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총 60,478건 중 55,381 - 55,400건 출력
  • 55381
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    The last speech of Mr. Oliver Plunket, titular Primate of Ireland who was executed at Tyburn, on Friday the 1st. of this instant July, 1681. Written by his own hand.
  • 55382
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    The last speech of Mr. Oliver Plunket, titular primate of Ireland, who was executed at Tyburn on Friday the 1st. of this instant July, 1681. / Written by his own hand.
  • 55383
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    The last vvill and testament of that monstrous, bloudy, tyrannical, cruel, and abominable Parliament dissembled at Westminster, May 15, 1648 being desperately sick in every part of its ungodly members, as well committees, sequesterators, sollicitors, promoters, clerks, door keepers, and all other her untrue and unlawful adherents in manner and form
  • 55384
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    The late famous tryal of Mr. Hickeringill, rector of the rectory of All-Saints in Colchester, and author of The naked truth, the second part with an information exhibited against him for barretry, in XXIV articles : to make good the charge against him at the suit of the King, as in course, but really, prosecuted by one Maltcher, and one Morris, a proctor in the spriritual courts : at the assizes
  • 55385
    Book Info
    The late speech and testimony of William Gogor one of the three desperate and incorrigible traytors execute [sic] at the Grass Mercat in Edinburgh, the eleventh day of March, 1681, for disowning His Sacred Majesties authority ...
  • 55386
    Book Info
    The late speech and testimony of William Gogor one of the three desperate and incorrigible traytors execute [sic] at the Grass Mercat in Edinburgh, the eleventh day of March, 1681, for disowning His Sacred Majesties authority ...
  • 55387
    Book Info
    The late speech and testimony of William Gogor, one of the three desperate and incorrigible traytors executed at the Grass Mercat in Edinburgh, the eleventh day of March, 1681. for disowning His Sacred Majesties authority ...
  • 55388
    Book Info
    The late speech and testimony of William Gogor, one of three desperate and incorrigible traitors, execute at the Grass-Mercat in Edinburgh, the eleventh day of March, 1681, for disowning his sacred Majesties authority; and owning and adhering to these bloody and murdering principles, contained in that execrable declaration at Sanquhar, Carglls [sic
  • 55389
    Book Info
    The late speech and testimony of William Gogor, one of three desperate and incorrigible traytors, execute at the Grass Mercat in Edinburgh, the eleventh day of March, 1681. For disowning his sacred Majesties authority; and owning and adhering to these bloody and murdering principles, contained in that execrable declaration at Sanquhar, Cargils trai
  • 55390
    Book Info
    The late speech and testimony of William Gogor, one of three desperate and incorrigible traytors, execute at the Grass Mercat in Edinburgh, the eleventh day of March, 1681. For disowning his sacred Majesties authority; and owning and adhering to these bloody and murdering principles, contained in that execrable declaration at Sanquhar, Cargils traiterous covenant, and sacrilegious excommunicating
  • 55391
    Book Info
    The late speech and testimony of William Gogor. one of the three desperate and incorrigible traytors execute [sic] at the Grass Mercat in Edenburgh, the 11th. day of March, 1681, for disowning His Sacred Majesties authority; and owning and adhering to these bloody and murdering principles ...
  • 55392
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    The lawfulnes of mixt-marriages weighed, or, An answer to a dialogue between A. and B., written by Stephen Tory in vindication of mixt-marriages, by a conference between C. and D. concerning the same dialogue by J.D.
  • 55393
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    The lawfulness, and obligation of oaths a sermon preach'd at the assises held at Kingston upon Thames, July 21, 1681 / by John Tillotson ...
  • 55394
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    The lawfulness, and obligation of oaths. A sermon preach'd at the assises held at Kingston upon Thames, July 21. 1681. / By John Tillotson D.D. Dean of Canterbury, and chaplain in ordinary to His Majesty.
  • 55395
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    The laws and acts of Parliament made by King James the First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Queen Mary, King James the Sixth, King Charles the First, King Charles the Second who now presently reigns, Kings and Queen of Scotland collected and extracted from the publick records of the said kingdom, by Sir Thomas Murray ...
  • 55396
    Book Info
    The laws and acts of the first Parliament of our Most High and Dread Soveraign Charles the Second by the grace of God, King of Scotland, England, France and Ireland, defender of the faith, &c. holden at Edinburgh the first of January, 1661 : by a Noble Lord, John Earl of Middleton, Lord Cleremont, and Fettercairn, His Majestie's High Commissioner, for holding of this Parliament, by vertue of a co
  • 55397
    Book Info
    The laws and acts of the third Parliament of ... Charles the Second ... King of Scotland, England, France and Ireland ... Holden at Edinburgh the 28. day of July, 1681. by His Royal Highness James Duke of Albany, and York, &c. His Majestie's High Commissioner ... / Extracted and collected from the records of Parliament by Sir Thomas Murray ...|Laws, etc.
  • 55398
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    The lawyers demurrer argued. By the loyall addressers (the gentlemen) of Grays-Inne, against an order made by the bench of the said society. To the tune of Packingtons pound, or, The Round-head reviv'd.
  • 55399
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    The lawyers demurrer, to the addresses in fashion. Or, The several declarations and orders of the honourable Societies of the Middle-Temple, and Grays-Inn, lately made in relation to that affair.
  • 55400
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    The leacherous Anabaptist: or, The dipper dipt. A new Protestant ballad, to the tune of Packington's pound.