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총 44,230건 중 43,901 - 43,920건 출력
  • 43901
    Book Info
    Hore beate Marie virginis ad vsum insignis ac preclare ecclesie Sarum/ tota fiter ad longum sine require. Cum pluribus suffragiis & orationibus/.
  • 43902
    Book Info
    Hore beate marie virginis ad vsum Sa[rum] rece[n]tissime impresse necno[n] emendate secundu[m] exemplar Parrisius
  • 43903
    Book Info
    Hynorum cum notis opusculum, ad vsum Sa[rum] diurno seruitio, per totu[m] annu[m] apprime necessariu[m]: plurimis eliminatis me[n]dis, impressum.|Breviary. Hymns (Salisbury)|Hymnorum
  • 43904
    Book Info
    Here Begynneth a Lytel Treatyse Called the Cotrauerse Bytwene a Louer and a Iaye Lately Compyled
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  • 43905
    Book Info
    Here begynneth a lytel treatyse called the co[n]traverse bytwene a louer and a jaye lately compyled.|Contraverse bytwene a louer and a jaye|Controversy between a lover and a jay
  • 43906
    Book Info
    Here begynneth the boke of Iohan Bochas, discryuing the fall of pri[n]ces, princesses, and other nobles: translated into Englysshe by Iohn Lydgate monke of Bury, begynnyng at Adam and Eue, and endyng with kyng Iohan of Fraunce, taken prisoner at Poyters by prince Edwarde
  • 43907
    Book Info
    Hore Beatissime virginis Marie ad legitimu[m] Sarisburie[n]sis Ecclesie ritum cum quindecim orationib[us] beate Brigitte, ac multis alijs orationib[us] pulcherrimis, et indulgentiis, cum tabula aptissima iam vltimo adiectis. 1527.
  • 43908
    Book Info
    Hore Beatissime virginis Marie ad legitimum Sarisburie[n]sis Ecclesie ritum cum quindecim orationibus beate Brigitte, ac multis alijs orationib[us] pulcherrimis, et indulgentiis, cum tabula aptissima iam vltimo adiectis. 1527.
  • 43909
    Book Info
    Hore beatissime v[ir]ginis Marie ad veru[m] Sarisburie[n]sis ecclesie ritu[m] cu[m] q[ui]ndeci[m] or[ati]onibus b[ea]te Brigitte et plecisq[ue] alijs. Acuti index in calce earundum annexus edocet.
  • 43910
    Book Info
    Hore beatissime virginis Marie ad legitimu[m] Sarisburie[n]sis Ecclesie ritum cum quindecim orationib[us] beate Brigitte, ac multis alijs orationib[us] pulcherrimis, et indulgentiis, cum tabula aptissima iam vltimo adiectis.
  • 43911
    Book Info
    Hore beatissime virginis Marie ad legitimus Sariburiesis ecclesie ritum cum quindecim orationub[us] beate brigitte ac multis alijs orationib[us] pulcherrimis et indulgentiis cum tabula aptissima iam vltimo adiectis. 1527.
  • 43912
    Book Info
    Here begynneth a deuout treatyse in Englysshe, called the Pylgrimage of perfection very p[ro]fitable for all christen people to rede: and in especiall, to all relygious p[er]sons moche necessary.
  • 43913
    Book Info
    Here begynneth a deuout treatyse in Englysshe, called the Pylgrimage of perfection very p[ro]fitable for all christen people to rede: and in especiall, to all relygious p[er]sons moche necessary.
  • 43914
    Book Info
    Here begynneth a lytell treatyse in Englysshe, called the extripacion [sic] of ignorancy and it treateth and speketh of the ignorance of people, shewyng them howe they are bounde to feare god, to loue god, and to honour their prince. Which treatise is lately compyled by sir Paule Busshe preest, and bonhome of Edyndon: and dedicate vnto the yong and
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 43915
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    Here begynneth a newe boke of medecynes intytulyd or callyd the Treasure of pore men whiche sheweth many dyuerse good medecines for dyuerse certayn dysseases as in the table of this present boke more playnly shall appere. The boke of medecines.
  • 43916
    Book Info
    Here begynneth a newe marer [sic], ye whiche sheweth and treateth of ye vertues [and] propertes of herbes, the whiche is called an herball Cum priuilegio.
  • 43917
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    Here begynneth the boke of C[a]nterbury tales dilygently [and] truely corrected, an[d] newly printed.
  • 43918
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    Here begynneth the boke of Troylus and Creseyde newly printed by a trewe copye.
  • 43919
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    Here begynneth the boke of fame, made by Geffray Chaucer: with dyuers other of his workes
  • 43920
    Book Info
    Here begynneth the seynge of urynes, of all the coloures that urynes be of with medycynes annexed to euery uryne, [and] euery uryne his urynall moche profytable for euery man to knowe. Cum gracia [sic] et priuilegio a rege indulto.