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총 60,478건 중 54,761 - 54,780건 출력
  • 54761
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    Love given over, or, A Satyr against the pride, lust and inconstancy &c. of woman
  • 54762
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    Love without measure. Or, The young-mans delight, and the maidens joy. This youngman woo'd a damosel fair, and call'd her his joy and dear, but she was coy, as maids will be, and said he came with flattery. But he did protest it was not so, and at last brought her unto his bow: now they live in love, in peace, and joy, and she very fain would have
  • 54763
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    Love's posie: or, A collection of seven and twenty love-letters, both in verse and prose; that lately pass'd betwixt a gentleman and a very young lady in France.
  • 54764
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    Love's posie: or, A collection of seven and twenty love-letters, both in verse and prose; that lately pass'd betwixt a gentleman and a very young lady in France.
  • 54765
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    Love's posie: or, A collection of seven and twenty love-letters, both in verse and prose; that lately pass'd betwixt a gentleman and a very young lady in France.
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 54766
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    Loyalty the ornament of Christianity, or, Scripture proofs for monarchy with comments in verse on each proof and applications relating to the unparallel'd rebellion in the West, wherein the arch-traitor Ferguson is in some measure anatomiz'd and his disciples characteriz'd / written by a souldier, Geo. Wood.
  • 54767
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    Lucilla and Elizabeth, or, Donatist and Protestant schism parallel'd
  • 54768
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    Lucilla and Elizabeth, or, Donatist and Protestant schism parallel'd
  • 54769
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    The last sermon of Mr. Henry Smith sometime Master of Arts in Christ-Church College in Oxford, & late minister in Sallop. With his earnest invitations to the Sacrament of the Lords Supper. And directions to young beginners that they may be fitted for that Holy Communion, and receive it with profit. 2. His holy and pious sayings in general, necessar
  • 54770
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    The law and equity of the gospel, or, The goodness of our Lord as a legislator delivered first from the pulpit in two plain sermons, and now repeated from the press with others tending to the same end ... by Thomas Pierce ...
  • 54771
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    The law of laws, or, The excellency of the civil law above all other humane laws whatsoever shewing how great use and necessity the civil law is to this nation / by Sir Rob. Wiseman.
  • 54772
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    The laws and acts made in the second session of the First Parliament of our most high and dread soveraign James VII by the grace of God, King of Scotland, England, France and Ireland, defender of the faith holden at Edinburgh the 29 of Apr. 1686 by a noble earl, Alexander, Earl of Morray, Lord Doun and Abernethie, &c., Secretary of State for the kingdom of Scotland, His Majesties High Commissione
  • 54773
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    The life and death of Rosamond, King Henry the Seconds concubine And how she was poysoned to death by Queen Elenor.
  • 54774
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    The life of Dr. Sanderson, late Lord Bishop of Lincoln written by Izaak Walton.
  • 54775
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    The life of St. Ignatius, founder of the Society of Jesus written in French by the Reverend Father Dominick Bouhours of the same society ; translated into English by a person of quality.|Vie de Saint Ignace, fondateur de la Compagnie de Jésus.
  • 54776
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    The life of the Most Reverend Father in God, James Usher, late Lord Arch-Bishop of Armagh, primate and metropolitan of all Ireland with a Collection of three hundred letters between the said Lord Primate and most of the eminentest persons for piety and learning in his time ... / collected and published from original copies under their own hands, by
  • 54777
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    The life of the Most Reverend Father in God, James Usher, late Lord Arch-Bishop of Armagh, primate and metropolitan of all Ireland with a Collection of three hundred letters between the said Lord Primate and most of the eminentest persons for piety and learning in his time ... / collected and published from original copies under their own hands, by Richard Parr ...
  • 54778
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    The lives and actions of several notorious counterfeits, who from the most abject and meanest of the people have usurped the titles of emperors, kings, and princes containing the history of twelve infamous impostors ... / written by the Sr. J.B. de Rocoles ... ; and now done into English.
  • 54779
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    The lives of the twelve Caesars, the first emperors of Rome. Written in Latin by C. Suetonius Tranquillus. And now done into English by several hands. With the life of the author, and notes upon those passages which relate to the Roman customs.|De vita Caesarum.
  • 54780
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    The loyal garland or a choice collection of songs highly in request, and much esteemed in the past and present times. Made by divers ingenious persons, on sundry occasions, for the sake of merryment. The fifth edition, with additions. Licensed, August the 18th. 1686. R.P.