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총 60,478건 중 53,721 - 53,740건 출력
  • 53721
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    The library of the Right Reverend Father in God, Robert, late Lord Bishop of Chichester Containing the councels, fathers, ecclesiastical historians, the Greek, Roman, English, and other historians; the philologers, poets, orators and criticks, of the best editions, in Gr. Lat. Span. Ital. and French. Also his lordships collection of English books,
  • 53722
    Book Info
    The library of the Right Reverend Father in God, Robert, late Lord Bishop of Chichester, containing the councels, fathers, ecclesiastical historians, the Greek, Roman, English, and other historians; the philologers, poets, orators and criticks, of the best editions, in Gr. Lat. Span. Ital. and French. Also his lordships collection of English books,
  • 53723
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    The library of the right honourable William Late Lord Bereton, consisting of theological, historical, philological, medicinal, & mathematical books, in the Greek, Latin, Spanish, Italian, French and English tongues. Also a collection of prints of Raphael D'Urbino, by Marco Antonio, of Julio Romano, Julio Bonasone, Parmensis, Caraccio, Guido, Rheni,
  • 53724
    Book Info
    The library of the right honourable William Late Lord Bereton, consisting of theological, historical, philological, medicinal, & mathematical books, in the Greek, Latin, Spanish, Italian, French and English tongues. Also a collection of prints of Raphael D'Urbino, by Marco Antonio, of Julio Romano, Julio Bonasone, Parmensis, Caraccio, Guido, Rheni,
  • 53725
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    The life and death of Doctor Faustus made into a farce by Mr. Mountford ; with the humours of Harlequin and Scaramouche, as they were several times acted ... at the Queens Theatre in Dorset Garden ...
  • 53726
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    The life and death of King Charles the first written by Dr. R. Perinchief: together with Eikon basilike. Representing His Sacred Majesty in his solitudes and sufferings. And a vindication of the same King Charles the martyr. Proving him to be the author of the said Eikon basilike, against a memorandum of the late earl of Anglesey, and against the g
  • 53727
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    The life and death of Mother Shipton giving a wonderful account of her strange and monstrous birth, life, actions and death : with the correspondence she had with an evil spirit ... : with all her prophesies that have come to pass from the reign of Henry VII ... to this present year 1697 ... : with divers not yet come to pass ... : with the explana
  • 53728
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    The life of Cornelius Van Tromp, Lieutenant-Admiral of Holland and Westfriesland containing many remarkable passages relating to the war between England and Holland. As also the sea-fights, and other memorable actions of this great man, from the year 1650. to the time of his death.
  • 53729
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    The life of our blessed Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ An heroic poem: dedicated to Her most sacred Majesty. In ten books. Attempted by Samuel Wesley, M.A. chaplain to the most honourable John Lord Marquess of Normanby, and rector of Epworth in the county of Lincoln. Each book illustrated by necessary notes, explaining all the more difficult matters i
  • 53730
    Book Info
    The life of our blessed Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ an heroic poem dedicated to Her Most Sacred Majesty : in ten books / attempted by Samuel Wesley ... each book illustrated by necessary notes, explaining all the more difficult matters in the whole history ; also a prefatory discourse concerning heroic poetry ; with sixty copper-plates, by the celebrated hand of W. Faithorn.|Life of Christ, a
  • 53731
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    The life of the Right Reverend Father in God, Seth, Lord Bishop of Salisbury and chancellor of the most noble Order of the Garter with a brief account of Bishop Wilkins, Mr. Lawrence Rooke, Dr. Isaac Barrow, Dr. Turbervile, and others / written by Dr. Walter Pope ...
  • 53732
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    The lives and characters of the ancient Grecian poets dedicated to His Highness the Duke of Glocester / by Basil Kennet ...
  • 53733
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    The love of God manifested in giving our Saviour for the redemption of mankind a sermon preach'd before the Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen on Nov. the 29th, 1696, being the first Sunday in Advent / by L. Blackburne ...
  • 53734
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    A Lamentation in tender bowels of love over thee, Oh England that thou mayst return to the Lord in humility and seek him, yet while he may be found / [by] Ambrose Rigge.
  • 53735
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    A Letter to a friend concerning the East India trade
  • 53736
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    A Letter to a gentleman upon occasion of some new opinions in religion
  • 53737
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    A List of the several reversionary annuities, to which the Million Bank are intituled for the residue of a term of 96 years, to be computed from the 25th day of January, 1695. to commence after the deceases of the respective nominees, and payable out of the duties of excise and tunnage, setled by act of Parliament
  • 53738
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    A letter concerning the act whereby the practicers of law are to take the oathes and make and subscribe the declaration therein mentioned
  • 53739
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    A letter from Dr. P. to the Bishop of R--- in vindication of his sermon on Trinity Sunday.
  • 53740
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    A letter from Kinsale to a gentleman in Dublin giving an account of an engagement at sea wherein was taken three ships, and a large French man of war sunk, wherein was 417 men and 48 guns.