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총 60,478건 중 53,461 - 53,480건 출력
  • 53461
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    Luciani Samosatensis Dialogorum selectorum libri duo a Gulielmo Du-gardo recogniti, & (variis collatis exemplaribus) multo castigatius quàm antè editi ; cum interpretatione Latina, multis in locis emendata, & ad calcem adjecta.|Dialogi.|Dialogorum selectorum libri duo
  • 53462
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    Lucretius his six books of epicurean philosophy and Manilius his five books containing a system of the ancient astronomy and astrology together with The philosophy of the Stoicks / both translated into English verse with notes by Mr. Tho. Creech; To which is added the several parts of Lucretius, English'd by Mr. Dryden.
  • 53463
    Book Info
    Luctus britannici, or, The tears of the British muses for the death of John Dryden, Esq., late poet laureat to Their Majesties, K. Charles and K. James the Second written by the most eminent hands in the two famous universities, and by several others.
  • 53464
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    Lucubratiuncula poetica de moribus rite instituendis. Ubi etiam Decalogus, Precatio dominica, & Symbolum apostolorum. ...
  • 53465
    Book Info
    Lvthers fore-rvnners, or, A clovd of witnesses deposing for the Protestant faith, gathered together in the historie of the Waldenses, who for divers hundred yeares before Luther successively opposed popery, professed the truth of the Gospell, and sealed it with their bloud : being most grieuously persecuted and many thousands of them martyred by th
  • 53466
    Book Info
    The Lady Isabella's tragedy: or, The step-mother's cruelty: being a relation of a lamentable and cruel murther committed on the body of the Lady Isabella, the only daughter of a noble duke, occasion'd by her step-mother, and acted by the master-cook, who were both adjudg'd to suffer death for the said murther. To the tune of, The lady's Fall, &c.
  • 53467
    Book Info
    The Lady Isabella's tragedy: or, the step-mother's cruelty being a relation of a lamentable and cruel murther committed on the body of the Lady Isabella, the only daughter of a noble duke, occasion'd by her step-mother, and acted by the master-cook, who were both adjudg'd to suffer death for the said murther. To the tune of, The lady's Fall, &c.
  • 53468
    Book Info
    The Lady Moor's drops. Rightly prepar'd by Mr. Wells, at his house in Long-Acre, against the Blew-Ball near Drury-Lane: being the only one that hath the true receipt from the Lady's son, as may be seen under his hand and seal.
  • 53469
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    The Laird of Dysarts dreame
  • 53470
    Book Info
    The Lancashire wonder, to warn all sinners to repentance Being a full and true account of Mr. Jeremiah Carter, a pious divine of the Church, who was taken with sleepiness on a road going over a high mountain, fell in a deep trance, and lay for the space of four days, from the 8th of December till the 12th, in this present year: he not coming home a
  • 53471
    Book Info
    The Lancashire wonder, to warn all sinners to repentance Being a full and true account of Mr. Jeremiah Carter, a pious divine of the Church, who was taken with sleepiness on a road going over a high mountain, fell in a deep trance, and lay for the space of four days, from the 8th of December till the 12th, in this present year: he not coming home as expected, how two of his parishioners went to s
  • 53472
    Book Info
    The Law of ejectments, or, A treatise shewing the nature of ejectione firme the difference between it and trespass, and how to be brought or removed where the lands lie in franchises ... as also who are good witnesses or not in the trial of ejectment ... together with the learning of special verdicts at large ... very necessary for all lawyers, attornies, and other persons, especially at the assi
  • 53473
    Book Info
    The Levellers levelled to the very ground. Wherein this dangerous seditious opinion and design of some of them; that it is necessary, decent, and expedient, now to reduce the House of Peeres, and bring down the Lords into the Commons House, to sit and vote together with them, as one House. And the false absurd, grounds whereon they build this parad
  • 53474
    Book Info
    The London almanack For the year of our Lord, 1700. For the year of the world, 5700. For the year of His Majesties reign, 12. Containing I. The moon's rising, setting and southing. II. The time of high water at London-Bridge. III. The exact high water in 110 other ports. IV. The Roman account fitted to our months. V. The sun's rising and setting ev
  • 53475
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    The London vocabulary English and Latin: with the principal things in picture. For the use of schools.
  • 53476
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    The London-spy compleat. In eighteen parts. By Mr. Edward Ward
  • 53477
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    The ladies calling, in two parts by the author of The whole duty of man, &c.
  • 53478
    Book Info
    The ladies dressing-room unlock'd, and her toilette spread together, with a fop-dictionary, and a rare and incomparable receipt to make pig, or puppidog-water for the face.
  • 53479
    Book Info
    The lady Isabella's tragedy; or The step-mothers cruelty. Being a relation of a most lamentable and cruel murder, committed on the body of the Lady Isabella, the only daughter of a noble duke, occasioned by the means of a cruel step-mother and the master-cook, who were both adjudged to suffer death for committing the said horrid act. To the tune of The ladies fall.|Step-mothers cruelty|Ladies fal
  • 53480
    Book Info
    The lama sabacthani, or, Cry of the Son of God: set forth in all his agonies, with his crown of thorns on his head, and his crucifiction bewteen two thieves. All done to the life. Useful at all times, especially passion week for a devout and pious soul in its nearest approaches and addresses to its saviour before and after it comes to be an actual