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총 9,555건 중 8,781 - 8,800건 출력
  • 8781
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    Knaves and fooles in folio. Discovered, and then advised, that once at the last they will grow both wise and honest. Or, a meanes to undeceive, and so to beget a right understanding and judgement throughout the three kingdomes, hitherto deluded by the aforesaids. Dedicated with all respectivenesse both for discovery and caution against the aforesai
  • 8782
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    The Kentish fayre· Or, The Parliament sold to their best worth. ...
  • 8783
    Book Info
    The Kentish petition to the Honourable, the Commons now sitting in Parliament: the humble petition of diverse well-affected in the county of Kent, the city and county of Canterbury, together with the Cinque Ports, in the behalfe of themselves and others.
  • 8784
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    The Kentjsh petjtjon set forth, by that divine spirit which God hath given to mee James Hunt, and dedicated unto all those which do love God and the truth.|Kentish petition
  • 8785
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    The Kingdomes briefe answer to the late declaration of the House of Commons, Feb. 11, 1647 touching the reasons of their no further addresses to the King.
  • 8786
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    The Kingdomes humble remonstrance and petition, to both Houses of Parliament, assembled at VVestminster.
  • 8787
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    The Kings Maiesties last speech in the Isle of Weight [sic]. Concerning a hot game to bee plaid in the moneth of May; and a declaration of his Majesties proceedings at Carisbrooke castle, touching the present affairs of the kingdom of England. With an exact relation of the last fight, betwixt the Parliaments forces, and Col. Poyer, and the number o
  • 8788
    Book Info
    The Kings Maiesties resolution and intention concerning his loyal subjects that have subscribed to his coming into London, there to have a personall treaty with both Houses of Parliament, for the setling a true and lasting peace in the Kingdom of England and Dominion of Wales. Also, the petition of the Common-councell of London, and the Houses answ
  • 8789
    Book Info
    The Kings Maiestjes most gracious speech, declaring his desires for the speedy performance of a personall treaty with both his Honorable Houses of Parliament, for the establishing a true and happy peace betwixt his loyall subjects of England and Scotland, &c. Also, the Parliaments message to his Excelent Majesty, to have a treaty immediatly, with h
  • 8790
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    The Kings Majesties answer to the paper delivered in by the reverend divines attending the honourable commissioners concerning church-government
  • 8791
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    The Kings Majesties answer to the paper delivered in by the reverend divines attending the honourable commissioners concerning church-government. Published by Authority.
  • 8792
    Book Info
    The Kings Majesties answer to the paper delivered in by the reverend divines attending the honourable commissioners concerning church-government. Published by authority.
  • 8793
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    The Kings Majesties declaration for peace, to all his subjects of England, to be published and obeyed throughout the Kingdom, by all judges, justices of the peace, mayors, sheriffs, constables, and all other His Majesties liege people, to the great terrour of those who object against the treaty. Published by authority. Also, the Scots declaration t
  • 8794
    Book Info
    The Kings Majesties declaration from Carisbrook Castle in the Isle of Wight, to all his loyall and faithfull subjects within his realms and dominions, concerning a personal treaty with his two houses of Parliament at VVestminster; as also, concerning the Scots who have entred England, and his desire to sacrifice all but conscience and honour, to settle the peace and unity of his distressed people
  • 8795
    Book Info
    The Kings Majesties joyfull letter to the City of London, read in the Honourable House of Commons, concerning his subjects of England; with his gracious letter, and earnest desires, to the House of Peers, concerning his subjects of Scotland; and their answer and proceedings thereupon: as also, their propositions to the Scottish nation, touching the
  • 8796
    Book Info
    The Kings Majesties last propositions to his subjects of England concerning all his liege people within these bleeding and distracted kingdoms. And his gracious message to both Houses, delivered in the presence chamber to Sir Peter Killegrey being joyful tydings for the citizen of London. Also joyfull news from the sea, and the design of the water men to fight for King Charles. With exceeding goo
  • 8797
    Book Info
    The Kings Majesties letter to his son the Prince of Wales, concerning the navy, and his subjects of England and his propositions and desires to the commissioners of both Houses of Parliament, touching the generall good of all his subjects : and an act to be to be [sic] passed, published, and read in all the parish-churches of His Majesties realms a
  • 8798
    Book Info
    The Kings Majesties letter to his son the Prince of Wales, concerning the navy, and his subjects of England. And his propositions and desires to the commissioners of both Houses of Parliament, touching the generall good of all his subjects. And an act to be to be [sic] passed, published, and read in all the parish churches of His Majesties realms a
  • 8799
    Book Info
    The Kings Majesties letter to the Queen; concerning the differences betwixt the English and the Scots, and the great distractions within the city of London; together with His Majesties promise to his consort the Queene. Wherein is discovered the late proceedings of the King, touching the French Army, and their designe. With certain proposals to the
  • 8800
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    The Kings Majesties message and demands to Lieutenant Generall Cromwell, concerning the performance of the armies promise, touching the re-investing of his Royall Person, and making him the most glorious Prince in Christendom; as also, concernong a treaty with the Lord Generall Farifax, and Lieutenant Gen. Cromwell, in order to a setled peace throu