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총 60,478건 중 55,641 - 55,660건 출력
  • 55641
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    Les Reports del cases en ley que furent argues en le temps de tres haut & puissant princes les roys Henry le IV. & Henry le V.
  • 55642
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    Les Reports del cases en ley que furent argues en le temps de tres haut & puissant princes les roys Henry le IV. & Henry le V.
  • 55643
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    Les principes et la doctrine de Rome sur le sujet de l'excommunication et de la deposition des roys ou traitté dans lequel on fait voir 1. que l'eglise de Rome enseigne que le Pape peut excommunier & deposer les roys, donner les royaumes à d'autres, & absoudre leurs sujects du serment de fidelité; & 2. que cette doctrine est tout à fait pernicieuse
  • 55644
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    Les reports del cases en ley que furent argues à quadragesimo ad quinquagesimum annum de tres haut & puissant Prince Roy Edward le Tierce.|Year books (Edward III : 1327-1377)
  • 55645
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    Les reports des cases contenus in les ans vingt premier, & apres en temps du Roy Henry le VI. Communement appelles, The second part of Henry the Sixth, novelment reviews & corriges in divers lieux. Avec une table perfecte des choses notables contenus en ycel'. Auxi vous aves in cest' impression les cases icy referres aux abridgments de Brook & Fitz
  • 55646
    Book Info
    Les reports des cases en les ans des roys Edward V. Richard IIJ. Henrie VIJ. & Henrie VIIJ. Touts qui par cy devant ont este publies. Or nouvellement imprime, corrige & revieue: ove plusieurs bonnes notes en la marge par tout le livre; qui referrent les cases al' abbregement de Brook , & autres livres des ans. Aussi avec plusieurs notes fort profit
  • 55647
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    Leshon limudim Lingua eruditorum, sive, Methodica institutio linguæ sanctæ : in qua ut omnia quæ ad to technikon, plurima etiam quæ ad to historikon linguæ pertinet, absolutâ brevitate facilique ordine tractarentur / operam adhibuit Victorinus Bythner ... ; cui addita est Introductio ad linguam Chaldaeam Veteris Testamenti authore eodem.|Lingua eruditorum|Lingua eruditorum, sive, Method
  • 55648
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    Letter of a gentleman to his friend shewing that the bishops are not to be judges in Parliament in cases capital.
  • 55649
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    Life in God's favour a seasonable discourse in death-threatning times : being the substance of sundry sermons upon Psalm, 30.5 ... / by O. Heywood ...
  • 55650
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    Light in darkness, or, Deliverance proclaimed unto the church in the midst of all her despondencies and discouragements in a sermon / preached by Thomas Watson.
  • 55651
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    Lilies rules construed whereunto are added Tho. Robinsons Heteroclites, the Latin syntaxis, and qui mihi. Also there are added the rules for the genders of nouns and preterperfect tenses and supines of verbs in English alone.
  • 55652
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    London in luster projecting many bright beams of triumph disposed into several representations of scenes and pageants : performed with great splendor on Wednesday, October XXIX, 1679, at the initiation and instalment of the Right Honourable Sir Robert Clayton, Knight, Lord Mayor of the city of London ... : all set forth at the proper cost and charg
  • 55653
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    London's choice of citizens to represent them in the ensuing parliament viz. Sir Robert Clayton, Lord Mayor elect, Sir Thomas Player, Knight, William Love and Thomas Pilkington, Esquires : with an account of some passages previous thereto and remarques upon the whole, October 7th, 1679 / in a private letter from E.E. to J.W. at Newcastle upon Tine.
  • 55654
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    London's flames being an exact and impartial account of divers informations given in to the committee of Parliament, by divers members of Parliament, and many other persons of quality (whose names are inserted in this book) concerning the dreadful fire of London in the year 1666, and the many other strange fires which have happened since : together with what was said by M. Langhorn, now a prisone
  • 55655
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    Londons allarum, or, England toss'd in a blanket, from Westminster-Abbey to the city of Edinbrough being a seasonable treaty, touching General Monck and his army : in a dialogue between a scarlet souldier, and an honest countrey-man : wherein is shewed the great necessity of withdrawing the souldiers from the Parliament-House, and permitting the me
  • 55656
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    Londons defiance to Rome a perfect narrative of the magnificent procession and solemn burning of the Pope at Temple-Barr, Nov. 17th, 1679 (being the coronation-day of that never-to-be-forgotten Princess, Queen Elizabeth) with a description of the order, rich habits, extraordinary fire-works, songs, and general tryumphs attending that illustrious ce
  • 55657
    Book Info
    Londons defiance to Rome, a perfect narrative of the magnificent procession, and solemn burning of the Pope at Temple-Barr, Nov. 17th, 1679. (Being the coronation-day of that never-to-be-forgotten Princess, Queen Elizabeth.) With a description of the order, rich habits, extraordinary fire-works, songs, and general tryumphs attending that illustriou
  • 55658
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    Londons loyalty to their King and countrey, and the Protestant religion,
  • 55659
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    Londons loyalty to their king and countrey, and the Protestant religion
  • 55660
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    Lucan's Pharsalia: or, The civil wars of Rome, between Pompey the great, and Julius Caesar The whole ten books Englished by Thomas May, Esquire.