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총 60,478건 중 55,781 - 55,800건 출력
  • 55781
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    Lettre a son altesse Monseigneur le Duc de Monmouth. Par le Sieur des-Chants.
  • 55782
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    Libertas ecclesiastica, or, A discourse, vindicating the lawfulness of those things, which are chiefly excepted against in the Church of England especially in its liturgie and worship : and manifesting their agreeableness with the doctrine and practice both of ancient and modern churches / by William Falkner ...
  • 55783
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    Lilies prophetick occurences, or, An extract of some passages in Mr. Lilies astrological judgment for the year 1677
  • 55784
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    Lithologia a treatise of the stone & gravel their causes, signs & symptoms with methods for their prevention and cure : and some accounts also of the manner of the collotian section / written in Latin by John. Groeneveldt ; and rendred into English.
  • 55785
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    Logica, sive ars cogitandi in qua praeter vulgares regulas plura nova habentur ad rationem dirigendam utilia.
  • 55786
    Book Info
    Logicae libri qvinque de praedicabilibus, praedicamentis, [de] syllogismo, demonstativo, ejusq[ue] speciebus, probabili : una cum appendice de syllogismo sophistico : huc accessit introductio in metaphysicam, et tractatus de providentia Dei / authore Ri. Crackanthorpo ...
  • 55787
    Book Info
    London ss. Ad generalem quarterial sessionem Pacis Domini Regis tentam pro civitate London per adjornamentum apud Justice-Hall in le Old Bailey London, in parochia Sancti Sepulchri in ward de Farringdon extra London Praed', die Mercurii, scil. decimo die Octobris, anno regni Domini nostri Caroli Secundi, Dei gratia, Angliae, Scotiae, Franciae, & Hi
  • 55788
    Book Info
    London ss. Ad generalem quarterial sessionem Pacis Domini Regis tentam pro civitate London per adjornamentum apud Justice-Hall in le Old Bailey London, in parochia Sancti Sepulchri in ward de Farringdon extra London Præd', die Mercurii, scil. decimo die Octobris, anno regni Domini nostri Caroli Secundi, Dei gratia, Angliæ, Scotiæ, Franciæ, & Hiberniæ regis, fidei defensoris, &c. vicesimo nono; co
  • 55789
    Book Info
    London survey'd, or, An explanation of the large map of London giving a particular account of the streets and lanes in the city and liberties, with the courts, yards, alleys, churches, halls, and houses of note in every street and lane, and directions to find them in the map, with the names and marks of the wards, parishes, and precincts therein described / by John Ogilby & William Morgan ...
  • 55790
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    London's armory accuratly delineated in a graphical display of all the arms crests supportes mantles & mottos of every distinct company and corporate societie in the honourable city of London as they truly bear them faithfully collected from their severall patents which have been approved and confirmed by divers kings at arms in their visitations a work never till now exactly perfected or tru
  • 55791
    Book Info
    Londons triumphs illustrated with many magnificent structures & pageants on which are orderly advanced several stately representations of poetical deities, sitting and standing in great splendor on several scenes in proper shapes : with pertinent speeches, jocular songs (sung by the city musick) and pastoral dancing performed October 29, 1677 for the celebration, solemnity, and inauguration o
  • 55792
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    Loveday's letters, domestick and foreign to several persons, occasionally distributed in subjects philosophical, historical & moral. by R. Loveday, Gent. the late translator of the three first parts of Cleopatra.
  • 55793
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    Luciani Samosatensis Dialogorum selectorum libri duo a Guilielmo Du-Gardo recogniti & (variis collatis exemplaribus) multo castigatius quam ante editi ; cum interpretatione Latina, multis in locis emendata & ad calcem adjecta.|Dialogi.
  • 55794
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    Lutherus redivivus, or, The Protestant doctrine of justification by faith onely, vindicated and a plausible opinion of justification by faith and obedience proved to be Arminian, popish, and to lead unavoidably unto Socinianism : part I / by John Troughton ...
  • 55795
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    The Last and best edition of new songs such as are of the most general esteem either in town or court / collected with the greatest care, and printed after the most correct copies.
  • 55796
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    The Life of Michael Adrian de Ruyter, Admiral of Holland
  • 55797
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    The London writing master, or, The schollars guide teaching all the usuall hands now practised in England / invented, written, and engraved by Edward Cocker.
  • 55798
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    The ladies calling in two parts / by the author of The whole duty of man &c.
  • 55799
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    The ladies calling in two parts / by the author of The whole duty of man &c.
  • 55800
    Book Info
    The last news from France being a true relation of the escape of the King of Scots from Worcester to London, and from London to France, who was conveyed away by a young gentleman in womans apparel: the King of Scots attending on this supposed gentlewoman in manner of a serving-man. The tune is, When the King injoyes, &c.