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총 60,478건 중 55,881 - 55,900건 출력
  • 55881
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    A letter of religion to the Protestant-dissenters from the Church of England, of what denomination soever in the county of Kent wherein is reported the ground of their dissent, their worship, way of instruction, and behaviour towards laws and government : to which is added a perswasive to conformity, at least an acquiescence in the religion establi
  • 55882
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    A letter sent to a friend by Edward Walford
  • 55883
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    A letter sent to a friend containing some reflections upon a late book intituled, The Roman church vindicated, and M.S. convicted of a false witnesse against her Wherein is declar'd, that the Pope may excommunicate and depose Kings according to the judgement of their greatest doctors, decrees and practices of several Popes, and Canons of their most
  • 55884
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    A letter to Mr Richard Baxter occasioned by several injurious reflexions of his upon a treatise entituled Justificatio Paulina. For the better information of his weake or credulous readers. By Thomas Tully D.D.
  • 55885
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    A letter to a member of Parliament with two discourses enclosed in it : I. the one shewing the reason why a law should pass to punish adultery with death, II. the other shewing the reasons why the writ, De haeretico comburendo, should be abolish'd.
  • 55886
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    A letter to a priest of the Roman Church wherein the grounds of their pretended infallibility are called for and examined, in some queries.
  • 55887
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    A letter touching a colledge of maids, or, A virgin-society written Aug. 12, 1675.
  • 55888
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    A list of the Royal Society . His sacred majesty King Charles II. founder and patron.
  • 55889
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    A list of the adventurers of England trading into Hudson's Bay and of their respective shares in the general stock, November 1, 1675
  • 55890
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    A looking-glass for loyalty, or, The subjects duty to his soveraign being the substance of several sermons preached by a person who always looked upon his allegiance as incorporated into his religion ...
  • 55891
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    A looking-glass for maids: or, The downfal of two most desperate lovers. Henry Hartlove and William Martin, both late living in the Isle of Wight, who for the love of Ann Scarborow a beautiful virgin, she having made her self sure to one of them, and afterwards fell off to the other, they challenged the field, where after a cruel fight, they were m
  • 55892
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    A looking-glass for persecutors containing multitudes of examples of God's severe, but righteous judgments upon bloody and merciless haters of his children in all times from the beginning of the world to this present age / collected out of the Sacred Scriptures and other ecclesiastical writers both ancient and modern by Sam. Clarke, Minister.
  • 55893
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    A loving exhortation and warning to sea-men, and all others whom it doth concern.
  • 55894
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    Lamentable news from Southwark, or The cruel landlord. Being a true relation of the cruelties of a wretched usurer against a poor woman that was his tenant, and owed him but five shillings. How he most inhumanely beat her on Friday the 13th of this instant November, of which she is since dead, leaving behind her three small children to the charge of the parish. Upon which her landlord is now a pr
  • 55895
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    Launaeus redivivus: or, A true narrative of the admirable effects of Delaun's pill that ancient & excellant Galenick medicine, approved of, and sold for above fifty years, in Black-Fryers, now newly reviv'd, and exposed to sale, at the signe of Delaun's Head there, for the good of all, by especially the poor, whose purses reach not to whole boxes o
  • 55896
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    Lawrence Mayor. Comm. Concil. tent. vicesimo septimo die Januarii, anno Dom. 1664. Annoque regni Regis Caroli Secundi nunc Angliae, &c. Decimo sexto
  • 55897
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    Le tableau du jugement universel avec d'autres discours spirituels. / Par Claude Mauger ...
  • 55898
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    Legal and other reasons (with all humility) presented to His most Excellent Majesty, King Charles II. and to both his Honorable Houses of Parliament, why the subjects of England, should not be imprisoned for debt or damages, or any thing thereunto relating
  • 55899
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    Les Reports de Henry Rolle serjeant del'ley, de divers cases en el court del' Banke le Roy : en el temps del' reign de Roy Jacques : colligees par luy mesme & imprimees par l'original.
  • 55900
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    Les erreurs de l'Eglise Romaine refutees en un sermon préché le 5 de Juiller, 1674 ... traduit en Francois par un ame de l'autheur par Andre Sall.