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총 45,717건 중 43,381 - 43,400건 출력
  • 43381
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    His Majesties declaration and propositions to the major, aldermen, and jnhabitants of Coventry concerning the delivering up the said city to His Majesties propositions.
  • 43382
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    His Majesties declaration and propositions; to the major, aldermen, and inhabitants of Coventry concerning the delivering up the said city to to [sic] his Majesty. Likewise the answer of the major, and aldermen of the said city, to his Majesties propositions.
  • 43383
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    His Majesties declaration concerning leavies
  • 43384
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    His Majesties declaration concerning leavies
  • 43385
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    His Majesties declaration concerning leavies Charles R. ...
  • 43386
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    His Majesties declaration concerning leavies. Charles R. Our expresse pleasure is, that this our declaration be published in all churches and chappells within the kingdom of England and dominion of Wales, by the parsons, vicars or curates of the same.
  • 43387
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    His Majesties declaration for the relief of the poor miners within the county of Derby
  • 43388
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    His Majesties declaration in answer to a declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the raising of all power and force, as well trained bands as others in severall counties of this kingdom to lead against all traitors and their adherents &c.
  • 43389
    Book Info
    His Majesties declaration in answer to a declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament for the raysing of all power and force as well trained bands as others in severall counties of this kingdome to lead against all traytours and their adherents, &c.
  • 43390
    Book Info
    His Majesties declaration in answer to a declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parlianent [sic] for the raising of all power and force, as well trained bands as others, in severall counties of this kingdome, to lead against all traitors and their adherents, &c.
  • 43391
    Book Info
    His Majesties declaration to all His loving subjects, occasioned by a false and scandalous imputation laid upon His Majestie, of an intention of raising or leavying war against his Parliament, and of having raised force to that end Also, His Majesties declaration and profession, together with that of the Lords and others of his councell there prese
  • 43392
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    His Majesties declaration to all his loving subjects after his late victory against the rebels on Sunday the 23 of October together with a relation of the battell lately fought betweene Keynton and Edge-hill by His Majesties armie and that of the rebels : with other successes of His Majesties armie happening since.
  • 43393
    Book Info
    His Majesties declaration to all his loving subjects after his late victory against the rebels on Sunday the 23 of October together with a relation of the battell lately fought betweene Keynton and Edge-hill by His Majesties armie and that of the rebels : with other successes of His Majesties armie happening since.
  • 43394
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    His Majesties declaration to all his loving subjects concerning the proceedings of this present Parliament. Wherein is set forth the piety of His Majesties endeavours to promote the happinesse of His people, Together with the practises and misunderstandings, by which it hath been disappointed
  • 43395
    Book Info
    His Majesties declaration to all his loving subjects occasioned by a false and scandalous imputation bid upon His Majestie of an intention of raysing or leavying war against his Parliament, and of having raysed force to that end also His Majesties declaration and profession, together with that of the Lords and others of his councell there present, disavowing any preparations or intentions of levy
  • 43396
    Book Info
    His Majesties declaration to all his loving subjects occasioned by a false and scandalous imputation laid upon His Majestie, of an intention of raising or leavying war against his Parliament, and of having raised force to that end / published at his court at York, the 16. day of June, 1642 : with His Majesties declaration and profession, disavowing any preparations or intentions in him, to leavy
  • 43397
    Book Info
    His Majesties declaration to all his loving subjects occasioned by a false and scandalous imputation laid upon His Majesty of an intention of raising or leavying war against his Parliament and of having raised force to that end also His Majesties declaration and profession together with that of the Lords and others of his councell there present, disavowing any preparations or intentions of leavyi
  • 43398
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    His Majesties declaration to all his loving subjects of August 12 1642
  • 43399
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    His Majesties declaration to all his loving subjects of the 12 of August 1642
  • 43400
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    His Majesties declaration to all his loving subjects upon occasion of the late ordinance and declaration of the Lords and Commons for the assessing all such who have not contributed sufficiently for raising of money, plate &c.