubtfull friend about the rifling of the twentieth part of his estate.
  • 43178
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    An humble desired union betweene prerogative and priviledge shewing, that if one draw too hard one way, and the other another, the whole common-wealth must be in danger to be pull'd in sunder.
  • 43179
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    An humble desired union betweene prerogative and priviledge. Shewing, that if one draw too hard one way, and the other another, the whole common-wealth must be in danger to be pull'd in sunder.
  • 43180
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    An humble petition for accomodation presented to the Kings most Excellent Majesty, at Oxford, on Sunday the eleventh of this instant December / from the gentry and commonalty of the countie of Yorke, and other adjoying counties; declaring their earnest desire to have peace concluded, and a happy agreement, betweene the King and Parliament.