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총 60,478건 중 54,981 - 55,000건 출력
  • 54981
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    A letter to Anonymus in answer to his Three letters to Dr. Sherlock about church-communion
  • 54982
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    A letter to Anonymus in answer to his Three letters to Dr. Sherlock about church-communion
  • 54983
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    A letter to Her Highness the Duchess of York some few months before her death written by the Bishop of Winchester.
  • 54984
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    A letter to Mr. Settle, occasioned by his late famous recanting and Plot-ridiculing Narrative·
  • 54985
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    A letter to Mr. Settle, occasioned by his late famous recanting and plot-ridiculing narrative
  • 54986
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    A letter to the Honourable Robert Boyle, Esq., defending the divine authority of the Holy Scripture and that it alone is the rule of faith in answer to Father Simon's Critical history of the Old Testament / written by C.M. Du Veil.
  • 54987
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    A letter written to my Lord Russel in Newgate, the twentieth of July, 1683
  • 54988
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    A letter written to my Lord Russel in Newgate, the twentieth of July, 1683.
  • 54989
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    A letter written to my Lord Russel in Newgate, the twentieth of July, 1683.
  • 54990
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    A letter written to my Lord Russel, in Nevvgate the twentieth of July, 1683.
  • 54991
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    A list of all the conspirators that have been seiz'd, (and where committed) since the discovery of the horrid and bloody plot, contriv'd by the phanaticks against the lives of His Majesty and His Royal Highness to which is annexed the names of the late most famous ignoramus juries, &c.
  • 54992
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    A list of all the conspirators that have been seiz'd, (and where committed) since the discovery of the horrid and bloody plot, contriv'd by the phanaticks against the lives of His Majesty and His Royal Highness to which is annexed the names of the three late famous ignoramus juries, &c.
  • 54993
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    A list of the Royal Society. His sacred majesty King Charles II. founder and patron.
  • 54994
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    A loving and friendly invitation to all sinners to repent and a warning to all backsliders to return unto the Lord, while they have time and space given them : with a brief account of the latter part of the life of John Perrot, and his end &c. : also a testimony against Robt. Rich and John Perrot their filthy books lately printed against God's peop
  • 54995
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    La France n'ayant pas cessé depuis la traité de paix conclu a Nimegue, de faire des infractions continuelles du mesme traité ... Whereas France, since the treaty of peace concluded at Nimighen, having never ceased to infringe the said treaty ...
  • 54996
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    La liturgie, c'est à dire, Le formulaire des prieres publiques, de l'administration des sacremens, et des autres ceremonies & coûtumes de l'Eglise, selon l'usage de l'Eglise anglicane avec le Pseautier, ou les Pseaumes de David, ponctuez selon qu'ils doivent estre, ou chantez, ou leûs dans les eglises.
  • 54997
    Book Info
    La liturgie, c'est à dire, Le formulaire des prieres publiques, de l'administration des sacremens, et des autres ceremonies & coûtumes de l'Eglise, selon l'usage de l'Eglise anglicane avec le Pseautier, ou les Pseaumes de David, ponctuez selon qu'ils doivent estre, ou chantez, ou leûs dans les eglises.
  • 54998
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    Le non-conformiste anglois dans ses ecris, dans ses sentimens, & dans sa pratique piéce tres nécessaire pour tous ceux qui voudront juger équitablement, & pour cet effet, ètre certainement informez des causes de cette rebellion, qui ôta la vie à sa Majesté Britannique, & fut d'ailleurs si funeste a ses etats / recueille & traduite fidélement
  • 54999
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    Lectiones habitae in scholis publicis Academiae Cantabrigiensis, An. Dom. M.DC.LXIV Isaaci Barrow ...
  • 55000
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    Les reports des divers special cases argue & adjudge en le cort del bank le Roy et auxy en le Co. Ba. l'Exchequer en les premier dix ans apres le restauration del son tres-excellent majesty Le Roy Charles le II colligees par Tho. Siderfin ...; imprimee par l'original fourth son maine propre en Francois, et ore publie en mesme le language ovesq; deux tables perfaicts fait es par luy mesme des