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총 45,717건 중 43,321 - 43,340건 출력
  • 43321
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    His Maiesties speech to the knights, gentlemen, and freeholders of the county of Lincoln, at Lincoln
  • 43322
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    His Maiesties two declarations, one to the knights, gentlemen, free-holders, and all other the inhabitants in the county of Yorke. The other to the Lords, and other His Maiesties Privie Councell, there attending His Maiesty: together with their promise thereupon by them subscribed. And published for the satisfying of all his loving subjects, and for the clearing of His Majesties resolution in th
  • 43323
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    His Maiesties two proclamations to the counties of Southampton and Dorset declaring his grace, favour, and pardon to the inhabitants of the said counties : given at his court at Reading, the 28 of November in the 18 yeer of his reign, 1642.
  • 43324
    Book Info
    His Maiesties two proclamations to the counties of Southampton and Dorset: declaring his grace, favour, and pardon to the inhabitants of the said counties. Given at his court at Reading, the 28 of November, in the 18 yeer of his reign. 1642. God save the king.
  • 43325
    Book Info
    His Maiesties two speeches one to the knights, gentelmen, and free-holders of the country of Nottingham, at Newarke; the other, to the knight, gentelmen, and Free-holders of the country of Lincolne, at Lincolne; with severall votes of both Houses of Parliament concerning the raising of an army, for the safety of the king, and both Houses of Parliament.|His Majesties two speeches
  • 43326
    Book Info
    His Maiesties two speeches one to the knights, gentlemen, and free-holders of the county of Nottingham at Newarke, the other to the knights, gentlemen, and free-holders of the county of Lincolne at Lincolne : with severall votes of both Houses of Parliament concerning the raising of an army, for the safety of the King, and both Houses of Parliament
  • 43327
    Book Info
    His Maiesties two speeches one to the knights, gentlemen, and freeholders of the county of Lincoln at Lincoln : whereunto is added votes concerning the raising of an army for the Northerne parts in defence of the King and Parliament under the command of the Earle of Essex, generall of the foot, and the Earle of Bedford, generall of the horse.
  • 43328
    Book Info
    His Maiesties two speeches, one to the knights, gentlemen and freeholders of the county of Nottingham at Newark, the other to the knights, gentlemen, and freeholders of the county of Lincoln whereunto is added His Majesties message to both Houses of Parliament of July 11, 1642.
  • 43329
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    His Maieties message to the House of Commons. From the court at Yorke the 13. of August, 1642.
  • 43330
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    His Majesties ansvver to the declaration of both Houses of Parliament, concerning the Commission of array: of the first of July, 1642.
  • 43331
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    His Majesties ansvver to the declaration of both Houses of Parliament, concerning the commission of array. Of the first of July, 1642.
  • 43332
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    His Majesties ansvver to the humble petition of the gentlemen, free-holders, and ministers of the countie palatine of Chester, delivered to His Maiestie at York the seventh of May, 1642. At the court at York 9 May 1642. His Maiestie hath given me expresse command to give you this his answer to your petition..
  • 43333
    Book Info
    His Majesties ansvver to the petition concerning the disbanding of his guard as also, his proclamation forbiding all His Majesties subjects belonging to the trained bands, or militia of this kingdom, to rise, march, muster, or exercise by vertue of any order or ordinance of one or both Houses of Parliament, without consent or warrent from His Majestie, upon paine of punishment according to the la
  • 43334
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    His Majesties answer by vvay of declaration to a printed paper, entitluled, A declaratin of both Houses of Parliament, in answer to His Majesties last message concerning the militia
  • 43335
    Book Info
    His Majesties answer by way of declaration to a paper entituled A declaration of both Houses of Parliament in answer to His Majesties last message concerning the militia.
  • 43336
    Book Info
    His Majesties answer by way of declaration to a printed paper intituled A declaration of both Houses of Parliament in answer to His Majesties last message concerning the militia.
  • 43337
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    His Majesties answer to a book, entituled, The declaration or remonstrance of the Lords and Commons of the 19th of May, 1642
  • 43338
    Book Info
    His Majesties answer to a book, entituled, The declaration, or remonstrance of the Lords and Commons, of the 19th of May, 1642.
  • 43339
    Book Info
    His Majesties answer to a book, intituled, The declaration, or remonstrance of the Lords and Commons, the 19 of May, 1642.
  • 43340
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    His Majesties answer to a message sent to him by the House of Commons, concerning licences granted by him to persons to go into Ireland.