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총 60,478건 중 53,341 - 53,360건 출력
  • 53341
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    The last dying-words of the late King James to his son and daughter, and the French King. Who sickned [sic] the 22d of August, and died the 5th of September. 1701
  • 53342
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    The last dying-words of the late King James to his son and daughter, and the French king
  • 53343
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    The last great assize: or, day of judgment: on which all must give a general account of their actions before almighty God. Being Four Sermons Preach'd upon the 20 Chapter of the Revelations; exactly shewing the Blessed State of the Righteous, and the Dreadful Condition of the Wicked. To which is added, two sermons upon the first chapter of the Canticles, vers. 6, 7. By Sampson Smith, B.D.
    Smith, Samuel
  • 53344
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    The last new prologue and epilogue spoken by the famous commedian Mr. William Pinkeman, touching on the Humours of the age
  • 53345
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    The last will and codicil of Charles II. King of Spain. Made the 2d. of October 1700. With the letters that have past betwixt the Most Christian King, and the Regency of Spain, on that subject. Translated at large from the authentick copy, printed at Paris in Spanish and French, by the French Kings autbority [sic]
  • 53346
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    The last will of that impostor Geo. Fox, the Quakers great apostle and admired idol, ...
    Bugg, Francis
  • 53347
    Book Info
    The last will, of George Fox, the Quakers great apostle; as it was all written by his own hand, and is now lying in the Prerogative-Office, by Doctors-Commons, London: attested by three eminent Quakers, whose names are under-mentioned; with a copy of the affidavit in Latin, taken out of the said office, signed by Thomas Wellham, Deputy of the Regis
  • 53348
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    The late King James's last will and testament. With his advice to the pretended Prince of Wales: ...
  • 53349
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    The late King of Spain's will, and the treaty for the partition. of the kingdom of Spain, recited and consider'd, paragraph by paragraph: with animadversions upon both, tending to prove, that it is the interest of all Europe, to adhere inviolably to the partition of the Spanish monarchy; and more particularly conducing to the welfare of England
  • 53350
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    The late pretence of a constant practice to enter the Parliament as well as provincial writ in the front of the acts of every synod, further consider'd and Disprov'd, in a Second Letter to the Author of that Assertion; occasion'd by a Second Letter of that Author. With a Postscript in Answer to the Postscript of that Second Letter
    Trimnell, Charles
  • 53351
    Book Info
    The late pretence of a constant practice to enter the Parliament as well as provincial writ in the front of the acts of every synod; consider'd and disprov'd, in a letter to the author of that assertion; with a certificate from the register of York
  • 53352
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    The law against bankrupts: or, a treatise wherein the statutes against bankrupts are explained, by several cases, resolutions, judgments and decrees, both at common law, and in Chancery. ... The second edition. With several amendments and large additions. By Tho. Goodinge, ...
    Goodinge, Thomas
  • 53353
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    The law not destroyed but established by the Gospel. A sermon preach'd at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, April the 7th, 1701. Being the fourth for the year 1701. of the lecture founded by the Honourable Robert Boyle Esq; By George Stanhope, ...
    Stanhope, George
  • 53354
    Book Info
    The law not destroyed but established by the Gospel. A sermon preach'd at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, May the 5th. 1701. Being the fifth for the year 1701. of the lecture founded by the Honourable Robert Boyle Esq; By George Stanhope, ...
    Stanhope, George
  • 53355
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    The law-French dictionary alphabetically digested; ... To which is added, the law-Latin dictionary: ... Collected out of the best authors, by F. O.
    F. O
  • 53356
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    The lawfulness and use of organs in the Christian Church. Asserted in a Sermon Preach'd at Tiverton in the County of Devon Upon the 13th of September, 1696. On Occasion of an Organ's being Erected in that Parish-Church. By John Newte, M. A. Rector of Tiverton in Devon; sometime Fellow of Baliol Colledge in Oxford
    Newte, John
  • 53357
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    The laws and acts made in the eight and ninth sessions of the first Parliament of our Most High and Dread soveraign William, By the Grace of God, King of Scotland, England, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith. Holden at Edinburgh the 21 day of May, and thereafter adjourned to the 29 day of October 1700. By his Grace James Duke of Queensberry, Marquis of Drumfries-Shire, Earl of Drumlanrig an
  • 53358
    Book Info
    The laws and acts made in the eight and ninth sessions of the first parliament of our most High and Dread soveraign William By the Grace of God, King of Scotland, England, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith. Holden at Edinburgh the 21 day of May, and thereafter adjourned to the 29 day of October 1700. By his Grace James Duke of Quaensberry, Marquiss of Drumsries-Shire, Earl of Drumlanrig,
  • 53359
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    The libertine overthrown: or, a mirror for atheists; wherein they may clearly see their prodigious follies, vast extravagancies, notorious impieties and absurdities: containing a compendious account of ... John Earl of Rochester, who deparrted [sic] this life the 26th of July, MDCLXXX. ... abstracted from the remarks of ... D. Gilbert Burnet, ... and ... Mr. Parsons, ...
    Burnet, Gilbert
  • 53360
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    The life and acts of the most famous and valiant champion, Sir William Wallace, knight of Ellerslie. Maintainer of the liberty of Scotland. ...