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총 60,478건 중 53,761 - 53,780건 출력
  • 53761
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    A letter to his worthy friend, D.B.M. from Dr. Connor, member of the College of Physicians & Royal-Society, concerning his Medicina Arcana de Mystico Corporis Humani Statu: or, a Latin treatise, in which he designs to explain the miracles relating to human bodies, by the principles of Physick.
  • 53762
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    A letter to his worthy friend, D.B.M. from Dr. Connor, member of the College of Physicians and Royal Society
  • 53763
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    A letter to the Deists
  • 53764
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    A letter to the Honourable Sir Robert Howard together with some animadversions upon a book entituled, Christianity not mysterious / by Edmund Elys ...
  • 53765
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    A letter to the Honourable Sir Robert Howard, occasioned by a late book entituled, A two-fold vindication of the late Archbishop of Canterbury, and of the author of The history of religion by Al. Monro ...
  • 53766
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    A letter to the three absolvers, Mr. Cook, Mr. Collier and Mr. Snett being reflections on the papers delivered by Sir John Friend, and Sir William Parkyns, to the sheriffs of London and Middlesex, at Tyburn, the place of execution, April 3, 1696, which said papers are printed at length, and answered paragraph by paragraph.
  • 53767
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    A letter to two members of Parliament
  • 53768
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    A list of all those that were committed to the Tower, New-gate, Gate-house, King's-Bench, Marshalsea, Fleet, since the discovery of the horrid conspiracy against the King also some of those in the messengers hands, and some discharged from the places abovesaid.
  • 53769
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    A list of several sorts of silks and callicoes usually imported from the East-Indies, Persia and China, prohibited to be used in England, by the bill entituled, An Act for restraining the wearing of all wrought silks, bengals dyed, printed or stained callicoes.
  • 53770
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    A list of the names of the adventurers in the Bank of Scotland January 1. 1696.
  • 53771
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    A list of the names of the commissioners appointed to take subscriptions to the National Land-Bank, established by act of Parliament.
  • 53772
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    A list of the rooms and offices bought and sold in the city of London. Whereas James Whiston, hath in a late book, intituled Englands Calamities Discovered, &c. set forth the mischievous consequence of buying and selling places, in cities, states and kingdoms: ...
  • 53773
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    A list of the several reversionary annuities, to which the Million Bank are intituled for the residue of a term of 96 years, to be computed from the 25th. day of January, 1695. to commence after the deceases of the respective nominees, and payable out of the duties of excise and tunnage, setled by act of Parliament.
  • 53774
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    A list of the subscribers to the Company of Scotland, trading to Africa and the Indies Taken in Edinburgh &c. until the 21 of April inclusive 1696.
  • 53775
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    A looking-glass for England wherein is shewn God's mercies and judgments on this sinful nation; with an earnest invitation to poor sinners to repentance: wherein is set forth the great folly and madness of forsaking Christ their redeemer, and neglecting the care of their immortal souls, and setting their cares upon the vanities of this world; ... w
  • 53776
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    L'Art d'assassiner les rois enseigné par les Jesuites a Louis XIV et Jaques II où l'on decouvre le secret de la derniere conspiration formée à Versailles le 3 de Septembre 1695 contre la vie de Guillaume III roy de Grand Bretagne et decouverte à Whithall le 2 Mars 1696.
  • 53777
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    L. Annaei Senecae philosophi sententiae morales praecipue ex omnibus ejus, quae extant, operibus diligenter excerptae: in certa capita, seu locos communes summâ curâ digestae: in modum brevium orationum variis argumentis rationibus amplificatae: exemplis preclaris, summam prudentiam, summamq; utilitatem largè in lectorem fundentibus, ex ipso author
  • 53778
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    La decouverte de la veritable mere du pretendu Prince de Galles, connüe par le nom de Marie Grey. A laquelle est ajoûté une plus ample découverte de la derniere conspiration contre la personne sacrée de sa Majesté & du gouvernement. Comme il a été presenté au Roy, & Et mis pardevant un Committée du Parlement. / Traduit de l'original anglois.
  • 53779
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    Le meurtre condamné, ou, Sermon contre l'horrible conspiration tramée par les papistes & autres traitres, pour assassiner le roi Guillaume III. Sur ces paroles du I liv. de Sam. ch. 26. v. 9 ... / Prèché dans une eglise Françoise, à Londres, par Mr. Renoult ...|Sermon contre l'horrible conspiration tramée par les papistes & autres traitres, pour assassin
  • 53780
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    Letters and essays, on several subjects philosophical, moral, historical, critical, amorous, &c., in prose and verse : to John Dryden, Esq., Geo. Granvill, Esq., Walter Moile, Esq., [double brace] Mr. Congreve, and Mr. Denis, and other ingenious men of th' age / by several gentlemen and ladies.