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총 45,717건 중 43,641 - 43,660건 출력
  • 43641
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    The Humble petition of the commons of Kent, agreed upon at their generall assizes, presented to His Majestie the first of August, 1642 with certaine instructions from the county of Kent, to Mr. Augustine Skinner, whereby the desires of the said county may be presented by him to the honourable House of Commons : with His Majesties answer ... this fo
  • 43642
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    The Humble petition of the county of Cornwall to the Kings Most Excellent Majestie subscribed by above seven thousand hands : with His Majesties answer thereunto : whereunto is added the oaths of allegiance and supremacie.
  • 43643
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    The Humble petition of the gentry and commons of the county of York presented to His Majesty, April 22, 1642 : and His Majesties message sent to the Parliament, April 24, 1642, concerning Sir John Hothams refusall to give His Majesty entrance into Hull : with the Parliaments resolves concerning the said Sir John Hotham : as also a declaration from
  • 43644
    Book Info
    The Humble petition of the gentry and commons of the county of York, presented to His Majestie at York, April 22, 1642 and His Majesties message sent to the Parliament, April 24, 1642 : concerning Sir Iohn Hothams refusall to give His Majestie entrance into Hull.
  • 43645
    Book Info
    The Humble petition of the gentry and commons of the county of York, presented to His Majestie at York, April 22, 1642 and His Majesties message sent to the Parliament, April 24, 1642 : concerning Sir Iohn Hothams refusall to give His Majestie entrance into Hull.
  • 43646
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    The Humble petition of the gentry and commons of the county of Yorke, presented to His Majestie at Yorke, April 22. 1642. And His Majesties message sent to the Parliament April 24. 1642. Concerning Sir John Hothams refusall to give him entrance into Hull. Whereunto is annexed, His Majesties answer to the petition of the Lords and Commons in Parliament, concerning his message lately sent to them, d
  • 43647
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    The Humble petition of the gentry and inhabitants of Holdernes with His Majesties answer, July 6, 1642.
  • 43648
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    The Humble petition of the gentry and inhabitants of Holdernes: with His Majesties answer July 6. 1642.
  • 43649
    Book Info
    The Humble petition of the gentry ministers, and freeholders of the county of Yorke assembled at the assizes there holden : presented to His Majesty the 5. of April 1642 ; together with His Majesties speech at the presenting thereof, and his gracious answer thereunto.
  • 43650
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    The Humble petition of the gentry, ministers, and commonalty of the Barony of Kendall in the county of Westmerland, who have subscribed hereunto wherein they set forth their readinesse to maintain and defend His Majesties Royall Person, honour, and estate, and according to their protestation, the power and priviledge of Parliaments, the lawfull rig
  • 43651
    Book Info
    The Humble petition of the gentry, ministers, and freeholders of the county of York assembled at the assizes there holden presented to His Majesty, April 5, 1642 : together with His Majesties speech at the presenting thereof : and his gracious answer thereunto.
  • 43652
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    The Humble petition of the inhabitants of the county of Essex to His Majesty with His Maiesties gracious answer thereunto : also, the petition presented by the inhabitants of the afore said county to both houses of Parliament.
  • 43653
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    The Humble petition of the inhabitants of the county of Oxford to His Majesty, with His Maiesties answer thereunto
  • 43654
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    The Humble petition of the inhabitants of the covnty of Essex to His Majesty with His Maiesties gracious answer thereunto : also the petition presented by the inhabitants of the aforesaid county to both Houses of Parliament.
  • 43655
    Book Info
    The Humble petition of the knights, esquires, ministers, gentlemen and free-holders in the countie Palatine of Lancaster presented May 2, 1642 : with His Maiesties tter [sic] to the major of Kingston upon Hull, 23 of April 64 [sic].
  • 43656
    Book Info
    The Humble petition of the knights, ivstices of the peace, gentlemen, ministers, free-holders and others of the countie of Cornwall being the true copie of the agrievances of the said whole countie as it was delivered April the 22, 1642 to the House of Commons by some thereunto appointed.
  • 43657
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    The Humble petition of the vvretched and most contemptible the poore Commons of England to the blessed Elizabeth of famous memory : also a most gratious answer with a divine admonition and propheticall conclusion.
  • 43658
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    The Hvmble petition and remonstrance of divers citizens and other inhabitants of the city of London and borrough of Southwarke who lately presented their humle [sic] petition to the honourable Houses of Parliament for an accommodation of peace : as also the humble remonstrance of the said petitioners of the greate abuses and outrages committed upon divers of those persons who peaceably endeavoure
  • 43659
    Book Info
    The Hvmble petition of divers baronets, knights, esquires, gentlemen, clergy, and freeholders of the covnty of Lincolne to the right honorable the House of Commons now in the high court of Parliament assembled : with a letter sent to Master Speaker from the knights, esquiers, gentry, and freeholders of the same county ; for the presenting of their petition to the honourable House of Commons now i
  • 43660
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    The Hvmble petition of the Scottish and many others the inhabitants of the Province of Ulster in the Kingdome of Ireland to the right reverend and right honorable the moderator and remnant members of the Generall Assembly of Scotland conveened at S. Andrews in July, 1642.