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총 9,355건 중 9,101 - 9,120건 출력
  • 9101
    Book Info
    The Kings Maiesties speech, as it was delivered the second of November before the vniversity and city of Oxford together with a gratulatory replication expressed by that learned man Doctor William Strode, orator for the famou [sic] Vniversity of Oxford.
  • 9102
    Book Info
    The Kings Maiesties speech, as it was delivered the second of November before the vniversity and city of Oxford. Together with a gratulatory replication expressed by that learned man Doctor William Strode, orator for the famou [sic] Vniversity of Oxford.
  • 9103
    Book Info
    The Kings Maiesties speech, made in the House of Peers, before he passed the bill against the Earl of Strafford: May the 1. 1641. And the Earl of Straffords letter to His Majestie dated from the Tower, May the 4. 1641. concerning the said speech
  • 9104
    Book Info
    The Kings Majesties alarum for open war, declared by his setting up his standard at Dunsmare-Heath. Also his affront at the city of Coventry, by denying him entrance into the city, and his resolution thereupon, to plant ordnance against it, and batter down the city, and all other cities and townes that shall deny his admittance. And his command to
  • 9105
    Book Info
    The Kings Majesties answer or, foure propositions propounded to the Eatle [sic] of Holland, Sir Philip Stapleton, and Sir John Holland. Which propositions was presented to both Houses of Parliament on Saturday last, being the 23. of Iuly, 1642. In behalfe of all the Lords and Commons of England. Likewise the Parliaments censure of the nine Lords no
  • 9106
    Book Info
    The Kings Majesties answer to the petition of the House of Commons, sent on Saturday last, the nine and twentieth of this instant January, 1642
  • 9107
    Book Info
    The Kings Majesties answer to the petition of the House of Commons, sent on Saturday last, the nine and twentieth of this instant January, 1642.
  • 9108
    Book Info
    The Kings Majesties answer, or, Four propositions propounded to the Earle of Holland, Sir Philip Stapleton, and Sir John Holland which propositions was presented to both Houses of Parliament on Saturday last being the 23. of Iuly, 1642 : in behalfe of all the Lords and Commons of England : likewise the Parliaments censure of the nine Lords now resident in the north, Iuly 20, 1642 : namely, the Ea
  • 9109
    Book Info
    The Kings Majesties demand of the House of Commons concerning those members who were accused of high treason, Jan. 4 1641 with Mr. Speakers reply unto the said demand : also the occasion of His Majesties comming to Guild-Hall on Wednesday with the conference betweene His Majesty and the lord major [sic] cooncerning these present tumults in the citie : with His Maiesties speech in Guild-Hall to th
  • 9110
    Book Info
    The Kings Majesties demand of the House of Commons concerning those members who were accused of high treason, Jan. 4 1641 with Mr. Speakers reply unto the said demand : also the occasion of His Majesties comming to Guild-Hall on Wednesday with the conference betweene His Majesty and the lord major [sic] cooncerning these present tumults in the citie : with His Maiesties speech in Guild-Hall to th
  • 9111
    Book Info
    The Kings Majesties demand of the House of Commons, concerning those members who were accused of high treason, Jan. 4. 1641. With Mr. Speakers reply unto the said demand. Also the occasion of his Majesties comming to Guild Hall on Wednesday, with the conference betweene his Majesty and the lord major, concerning these present tumults in the citie.
  • 9112
    Book Info
    The Kings Majesties desires and propositions to all his subjects in Scotland declaring his royall intentions and determination to all the Lords of His privie councell concerning this kingdome signed with his royall signet and now published by authority : likewise the resolution of the kingdome of Scotland to all His Majesties subjects in this nation declaring and manifesting their determination c
  • 9113
    Book Info
    The Kings Majesties desires and propositions to all his subjects in Scotland, declaring his royall intentions and determination to all the Lords of His Privie Councell, concerning this kingdome, signed with his royall signet, and now published by authority. Likewise the resolution of the kingdome of Scotland, to all His Majesties subjects in this n
  • 9114
    Book Info
    The Kings Majesties instructions unto the Earle of Northampton, the Lord Dunsmore, the high sheriff of the county of Warwick, and the rest of the commissioners. For putting the Commission of Array in execution, in the said county of Warwick.
  • 9115
    Book Info
    The Kings Majesties instructions vnto the Earle of Northampton, the Lord Dunsmore, the high sheriff of the county of Warwick and the rest of the commissioners for putting the Commission of Array in execution in the said county of Warwick.
  • 9116
    Book Info
    The Kings Majesties letter to the Lord Willoughby of Parham, Iune the fourth, with his lordships answer thereunto together with a letter sent by the Lord Willoughby to an honourable member of the Parliament : read at a conference between both Houses this eighth of Iune, 1642.
  • 9117
    Book Info
    The Kings Majesties message to the inhabitants of the city of Winchester concerning the late battaile also their answer to the aforesaid message : likewise a true relation of a famous victory obtained by the inhabitants of Manchester against the Lord Strange, forcing him to fly to Westchester where they have beseiged him and all his forces, they having kil'd above a thousand of his men, Decemb. 1
  • 9118
    Book Info
    The Kings Majesties resolution concerning the Parliaments last petition wherein is declared his determination concerning Hull and Sir John Hotham : together with his resolution to imploy those forces which are now encamped at Beverley against all those that shall stand for the defence of the said town of Hull, or the ordinance of Parliament concerning the militia : whereunto is annexed the Parlia
  • 9119
    Book Info
    The Kings articles and the Parliaments honour. Declaring how the Archbishop of Yorke, the Duke of Ireland, the Earle of Suffolke, and some false knights and justices, have seduced his Majestie by wicked counsell to make suddain warre against the Parliament. And how all the aforesaid persons were appealed of treason by the Dnke [sic] of Glocester, t
  • 9120
    Book Info
    The Kings articles and the Parliaments honovr declaring how the Archbishop of Yorke, the Duke of Ireland, the Earle of Suffolke, and some false knights and justices have seduced His Majeestie by wicked counsell to make suddain warre against the Parliament : and how all the aforesaid persons were appealed of treason by the Duke of Glocester, the Earle of VVarwicke, and others threatned to be all d