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총 60,478건 중 54,561 - 54,580건 출력
  • 54561
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    Letter of advice sent to the lord chancellors lady concerning His Lordships being taken at Rope and Anchor Ally in Wapping.
  • 54562
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    Lettre du pere la Chais, confessur du Roy de France; au pere Peters, confesseur du Roy d'Angleterre; comprenant un felicitation, sur le bon sucées que l'on a eu à inventer faire le jeune Prince de Galles; avec quelques remarques politiques sur l'Origine, & Naissance d'iceluy. Ou l'on a ajoûté les Litanies que les Protestants ont à present en Anglet
    La Chaise
  • 54563
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    Lettre ecrite par Monsieur Fagel, pensionnaire de Hollande, à Monsieur Jaques Stewart, advocat pour l'informer des sentimons de leurs Altesses Royales, Monseigneur le Prince & Madame la Princesse d'Orange : sur l'abolition du Test & des loix penales ...|Letter writ by Mijn Heer Fagel, pensioner of Holland, to James Stewart, advocate.
  • 54564
    Book Info
    Lettre exhortatoire du pape, au roy d'Angleterre, pour extirpir les heretiques; traittante de la prerogative des roys & d'abolition du Test, & les autres lois fondamentales d'Angleterre. Brief vanden paus, aen den koning van Engelant, tot aenmaning om de ketters uyt te roeyen; handelende van het voorrecht der Koningen, en van de afschaffing van den
    Innocent XI
  • 54565
    Book Info
    Literae illustr. Domini Fagel, Hollandiae pensionarii, ad Dominum Jacobum Steuart, advocatu[m], hoc eodem quo jam prodeunt idiomate exaratae : in quibus quae sit Serenissimorum Principum Auriacorum de Testae Legumque Poenalium contra pontificios in Britannia lrtarum [sic] abolitione sententia declaratur A letter writ by Mijn Heer Fagel, pensioner of Holland, to Mr. James Stewart, advocate : givin
  • 54566
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    Logarithmotechnia, or, The making of numbers called logarithms to twenty five places from a geometrical figure with speed, ease, and certainty : the like not hitherto published / by Euclid Speidell ...
  • 54567
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    London's anniversary festival, performed on Monday, October the 29th. 1688 For the entertainment of the right Honourable, Sr. John Chapman, Kt. Lord Mayor of the City of London; being their great year of jubilee. With a panegyrick upon the restoring of the charter. And a sonnet provided for the entertainment of the King. By M. Taubman. Printed and
  • 54568
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    Londons remembrancer, or, A sermon preached at the Church of St. Mary Le Bow on September the 3d, 1688 (the second day being the Lord's Day) which was appointed by act of Parliament for the citizens of London and their successors to retain the memorial of the sad desolation of the city by fire in the year of our Lord 1666 / by William Gearing ...
  • 54569
    Book Info
    Londons speech to His Royal Highness the Prince of Orange on the 20th of this instant December, 1688 presented to his own hand which he receiv'd very graciously : and at the request of some noble persons order'd to be publish'd.
  • 54570
    Book Info
    Londons speech to His Royal Highness the Prince of Orange on the 20th of this instant December, 1688 presented to his own hand which he receiv'd very graciously and at the request of some noble persons order'd to be publish'd.
  • 54571
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    Londons welcome to His Most Illustrious Highness, VVilliam Henry, prince of Orange.
  • 54572
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    Lord Chancellor's petition to His Highness the Prince of Orange on his entrance into London.
  • 54573
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    Lord Del---r's speech
  • 54574
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    Lord Del-r's speech.
  • 54575
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    Loretto and Winifred, or, A new way of getting of children, viz. by prayers and presents to the tune of Packington's Pound.|New way of getting of children, viz. by prayers and presents|Packington's Pound.
  • 54576
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    Love and loyalty; or, A letter from a young-man, on board of a English privateer, to his beloved Susan in the city of London. To the tune of, Tender hearts of London city. Licensed according to order.
  • 54577
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    Love in a maze; or, The young-man put to his dumps. here in this song you may behold and see a gallant girl obtain'd by wit and honesty; [brace] all you that hear my song, and mark it but aright, will say true love's worth gold, and breeds delight. To a pleasant new tune, called, The true lovers delight, or, The Cambridge horn.
  • 54578
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    Lusty Fryer of Flanders; how in a nunnery at the city of Gaunt this Fryer got thirty nuns with child in three weeks time, and afterwards made his escape. To the tune of, Cold and raw.
  • 54579
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    Lusus poeticus Latino-Anglicanus in usum seholarum, or, The more eminent sayings of the Latin poets collected and for the service of youth in that ancient exercise commonly called capping of verses, alphabetically digested, and for the greater benefit of young beginners in the Latin tonque rendered into English / by John Langston ...
  • 54580
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    Lycidus, or, The lover in fashion being an account from Lycidus to Lysander, of his voyage from the Island of Love : from the French / by the same author of The voyage to the Isle of Love ; together with a miscellany of new poems, by several hands.