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총 9,555건 중 9,421 - 9,440건 출력
  • 9421
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    The king's request: or, Dauid's desire A sermon preached at the last generall fast holden at Yorke, the 21. of Aprill last. By Phinees Hodson Doctour of Diuinity, and Chancellour of the Metropoliticall Church of St. Peter-Yorke.
  • 9422
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    The knowledge of thinges vnknowne shewing the effects of the planets, and other astronomicall constellations, with the strange euents that befall men, women and children borne vnder them / compiled by Godfridus ... ; together with The husband-mans practise, or, Pronostication [sic] for ever, as teacheth Albert, Alkind, Haly, & Ptolome.
  • 9423
    Book Info
    The knowledge of thinges vnknowne shewing the effects of the planets, and other astronomicall constellations, with the strange euents that befall men, women and children borne vnder them / compiled by Godfridus ... ; together with The husband-mans practise, or, Pronostication [sic] for ever, as teacheth Albert, Alkind, Haly, & Ptolome.|Knowledge of thinges unknowne
  • 9424
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    Koureus apoxuros Id est, tonsor ad cutem rasus: qui forficulus, pectine, radulis, concha, odontagris, auriscalpiis, & humeralibus linteis onustus; ex Ingolstadiana tonstrina Britannos tondendi ergo emissus; sed ob inscitiam ipse eleganter novaculâ Britannicâ rasus, & pro tonsore hispido, misellus glabrio in eandem tonstrinam rem[i]ssus. Operâ A.R.
  • 9425
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    The key of historie. Or, A most methodicall abridgement of the foure chiefe monarchies, Babylon, Persia, Greece, and Rome Being a generall and compendious chronicle from the Flood. Digested into three bookes. Whereunto is added a marginall chronologie of euery Roman emperors raigne, and of all the most memorable persons and accidents. Together with
  • 9426
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    King Iames his encomium· Or A poeme, im memorie and commendation of the high and mightie monarch Iames; King of great Britaine. France, and Ireland &c. our late soveraigne, who deceased at Theobalds. vpon Sunday the 27. of March. 1625. By Francis Hamiltoun, of Silvertown-hill
  • 9427
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    A king and no king Acted at the Blacke-Fryars, by his Maiesties Seruants. Written by Francis Beamount, and Iohn Flecher.
  • 9428
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    Kinde. 1625. A new almanacke or prognostication, for the yeare of our lord God, 1625. : With English and forr[e]igne accompts: as also, the ancient Roman [--] the Egyptian and Syriacke kalenders or accompts, accurately referred to the Iulian yeare, or our present number of moneths, with an annexed discourse how to finde the determinate times specified in the scriptures in our proper moneths,and t
  • 9429
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    A knot of fooles But, fooles, or knaues, or both, I care not, here they are; come laugh and spare not.
  • 9430
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    King Melchizedech A sermon preached at the court, at East-Hamsted, in his Maiesties last summer progresse, on Tuesday, the second of September. 1623. By G. Warburton.
  • 9431
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    The kings shoe Made, and ordained to trample on and to treade downe Edomites; to teach in briefe, what is Edoms doome; what the carefull condition of the king, what the loyall submission of a subiect, and what proiects are onely to best purpose. Deliuered in a sermon before the king at Theobalds, October the ninth, 1622: by William Loe, Doctour of
  • 9432
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    The kings speech in the upper house of Parliament ye 9 of februarj 1623
  • 9433
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    The kings tovvre and triumphant arch of London. A sermon preached at Pauls Crosse, August. 5. 1622. By Samuel Purchas, Bacheler of Diuinitie, and parson of Saint Martins Ludgate, in London.
  • 9434
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    King Dauids vow for reformation of himselfe. his family. his kingdome Deliuered in twelue sermons before the Prince his Highnesse vpon Psalm 101. By George Hakewill Dr. in Diuinity.
  • 9435
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    The King of Bohemia's vvelcome to Count Mansfield, and into the Palatinate vvith the defeat of Bauaria's and Monsieur Tilley's army, since his arriuall: (the King being there in person) their resolution to march into Bauaria. The papists feare of his good successe, and further progression: and many other remarkeable thinges concerning Brunswick and
  • 9436
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    The Kings Maiesties letter to the Lords Grace of Canterbury, touching preaching, and preachers.|Lord Archbishop of Canterbury his letters to the bishop of Norwich.
  • 9437
    Book Info
    King Dauids vow for reformation of himselfe. his family. his kingdome Deliuered in twelue sermons before the Prince his Highnesse vpon Psalm 101. By George Hakewill Dr. in Diuinity.
  • 9438
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    A key of heauen the Lords Prayer opened, and so applied, that a Christian may learne how to procure all things which may make for the glorie of God, and the good of himself, and of his neighbour. Containing likewise such doctrines of faith and godlinesse, as may be very vsefull to all that desire to liue godly in Christ Iesus. By Henrie Scudder pre
  • 9439
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    Keepe within compasse: or, The worthy legacie of a wise fa[ther] to his beloued sonne; teaching him h[ow to] liue richly in this world, and eternally hap[py] in the world to come. Meete for all sorts of people whatsoeuer.|Keep within compass: or, The worthy legacy of a wise father to his beloved son|Worthy legacie of a wise father to his beloved sonne|Worthy legacy of a wise father to his beloved
  • 9440
    Book Info
    Keepe within compasse: or, The worthy legacy of a wise father to his beloued sonne; teaching him how to liue richly in this world, and eternally happy in the world to come. Meete for all sorts of people whatsoeuer.