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총 60,478건 중 53,661 - 53,680건 출력
  • 53661
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    A letter to a Member of Parliament occasioned by a letter to a convocation-man, concerning the rights, powers, and privileges of that body : together with an inquiry into the ecclesiastical power of the University of Oxford, particularly to decree and declare heresy, occasioned by that letter.
  • 53662
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    A letter to a convocation-man, concerning the rights, powers, and priviledges of that body
  • 53663
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    A letter to a deist, in answer to several objections against the truth and authority of the scriptures By the Right Reverend Father in God, Edward Lord Bishop of Worcester.
  • 53664
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    A letter to a friend concerning credit, and how it may be restor'd to the Bank of England being the original of a copy lately published, whereni [sic] were many alterations and additions that are not in this / now published by the author.
  • 53665
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    A letter to a friend, concerning the credit of the nation and with relation to the present Bank of England, as now establish'd by act of Parliament. Written by a member of the said Corporation, for the publick good of the kingdom.
  • 53666
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    A letter to a friend, in vindication of the proceedings against Sir John Fenwick, by Bill of Attainder, with some remarks on his printed paper
  • 53667
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    A letter to a member of Parliament: shewing how probably the credit of the nation may be speedily raised And not only the publick debts made good without present money, but render'd serviceable to the publick, and a means to free others as well as the creditors from the difficulties that the deficiencies of funds, and scarcity of coin have occasion
  • 53668
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    A letter to a member of the Honourable House of Commons in answer to three queries : I. Whether there is no other cause of our want of bullion and coin, but the clipping of our money, and the expence of the war, II. Whether it is possible to manage the trade of the nation without a supply in specie, equal to what we have lost, III. Whether a forc'd credit can be an expedient under our present cir
  • 53669
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    A letter to the Deists shewing that the gospel of Jesus Christ is no imposture : but the sacred truth of God / by Humphrey Prideaux ...
  • 53670
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    A letter to the Right Reverend Edward Ld Bishop of Worcester concerning some passages relating to Mr. Locke's Essay of humane understanding, in a late discourse of His Lordships, in vindication of the Trinity / by John Locke ...
  • 53671
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    A letter to the loyal apprentices in and about London and Westminster, for their making of a noble, extraordinary, rejoycing prossession, on Monday the eleventh of April, 1698 : being His Majesties coronation day, in congratulation of His Majestys safe return home; : and for the honourable, firm, and lasting peace. / written by Captain Anthony Stampe.
  • 53672
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    A list of King James's Irish and Popish forces in France, ready, (when called for:) in answer to an Argument against a land-force, writ by A,B,C,D,E,F,G, or to whatever has been, or ever shall be, writ upon that subject.
  • 53673
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    A list of all the offices and places within the city of London, together with their respective prices, as they are now sold by the Lord-mayor and sheriffs of London
  • 53674
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    A looking-glass for the unmarried. Wherein they may see these 5 things. I. The benefits, helps, and comforts of a happy marriage. II. How they may proceed regularly in order to marriage. III. How to make a happy choice when they marry. IV. How to demean themselves each to other, in order to family-peace and concord. V. The relative duties of husband and wife. / By one that is a great lover, and w
  • 53675
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    A lye is no scandal. Or a vindication of Mr. Mungo Craig, from a ridiculous calumny cast upon him by T. A. who was executed for apostacy at Edinburgh, the 8 of January, 1697.|Vindication of Mr. Mungo Craig
  • 53676
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    La Neufme part des reports del Sr. Edw. Coke chivalier, chief justice del commom bank divers resolutions & judgments dones fur solemne arguments , & avec grand deliberation & conference des tres-re-verend judges & sages de la ley, de cases en ley queux ne fueront unques resolve ou adjudges par devant: et les raisons & causes des dits resolutions & judgments : publie en le
  • 53677
    Book Info
    La cinquieme part des reports del Sr. Edw. Coke ... des divers resolutions & judgments dones sur solemne arguments, & avec grand deliberation & conference des tres-reverend judges & sages de la ley, de cases en ley queux ne fueront unques resolve ou adjudges par devant : et les raisons & causes des dits resolutions & judgments ...|Reports.
  • 53678
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    La dixme part des reports de Sr. Edw. Coke chivalier, chief justice Dengleterre des plees destre tenus devant le roy mesme assignee, & del counseil prive d'estate : des divers resolutions & judgments donez sur solemnes arguments & avec grand deliberation & conferences des tres-reverend judges & sages de la ley, de cases en ley queux ne fueront unques resdve ou adjudges par dev
  • 53679
    Book Info
    La huictme part des reports de Sr. Edw. Coke ... des divers resolutions & judgments donez sur solemnes arguments, & avec graund deliberation & conference des tres-reverend judges & sages de la ley, de cases en ley queux ne fueront unques resolve ou adjudges par devant : et les reasons & causes des dits resolutions & judgments ...|Reports.
  • 53680
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    La mort des justes ou sermon· Sur ces paroles du liv. des nomb. ch. 23. v. 10. Que je meure de la mort des justes, & que ma fin soit semblable à la leur. Prononce, à St. Martin de Guerneze, au sujet d'un naufrage qui fit perir dix-neuf hommes, de cette isle, à orny, le mecredi 26. d'Aoust 1696.