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총 44,230건 중 43,681 - 43,700건 출력
  • 43681
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    An humble supplicacion vnto God for the restoring of hys holye woorde, vnto the churche of Englande, mooste mete to be sayde in these oure dayes, euen with teares of euery true [and] faythfull English harte.
  • 43682
    Book Info
    An humble supplicacion vnto God for the restoring of hys holye woorde, vnto the churche of Englande, mooste mete to be sayde in these oure dayes, euen with teares of euery true [and] faythfull English harte.
  • 43683
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    Here after foloweth a litle booke called Colyn Clout compiled by master Skelton Poete Laureate
  • 43684
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    Here after foloweth a litle booke, of Phillyp Sparow, compiled by Mayster Skeltõ poete laureate..
  • 43685
    Book Info
    Here after foloweth a litle booke, of Phillyp Sparow, compiled by Mayster Skelto[n] poete laureate
  • 43686
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    Here after foloweth a litle booke, whiche hath to name whi come ye nat to courte compiled by mayster Skelto[n] poete Laureate.
  • 43687
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    Here after foloweth a litle booke, whiche hath to name whi come ye not to courte, compiled by mayster Skelto[n] Poete Laureate
  • 43688
    Book Info
    Here after foloweth certaine bokes co[m]pyled by mayster Skelto[n], Poet Laureat whose names here after shall appere. Speake parot The death of the noble prynce Kynge Edwarde the fourth. A treatyse of the Scottes. Ware the hawke. The tunnynge of Elynoure Rummyng.
  • 43689
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    Here begynneth the boke of knowledge of thynges vnknowen aperteynynge to astronomye with certayne necessarye rules, and certayne speres contaynyng herein compyled by Godfridus super Palladum de agricultura Anglicatum.
  • 43690
    Book Info
    Here begynneth the nature, and dysposycyon of the dayes in the weke, and sheweth what the thondre in euery moneth in the yere, chaunsynge, doth protende and sygnyfye with the course and dysposycyon, of the dayes of the moone: whiche be good, and whiche be badde: after the influentes of the moone, drawen out of a laten boke of Aristotiles de Astroni
  • 43691
    Book Info
    Here begynneth the nature, and dysposycyon of the dayes in the weke, and sheweth what the thondre in euery moneth in the yere, chaunsynge, doth protende and sygnyfye with the course and dysposycyon, of the dayes of the moone: whiche be good, and whiche be badde: after the influentes of the moone, drawen out of a laten boke of Aristotiles de Astronimis.
  • 43692
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    Here foloweth a compẽdyous regyment or a dyetary of helth, made in Moũtpylior compyled by Andrewe Boorde ...
  • 43693
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    Here foloweth a compedyous regyment or a dyetary of helth, made in Moutpylior compyled by Andrewe Boorde ...
  • 43694
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    Here foloweth thre practyses, nowe vsed at Mountpyller, by mon syre Emery. a romayne borne in Rome, a doctoure in astronomye [et] phesyke and other doth practyse the same, fyrste an oyle, or onement, and a powder, and the. iii. a water, for many infyrmytes and deseases for the health of the body.
  • 43695
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    Here in this booke ye haue a godly epistle made by a faithful Christian A comunication betwene Feckna and the Lady Iane Dudley. A letter that she wrote to her syster Lady Katherin. The ende of the Ladye Iane vpon the scaffolde. Ye shal haue also herein a godly prayer made by maister Iohn Knokes.
  • 43696
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    The historie of Wyates rebellion with the order and maner of resisting the same, wherunto in the ende is added an earnest conference with the degenerate and sedicious rebelles for the serche of the cause of their daily disorder. Made and compyled by John Proctor.
  • 43697
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    The historie of graunde Amoure and la bell Pucel, called the Pastime of plesure co[n]teining the knowledge of the seue[n] sciences, [and] the course of mans life in this worlde. Iuuented [sic] by Stephen Hawes, grome of kyng Henry the seuenth his chamber.
  • 43698
    Book Info
    The humble and vnfained confessio[n] of the belefe of certain poore banished men grounded vpon the holy scriptures of God, and vpo[n] the articles of that vndefiled and onlye vndoubted true Christian faith, which the holy Catholicke (that is to say vniuersal) Churche of Christ professeth. Specially concerning, not only the worde of God, and the min
  • 43699
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    An homelie of Saint John Chrysostom vpon that saiyng of Saint Paul, Brethren, I wold not haue you ignorant, what is to becom of those that slepe, to the end ye lament not, &c. with also a discourse vpon Job, and Abraham / newely made out of Greke into Latin by master Cheke ; and Englished by Tho. Chaloner.
  • 43700
    Book Info
    Here beginnith a litel treatise conteyninge the iugeme[n]t of vrynes most necessary for al such as be desirouse to knowe the state of their owne bodys or be wylling to helpe theyr frindes, wrytyn in the latyn tong by John Vasse and englished by Humfre Lloyd at the request of the Right Honorable the Lord Stafforde.