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총 60,478건 중 53,941 - 53,960건 출력
  • 53941
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    Letters of state written by Mr. John Milton, to most of the sovereign princes and republicks of Europe, from the year 1649, till the year 1659 ; to which is added, an account of his life ; together with several of his poems, and a catalogue of his works, never before printed.
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 53942
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    Letters on several subjects with several other letters : to which is added by the publisher two letters, one to the Reverend Dr. Sherlock, Dean of St. Paul's, and the other to the Reverend Mr. Bentley : with other discourses / by Henry More ; publish'd by E. Elys.
  • 53943
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    Letters on several subjects, by the late pious Dr. Henry More. With several other letters. To which is added, by the publisher, two letters, one to the Reverend Dr. Sherlock, Dean of St. Paul's; and the other to the Reverend Mr. Bentley. With other discourses. Publish'd by the Reverend Mr. E. Elys.
  • 53944
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    Librorum manuscriptorum academiarum Oxoniensis & Cantabrigiensis & celebrium per Angliam Hiberniamque bibliothecarum catalogus cum indice alphabetico / cura Edvardi Bernardi ; tomis duobus in folio.
  • 53945
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    Light in darkness, or, A Modest enquiry into and humble improvement of miracles in general upon occasion of this late miraculous cure of Marianne Maillard, who was prodigiously lame for many years, now wonderfully restored by an immediate power of God with her, on the 26th day of November, 1693.
  • 53946
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    Lilies rules construed whereunto are added Tho. Robinson's Heteroclites, the Latin syntaxis and qui mihi : also there are added the rules for the genders of nouns and preterperfect tenses and supines of verbs in English alone.
  • 53947
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    Lord Thomas and fair Ellinor, together with the downfal of the brown girl. To a pleasant tune, call'd, Lord Thomas, &c.
  • 53948
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    Lord Willoughby: being a true relation of a famous and bloody battel fought in Flanders, by the noble and valiant Lord Willoughby, with 1500 English, against 40000 Spaniards, where the English obtain'd a notable victory, to the glory and renown of our nation. To the tune of, Lord Willoughby, &c.
  • 53949
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    Lord Willoughby: being a true relation of a famous and bloody battel fought in Flanders, by the noble and valiant Lord Willoughby, with 1500 English, against 40000 Spaniards, where the English obtain'd a notable victory, to the glory and renown of our nation. To the tune of, Lord Willoughby, &c.
  • 53950
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    Love in a wood, or, St. James's Park a comedy as it is acted by Their Majesties servants / written by Mr. Wycherley.
  • 53951
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    Love triumphant; or, Nature will prevail. A tragi-comedy. As it is acted at the Theatre Royal, by Their Majesties Servants.
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 53952
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    Luciani Samosatensis dialogorum selectorum libri duo. A Gulielmo Du-gardo recogniti, & (variis collatis exemplaribus) multo castigatiùs quàm antè editi. Cum interpretatione Latina, multis in locis emendata, & ad calcem adjecta.
  • 53953
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    Lusus amatorius, sive, Musæi poema de Herone & Leandro e Græcâ in Latinam linguam translatum : cui aliæ (tres scilicèt) accedunt nugæ poëticæ / authore C.B. è Coll. Di. Jo. Bapt. Soc.|Paradise lost
  • 53954
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    The London almanack for the year of our Lord 1694 for the year of the world 5644 and of Their Majesties reign, 6 ... / by William Salmon.
  • 53955
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    The London dispensatory, reduced to the practice of the London physicians wherein are contain'd the medicines, both Galenical and chymical, that are now in use ... / by John Pechey ...
  • 53956
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    The London-master, or, The Jew detected containing I. A true discovery by what tricks and devices the ship Laurel, of London ... was cast away ... in the river of Killmare in Ireland, II. The evil motives of lucre that instigated them to that wickedness, III. Their bloody designs to have sixteen innocent persons question'd for their lives ..., IV. A brief apology to the clergy, the army, and the
  • 53957
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    The Lord Chief Baron Atkyns's speech to Sir William Ashhurst, Lord Mayor Elect of the city of London at the time of their being sworn in Their Majesties Court of Exchequer, Monday the thirtieth of October, 1693.
  • 53958
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    The Lord's-day to be kept holy Asserted in a familiar conference betwixt two friends about the unlawfulness of exercising their trades or ordinary callings on that day. Published for the use of ignorant people, to prevent the prophanation of that holy day. Licens'd, July 19. 1694. Edward Cooke·
  • 53959
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    The ladies dictionary, being a general entertainment of the fair-sex a work never attempted before in English.
  • 53960
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    The last speech and confession of Mr. James Geoghegan, priest of the Order of St. Francis who was executed at the common place of execution near Dublin, on Saturday the tenth of this instant February, 1693 : as it was delivered by his own hand to be printed, before he went to execution.