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총 9,555건 중 8,801 - 8,820건 출력
  • 8801
    Book Info
    The Kings Majesties message to His Highnesse the Prince of VVales. Concerning the Lord Generall Fairfax, and the Army; and his propositions and desires therein, to be communicated to the Right Honorable the Earl of VVarwick, Lord high Admirall of England. Dated from Hurst Castle, the 6. of December, 1648. Also, His Majesties letter to the Parliamen
  • 8802
    Book Info
    The Kings Majesties message, brought by Captain Titus to the Parliament on Munday October 2. 1648. of the concessions of the treaty: delivered to the Parliaments commissioners at New-port, Septemb. 29. And being by them refused, was sent by His Majesty to his two Houses of Parliament at Westminster, and read in both Houses, Octob. 2. 1648 and the a
  • 8803
    Book Info
    The Kings Majesties prophecie concerning the Army, and his severall predictions, touching the great change and alterations that will befall them, in the ensuing year, 1649. With His Majesties desires thereupon. Also, a declaration of the Royall Party at VVinsor; the solemn engagement and protestation of the northern counties, concerning the King an
  • 8804
    Book Info
    The Kings Majesties speech at Carisbrook castle upon Thursday last, concerning his highness the Prince of Wales, the city of London, and the Scots and his resolution touching the said city. Also a letter form the Royalists of the city of London, to the kingdom of Scotland, concerning their raising of forces for the King, and their resolution touchi
  • 8805
    Book Info
    The Kings Majesties speech delivered to the commissioners from the Parliament. Also collections of severall papers of the transactions of the treaty. And a journall of some passages of overtures by the Kings Majesty and the commissioners. Brought by a messenger from the Isle of Wyght yesterday, being Wednesday 20 Septemb. 1648.
  • 8806
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    The Kings declaration to all his subjects of whatsoever nation, quality, or condition
  • 8807
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    The Kings declaration to all his subjects of whatsoever nation, quality, or condition. Published by his Majesties speciall command.
  • 8808
    Book Info
    The Kings declaration to all his subjects, of whatsoever nation, quality, or condition. Published by His Majesties speciall command.
  • 8809
    Book Info
    The Kings declaration: to all his subjects, of whatsoever nation, quality, or condition.
  • 8810
    Book Info
    The Kings most gracious concessions delivered to the commissioners at Newport, and debated there, Septemb. 29. And sent by His Majesty to his two Houses of Parliament at Westminster, and read there, Octob. 2. 1648.
  • 8811
    Book Info
    The Kings most gracious messages for peace and a personal treaty published for his peoples satisfaction, that they may see and judge, whether the foundation of the Commons declaration, touching their votes of no farther addresse to the King, viz His Majesties aversenesse to peace, be just rationall and religious.
  • 8812
    Book Info
    The Kings most gracious messages for peace, and a personal treaty. Published for his peoples satisfaction, that they may see and judge, whether the foundation of the Commons declaration, touching their votes of no farther addresse to the King, (viz. His Majesties aversenesse to peace) be just, rationall and religious.
  • 8813
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    The kingdomes briefe answer, to the late declaration of the House of Commons, Feb. 11. 1647. Touching the reasons of their no further addresses to the King.
  • 8814
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    The kingdomes faithfull and impartiall scout ...
  • 8815
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    The kingdomes faithfull and impartiall scout ... [Issue 2]
  • 8816
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    The kingdomes faithfull and impartiall scout ... [Issue 3]
  • 8817
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    The kingdomes faithfull and impartiall scout ... [Issue 4]
  • 8818
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    The kingdomes vveekly intelligencer sent abroad to prevent mis-information. [Issue 241]
  • 8819
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    The kingdomes vveekly intelligencer sent abroad to prevent mis-information. [Issue 242]
  • 8820
    Book Info
    The kingdomes vveekly intelligencer sent abroad to prevent mis-information. [Issue 243]