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총 60,478건 중 53,361 - 53,380건 출력
  • 53361
    Book Info
    The life and death of the English rogue; or, his last legacy to the world. Containing Most of his Notorious Robberies, Cheats and Debaucht Practices. With a full Discovery of a High-Way Rogue; also Directions to all Travellers, how to Know Rogues, and how to Avoid them. And an Infallible Rule how to take them, when Rob'd by them. Directing all Inn-Keepers, Chamberlains and Ostlers, how to Distingu
    Head, Richard
  • 53362
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    The life and death of the famous Thomas Stukely an English gallant in time of Queen Elizabeth, who ended his life in a battel [o]f three kings of Barbary. Tune is, King Henry's going to Bulloign, &c.
  • 53363
    Book Info
    The life and death of the famous Thomas Stukely an English gentleman in the time of Queen Elizabeth, who was kill'd in the battle of the Three Kings of Barbary.
  • 53364
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    The life and death of the piper of Kilbarchan or, The epitaph of Habbie Simson, who on his drone bore bony flags, he made his cheeks as red as crimson, and babbed when he blew the bags.
  • 53365
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    The life of William Fuller, by original a butcher's son, by education a coney-wool-cutter, by inclination an evidence, by vote of Parliament an impostor, by title of his own making a colonel, and by his own demerits, now a prisoner at the Fleet
    Kingston, Richard
  • 53366
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    The life of William Fuller, gent. The second part. Being a true account of his imploys in both publick and private concerns. The occasion of his coming into the service of the present government: also, his intreagues with Father Sabran and other Jesuits. Whereunto is annext a plain proof to the Nation by Forty Five Witnesses, That the pretended Prince of Wales is an Imposter
    Fuller, William
  • 53367
    Book Info
    The life of Wm. Fuller, alias Fullee, alias Fowler, alias Ellison, &c. by original, a butcher's son; by Education, a Coney-Wool-Cutter; by Inclination, an Evidence; by Vote of Parliament, an Impostor; by Title of his own making, a Colonel; and by his own Demerits, now a Prisoner at large belonging to the Fleet. The first and second part
    Kingston, Richard
  • 53368
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    The life of the Lady Halket
    S. C
  • 53369
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    The life of the late famous comedian, Jo. Hayns. Containing, his comical exploits and adventures, both at home and abroad
    Thomas, Tobyas
  • 53370
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    The lists of the liveries of the fifty six companies, in the City of London: as delivered upon oath to the Right Honourable Sir Thomas Abney, Knt; Lord Mayor. With an account who poll'd, and who did not at the late election of Members of parliament for the said City of London. ...
  • 53371
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    The livery man's reasons, why he did not give his vote for a certain gentleman, either to be Lord Mayor; or, parliament man for the City of London
    Defoe, Daniel
  • 53372
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    The lives of the primitive fathers, viz. Clemens Alexandrinus, Eusebius Bishop of Cæsarea, Gregory Nazianzen, and Prudentius, the Christian poet. Containing, An Impartial Account of their Lives and Writings: With their several opinions about the deity of Christ. Which may give some light to the late disputes concerning the Trinity. With many curious observations upon both. Also a short history of
    Le Clerc, Jean
  • 53373
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    A Law against cuckoldom, or, The Tryal of adultery
  • 53374
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    A Lent-sermon preached at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, March 3, 1699/1700 before the Right Honourable the Ld. Mayor and Aldermen of the city of London / by Sam. Clerke ...
  • 53375
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    A Letter from a minister in Norfolk to his parishioners, concerning their duty I. Toward God, II. Toward their governours, III. Toward their neighbors. IV. Toward themselves and families.
  • 53376
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    A Letter from the nobility, barons, and commons of Scotland in the year 1320, yet extant under all the seals of nobility, directed to Pope John wherein they declare their firm resolutions to adhere to their king, Robert the Bruce, as the restorer of the safety, and liberties of the people, and as having the true right of succession, but withall, they notwithstanding declare, that if the king shou
  • 53377
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    A Letter to Mr. Robert Bridgman, George Keith's trophy, in answer to his reasons for leaving the Quaqers [sic]
  • 53378
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    A Letter to a friend concerning the partition treaty
  • 53379
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    A Letter to a member of Parliament now in the country upon the occasion of the sermon preached before the Honourable the House of Commons at St. Margaret's Westminster, Jan. 30th, and lately publish'd which letter is contained a just and seasonable and too necessary vindication of K. Charles I, and of all the kings of England that ever were before him or shall be after him and of the English mona
  • 53380
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    A lamentable ballad on the Earl of Essex's death Tune is, Essex last goodnight.