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총 60,478건 중 53,421 - 53,440건 출력
  • 53421
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    A list of all the adventurers in the mine-adventure. May the first, 1700 Note, those marked *** are qualified by their shares to be elected of the select committee. And those marked ** are qualified to vote in a general meeting: and no person has more than one vote.
  • 53422
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    A list of the monasterys, nunnerys, and colleges, belonging to the English papists in several popish countrys beyond sea published to inform the people of England of the measures taken by the popish party for the reestablishing of popery in these nations : in a letter to a member of Parliament.
  • 53423
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    A list of the names of all the adventurers in the stock of the governour and company of merchants of London, trading into the East-Indies, the 4th of April, 1700. Whereof those marked with a are capable (by their adventure) to be chosen governour or Deputy-Governour, and those with a * to be of the committee
  • 53424
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    A living epitaph upon the crown'd women, or, Lovely granadeers
  • 53425
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    L'histoire veritable de ces derniers troubles, qui ont commencé en Escosse, et continuent á present en tous les trois royaumes d'Escosse, d'Angleterre, et d'Irlande.
  • 53426
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    La doctrine de l'obeïssance passive sermon sur ce paroles de St Paul a Tite, Chap. III, vers 1 : exhortez les à ètre sujets aux principautez, & aux puissances, & à obeir aux magistrats : prononcé à Westmunster devant la Chambre de Pairs le 30, Janvier 1700 / par Monseigneur l'Archevesque d'York ; traduit de l'Anglois par Jaques Sartre.
  • 53427
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    Labour in vain: or, What signifies little or nothing Viz. I. The poor man's petitioning at court. II. Expectation of benefit from a covetous man in his life-time. III. The marriage of an old man to a young woman. IV. Endeavours to regulate mens manners by preaching or writing. V. Being a Jacobite. VI. Confining an insolvent debtor. VII. Promise of
    ProQuest One Literature
    전문보기 (Full Text Access)
  • 53428
    Book Info
    Le nouveau testament c'est-a-dire la nouvelle alliance de nostre seigneur Jesus-Christ. Imprimé sur la derniere traduction. The new testament, of our lord and saviour Jesus Christ. With the former translations diligently revised.
  • 53429
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    Le vray, et le faux jubilé, en deux sermons sur ces paroles du XXV du Levitique Vers. XII ; cette année est le jubilé, elle vous sera sainte ; prêchez à Londres dans l'Eglise Angloise & Paroissiale de Sainte Benet-Sinck proche la bourse & dans une annexe de S. Martin in the Fields / par Mr. Renoult.
  • 53430
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    Leader-haughs and Yarow. To its own proper tune.
  • 53431
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    Leaping of the lords
  • 53432
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    Leaping of the lords.
  • 53433
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    Les Pseaumes de David mis en rime francoise par Clem Marot & Theodore de Beze.|Nouveau Testament : contenant la nouvelle alliance de nostre Seigneur Jesus Christ|Forme des prieres Ecclesiastiques|Instruction et confession de foy|Bible. O.T. Psalms. French. Marot & Bèze. 1700.
  • 53434
    Book Info
    Letters write [sic] to a friend by the learned and judicious Sir Andrew Balfour ... containing excellent directions and advices for travelling thro' France and Italy, with many curious and judicious remarks and observations made by himself, in his voyages thro' these countreys, published from the author's original m.s.
  • 53435
    Book Info
    Letters writen [sic] to a friend by the learned and judicious Sir Andrew Balfour ... ; containing excellent directions and advices for travelling thro' France and Italy ; with many curious and judicious remarks and observations made by himself in his voyages thro' these countreys ; published from the author's original M.S.
  • 53436
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    Letters written by Sir W. Temple, Bart., and other ministers of state, both at home and abroad containing an account of the most important transactions that pass'd in Christendom from 1665-1672 : in two volumes / review'd by Sir W. Temple sometime before his death ; and published by Jonathan Swift ...
  • 53437
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    Lettre de monsieur de la Vallette, cy-devant cure dans le diocese de Blois pour servir de réponse à la lettre de monsieur l'evêque de Blois, & à messieurs de son clergé, sur son changement de religion.
    La Vallette
  • 53438
    Book Info
    Lettre, a un membre du Parlement, touchant les grands progrès que font en ce tems-ci en Angleterre les Evêques & les Prêtres Papistes & touchant leurs menées dangereuses & pleines de trahison. Tradiute de l'Anglois.
  • 53439
    Book Info
    Levamen infirmi: or, cordial counsel to the sick and diseased Containing I. Advice concerning physick, and what a physician ought to be; with an account of the author's remedies, and how to take them. II. Concerning melancholy, frensie, and madness; in which, amongst other things, is shew'd, how far they differ from a conscience opprest with the se
  • 53440
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    Liber primus Principis Arcturi quem decem libris comprehensum anglicano carmine heroice / concinnavit vir clarissimus Richardus Blacmorus ... ; Latine redditus a Gulielmo Hogaeo.