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총 60,478건 중 53,701 - 53,720건 출력
  • 53701
    Book Info
    London, August 9, yesterday morning arrived a Holland-mail giving an account of a battel between some young men of the P. of Conty's party and the Elector of Saxony's now King of Poland, and the defeat of the former with some furthur particulars of the conclusion of a peace.
  • 53702
    Book Info
    Love and honour, or, The lovers farewel to Calista being sent from sea in the late engagement against the Dutch, to his mistress, under the name of Calista : to which is added The lady's deploring and ingenious answer : to t[h]e tune of, Now the tyrant hath stolen, &c.|Lovers farewel to Calista|Now the tyrant hath stolen, &c.|Lady's answer.
  • 53703
    Book Info
    Love for love a comedy, acted at the theatre in Little Lincolns-Inn Fields, by His Majesty's servants / written by Mr. Congreve.
  • 53704
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    Love in distress, or, The lucky discovery a novel / written by the honourable Lady ***
  • 53705
    Book Info
    Lykophronos tou Chalkideos Alexandra kai eis auto touto Isaakiou tou Tzetzou exegema = Lycophronis Chalcidensis Alexandra : cum Graecis Isaacii Tzetzis commentariis : accedunt versiones, variantes lectiones, ememdationes, annotationes, & indices necessarii / cura & opera Johannis Potteri ...|Alexandra.
  • 53706
    Book Info
    The Late King James's manifesto answer'd, paragraph by paragraph wherein the weakness of his reasons is plainly demonstrated.
  • 53707
    Book Info
    The Late King James's manifesto answer'd, paragraph by paragraph wherein the weakness of his reasons is plainly demonstrated.
  • 53708
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    The Life and Death of Doctor Faustus Made into a Farce
    Marlowe, Christopher | Mountfort, William
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 53709
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    The London almanack For the year of our Lord, 1697. For the year of the world, 5697. And for the year of His Majesties reign, 9. Containing I. The moon's rising, setting and southing. II. The time of high water at London-Bridge. III. The exact high water in 110 other ports. IV. The Roman account fitted to our months. V. The sun's rising and setting
  • 53710
    Book Info
    The London almanack. For the year of our Lord, 1697. For the year of the world, 5697. And for the year of His Majesties reign, 9. Containing I. The moon's rising, setting and southing. II. The time of high water at London-Bridge. III. The exact high water in 110 other ports. IV. The Roman account fitted to our months. V. The sun's rising and settin
  • 53711
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    The London cuckolds a comedy, as it is acted at the Theatre Royal / by Edward Ravenscroft.
  • 53712
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    The London intelligence being a full and true account ofthe execution of several persons condemn'd by the Inquisition at Portugal, and of a damage done by a wonderful tempest that lately happen'd there : and also a very tru relation of the death of the English dancing mare, and how she was there burn'd to death for an heretick.
  • 53713
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    The lady's lamentation for Sir John Fenwick who lies under condemnation. Tune, Of the Duke of Monmouth.
  • 53714
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    The lady's looking-glass, to dress herself by, or, The whole art of charming by Mrs. Behn.
  • 53715
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    The last speech of Sir Godfrey McCullough of Myretoun, knight and baronet, who was beheaded at the cross of Edinburgh, the twenty sixth day of March, 1697.
  • 53716
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    The last speeches of the five notorious traitors and Jesuits viz. Thomas White ... William Harcourt ... John Gavan ... Anthony Turner and John Fenwick ... who were justly executed at Tyburn, June 20, 1679, for conspiring the death of His Sacred Majesty, and the subversion of the government and Protestant religion.
  • 53717
    Book Info
    The late King James's manifesto answer'd paragraph by paragraph Wherein the weakness of his reasons is plainly demonstrated.
  • 53718
    Book Info
    The late King James's second manifesto directed to the Protestant princes answered paragraph by paragraph.
  • 53719
    Book Info
    The late King James's second manifesto directed to the Protestant princes answered paragraph by paragraph.
  • 53720
    Book Info
    The late King James's second manifesto, directed to the protestant princes, answer'd paragraph by paragraph.