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총 60,478건 중 53,601 - 53,620건 출력
  • 53601
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    A list of King James's Irish and Popish forces in France, ready, (when called for: ) in answer to an argument against a land-force, writ by A, B, C, D, E, F, G, or to whatever has been or ever shall be writ upon that subject.
  • 53602
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    A list of all the land-forces now in England, and of what other forces are in English pay under the care of the Earl of Ranelagh, paymaster-general: Viz.
  • 53603
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    A list of the Governour, Deputy-Governour, and Directors of the Bank of England, for the year 1698
  • 53604
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    La reponse de Mr. Renoult, ministre, a son pere pour se justifier d'eresie ouvrage dans lequel les matieres de la religion sont expliquées d'une maniere intelligible & de la portée des plus simples.|Dispute entre Mr. Renoult et un missionnaire papiste.
  • 53605
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    La rhetorique D'Aristote traduite en Francois par seu M. Cassandre. Nouvelle edition. Suivant la copie de Paris
  • 53606
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    Laying on of hands upon baptized believers, as such, proved an ordinance of Christ in answer to Mr. Danvers's former book intituled, A treatise of laying on of hands : with a brief answer to a late book called, A treatise concerning laying on of hands, written by a nameless author / by B.K. ...
  • 53607
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    Le vrai tablea[u] du papisme, ou Exhortation faite à un proselite, abjurant [les] erreurs de Rome, dans l'Eglise Françoise de Leicester Fields, le 24. de Mars 1698 Par J. B. Renoult, M.D.S.E.|Exhortation faite à un proselite, abjurant [les] erreurs de Rome, dans l'Eglise Françoise de Leicester Fields, le 24. de Mars 1698
  • 53608
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    Letters of the Cardinal Duke du Richelieu great minister of state to Lewis XIII of France / faithfully translated from the original by T.B.
  • 53609
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    Lettres & memoires sur l'excommunication de deux héretiques opiniâtres qui ont entrepris de faire un schisme à Canterbvry
  • 53610
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    Lex forcia being a sensible address to the Parliament for an act to remedy the foul abuse of children at schools, especially in the great schools of this nation.
  • 53611
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    Lex forcia being a sensible address to the Parliament for an act to remedy the foul abuse of children at schools, especially in the great schools of this nation.
  • 53612
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    Lex parliamentaria: or, A treatise of the law and custom of the Parliaments of England
  • 53613
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    Lex talionis, la loi du talion Ou moyen juste & infaillible pour arrêter le cours de la cruelle & barbare persecution des Protestans de France. Traduit de l'Anglois.
  • 53614
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    Lex talionis, or, An enquiry into the most proper ways to prevent the persecution of the Protestants in France
  • 53615
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    Lithobolia, or, The stone-throwing devil being an exact and true account (by way of journal) of the various actions of infernal spirits, or (devils incarnate) witches, or both, and the great disturbance and amazement they gave to George Waltons family, at a place call'd Great Island in the province of New-Hantshire in New-England ... / by R.C., Esq., who was a sojourner in the same family the who
  • 53616
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    London almanack for ye year of our Lord. 1698. Being 2.d after leap year
  • 53617
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    Loyalty and fidelity, rejected and oppressed. Or the case of George Everett shipwright, truly stated most humbly offer'd to the Commons of England, assembled in Parliament wherein is briefly set forth, his zealous endeavours for promoting the service of the publick with the obstructions and illegal proceedings of some persons imploy'd in the admini
  • 53618
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    Loyalty vindicated being an answer to a late false, seditious & scandalous pamphlet entituled A letter from a gentleman of the City of New York to another concerning the troubles which happen'd in that province in the time of the late happy revolution : published for the sake of truth & justice / by a hearty lover of King William and the Protestant religion.|Letter from a gentleman of the
  • 53619
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    The Lancashire Levite rebuk'd, or, A farther vindication of the dissenters from popery, superstition, ignorance and knavery unjustly charged on them by Mr. Zachary Taylor in his two books about the Surey demoniak in a letter to himself.
  • 53620
    Book Info
    The Lancashire Levite rebuk'd, or, A farther vindication of the dissenters from popery, superstition, ignorance and knavery unjustly charged on them by Mr. Zachary Taylor in his two books about the Surey demoniak in a letter to himself.