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총 9,355건 중 9,061 - 9,080건 출력
  • 9061
    Book Info
    The King of Denmark, the King of France, the King of Spain, the states of Vevice [sic] navies on the seas intended for England with the cause of their coming, and their intents : as also the just number of all their navies, and the souldiers with them, and where each navie lyes : likewise, the Danes and Italians resolution concerning His Majesty : and the names of the captains of each navie, Capt
  • 9062
    Book Info
    The King of Denmarks resolution concerning Charles King of Great Brittain wherin is declared his determination for the setting forth of a fleet towards England, wherein the Lord Digbie, M. Piercy, and Secretary Windebank are present, being now ready to lance forth. Read in the audience of both Houses of Parliament. June 29. With the copy of a lette
  • 9063
    Book Info
    The King of Denmarks resolvtion concerning Charles, King of Great Britain wherin is declared his determination for the setting forth of a fleet towards England, wherein the Lord Digbie, M. Piercy and Secretary Windebank are present being now ready to lance forth : read in the audience of both Houses of Parliament, June 29 : with the copy of a letter which was read in the Dutch church on Sunday la
  • 9064
    Book Info
    The King of France his message to the Queene of England: presented to Her Majesty by Colonell Goring, at the Hague in Holland, in answer to her letter sent to the French King at Paris by the foresaid Colonell Goring. Wherein is declared what forces are raising in Flanders, Artoys, Normandy and S. Mallo, for the assistance of the malignant party aga
  • 9065
    Book Info
    The King of France, his message to the Queene of England: presented to Her Majesty by Colonell Goring, at the Hague in Holland, in answer to her letter sent to the French King at Paris by the foresaid Colonell Goring. Wherein is declared what forces are raising in Flanders, Artoys, Normandy, and S. Mallo, for the assistance of the malignant party against the Parliament in England: / the copie whe
  • 9066
    Book Info
    The King of France, his message to the Queene of England: presented to Her Majesty by Colonell Goring, at the Hague in Holland, in answer to her letter sent to the French King at Paris by the foresaid Colonell Goring. Wherein is declared what forces are raising in Flanders, Artoys, Normandy, and S. Mallo, for the assistance of the malignant party against the Parliament in England: / the copie whe
  • 9067
    Book Info
    The King on his throne: or A discourse maintaining the dignity of a king, the duty of a subject, and the unlawfulnesse of rebellion. Delivered in two sermons preached in the Cathedrall Church in York. By R.M. Master in Arts, Coll. S. Pet. Cant.
  • 9068
    Book Info
    The Kings Maiesties alarum for open war declared by his setting up his standard at Dunsmare-heath also his affront at the city of Coventry by denying him entrance into the city : and his resolution thereupon to plant ordnance against it and batter down the city and all other cities
  • 9069
    Book Info
    The Kings Maiesties answer to the Parliaments replication and his resolution concerning their refusall to deliver up Hvll also the Parliaments declaration, ordered to be printed and published for the satisfaction to the whole kingdome : together with the determination of the Houses of Yarliament [sic], for the security of the Ile of Wight and their order concerning the Earl of Portland governour
  • 9070
    Book Info
    The Kings Maiesties answer to the Parlinments [sic] replication, and his resolution concerning their refusall to deliver up Hull, also the Parliaments declaration, ordered to be printed and published for the satisfaction to the whole kingdome. Together with the determination of the Houses of Yarliament [sic], for the security of the Ile of Wight, a
  • 9071
    Book Info
    The Kings Maiesties answer to the petition of the House of Commons sent on Saturday last, the nine and twentieth of this instant Jan. 1642.
  • 9072
    Book Info
    The Kings Maiesties answer to the petition of the House of Commons, sent on Saturday last, the nine and twentieth of this instant Jan. 1642.
  • 9073
    Book Info
    The Kings Maiesties answer to the petition of the House of Commons, sent on Saturday last, the nine and twentieth of this instant January, 1642.
  • 9074
    Book Info
    The Kings Maiesties answer to the petition of the House of Commons, sent on Saturday last, the nine and twentieth of this instant January, 1642.
  • 9075
    Book Info
    The Kings Maiesties answer to the petition of the House of Commons, sent on Saturday last, the nine and twentieth of this instant January, 1642.
  • 9076
    Book Info
    The Kings Maiesties charge sent to all the judges of England
  • 9077
    Book Info
    The Kings Maiesties charge sent to all the judges of England, to be published in their respective circuits, by His Maiesties speciall command.
  • 9078
    Book Info
    The Kings Maiesties declaration to both houses of Parliament (which he likewise recommends to the consideration of all his loving subjects) in answer to that declaration presented to him by both Houses of Parliament at Newmarket, the 9th of March, 1641.
  • 9079
    Book Info
    The Kings Maiesties demands and propositions propounded to the lords, knights and gentlemen of Staffordshire and neer adioyning counties of South-Wales, at Vxeter in Staffordshire, on Monday the 19 of September : with their iudicious answer to the said propositions : also a true information of His Majesties proceedings since his arrivall in those p
  • 9080
    Book Info
    The Kings Maiesties demands and propositions propounded to the lords, knights and gentlemen of Staffordshire, and neer adioyning counties of South-Wales, at Vxeter in Staffordshire, on Monday the 19. of September. With their iudicious answer to the said propositions. Also a true information of His Majesties proceedings since his arrivall in those p