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총 60,478건 중 55,821 - 55,840건 출력
  • 55821
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    A letter about liberty and necessity written to the Duke of Newcastle / by Thomas Hobbes. With observations upon it by a learned Prelate of the Church of England lately deceased.
  • 55822
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    A letter from a gentleman at London, to his friend in the countrey, &c.
  • 55823
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    A letter from a person of quality on board the William and Mary in the fare of Messina to a friend in London Wherein is set forth the present state and condition of the said city. Also a true account of the French fleet now lying in the port of Messina. To which is added a brief discourse of the island of Sicilia concerning the several alterations
  • 55824
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    A letter from the Heer Lieutenant-Admiral De Ruyter to the States-General of the United-Provinces; giving an account of the late engagement between him, and the French fleet, on the coast of Sicily. Translated out of Dutch, as it was printed at the Hague.
  • 55825
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    A letter of advice concerning marriage by A.B.
  • 55826
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    A letter to Monsieur Van. B---- de M---- at Amsterdam, written anno 1676
  • 55827
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    A letter written in High-Dutch by a Danish gentleman to his friend in Germany, concerning the imprisonment of John Adolff Kielman of Kielmans-Eck, president of state to the Duke of Sleswig-Holstein-Gottorp; and of his three sons.
  • 55828
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    A light to the art of gunnery wherein is laid down the true weight of powder, both for proof and action, of all sorts of great ordnance : also the true ball and allowance for wind, with the most necessary conclusions for the practice of gunnery, either in sea or land-service : likewise the ingredients and making of most necessary fire-works, as also many compositions for the gunner's practice, bo
  • 55829
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    A list of their names who by their adventures are capable of being chosen committees for the year 1676
  • 55830
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    A lively testimony to the living truth given forth by Robert Jeckell upon his death-bed in the presence of many eye and ear witnesses whose names are subscribed.
  • 55831
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    Letters and poems in honour of the incomparable princess, Margaret, Dutchess of Newcastle.
  • 55832
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    Letters of advice from two reverend divines to a young gentleman about a weighty case of conscience. And by him recommended to the serious perusal of all those that may fall into the same condition.
  • 55833
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    Letters of intercommuning against several persons declared fugitives for not compearing to answer for conventicles, &c.
  • 55834
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    Leviathan, sive De materia, forma, & potestate civitatis ecclesiasticae et civilis. Authore Thoma Hobbes, Malmesburiensi
  • 55835
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    Lex talionis, or, The author of Naked truth stript naked
  • 55836
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    Liber precum ecclesiæ cathedralis Christi Oxon
  • 55837
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    Lilies rules construed whereunto are added Tho. Robinsons Heteroclites, the Latin syntaxis, and qui mihi. Also there are added the rules for the genders of nouns and preterperfect tenses and supines of verbs, in English alone.
  • 55838
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    Literae pseudo-senatûs Anglicani, Cromwellii, reliquorumque perduellium nomine ac jussu conscriptae a Joanne Miltono.
  • 55839
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    Literae pseudo-senatus anglicani, Cromwellii, reliquorumque perduellium nomine ac jussu conscriptae a Joanne Miltono.
  • 55840
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    London's index or Some reflexions on the new built monument.