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총 60,478건 중 54,701 - 54,720건 출력
  • 54701
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    Liberty of conscience asserted, or, A looking-glass for persecutors being a plain deduction from scripture-history of the original grounds & pretences for persecution : the methods taken to put the same in execution : together with the sad consequences thereof, or, the reward that attends persecuting-spirits.
  • 54702
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    Lilies rules construed whereunto are added Tho. Robinsons Heteroclites, The Latin syntaxis and Qui mihi : also there are added the rules for the genders of nouns and preterperfect tenses and supines of verbs in English alone.
  • 54703
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    Liturgia, seu Liber precum communium, et administrationis sacramentorum, aliorumque rituum atque ceremoniarum Ecclesiae juxta usum Ecclesiae Anglicanae una cum Psalterio seu Psalmis Davidis, et punctatione distinctis, qua cantari aut recitari debent in ecclesiis. Itemque forma & modus faciendi, ordinandi, & consecrandi episcopos, presbyteros, diaco
  • 54704
    Book Info
    Llyfr gweddi gyffredin, a gweinidogæth y sacramentau. A chynneddfau a ceremoniau eraill yr Eglwys yn ôl arfer Eglwys Loegr. A'r Psallwyr neu Psalmau Dafydd, fel ag i mænt bwyntiedig iw darllain a'u canu yn yr eglwysydd.|Book of common prayer.
  • 54705
    Book Info
    Llyfr y Psalmau, wedi eu cyfieithu, a'u cyfansoddi ar fefur cerdd, yn gymraeg. / Drwy waith Edmund Prys archdiacon Merionydd.
  • 54706
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    Logica, sive, Ars cogitandi in qua praeter vulgares regulas plura nova habentur ad rationem dirigendam utilia.
  • 54707
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    London's triumph, or, The goldsmiths jubilee containing a description of the several pageants and speeches, made proper for the occasion, together with a song, for the entertainment of His Majesty, who, with His Royal Consort, the Queen Dowager, Their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Denmark, and the whole Court, honour His Lordship this
  • 54708
    Book Info
    London, June the 15th. 1687. Land and houses belonging the estate of Benjamin Hinton, goldsmith, and for the use of his creditors, the assignees of the commissioners of bankrupts, do offer to sale by inch of candle at the Marine and Carolina coffee-house in Birchin-Lane, on Thursday the 21th. of July, by three of the clock in the afternoon
  • 54709
    Book Info
    Love in a bush: or, The two loyal lovers joy ccmpleated [sic]. She seem'd to slight her hearts delight, which caus'd him to complain: but when she see his loyalty, she made him glad again. Tune of, Oh so ungrateful a creature. This may be printed. R.P.
  • 54710
    Book Info
    Love in a bush: or, The two loyal lovers joy ccmpleated [sic]. She seem'd to slight her hearts delight, which caus'd him to complain: but when she see his loyalty, she made him glad again. Tune of, Oh so ungrateful a creature. This may be printed. R.P.
  • 54711
    Book Info
    Loves extasie, or, Strephon and cloas corronation tho loves the only coyn in heaven doth go, happy those lovers are that pay below, to the tune of, Jenny gin, &c.
  • 54712
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    Lyric poems, made in imitation of the Italians of which, many are translations from other languages / by Philip Ayres, Esq.
    ProQuest One Literature
    전문보기 (Full Text Access)
  • 54713
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    The Late King James his letter to his Privy Council of Scotland, with their answer, in reference to his indulgence containing his absolute power without reserve His Majesties letter to His Honourable Privy Council of Scotland together with their answer, Edinburgh February 24, 1687.
  • 54714
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    The Lay-man's answer to the Lay-mans opinion, in a letter to a friend.
  • 54715
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    The Lay-man's answer to the Lay-mans opinion, in a letter to a friend.
  • 54716
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    The laureat Jack Squabb's history in a little drawn, down to his evening from his early dawn.
  • 54717
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    The laureat Jack Squabbs history in a little drawn, down to his evening, from his early dawn.
  • 54718
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    The laws and customs of the Miners in the Forrest of Dean, in the county of Gloucester
  • 54719
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    The lay-Christian's obligation to read the Holy Scriptures
  • 54720
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    The lay-mans opinion sent in a private letter to a considerable divine of the Church of England.