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총 60,478건 중 55,901 - 55,920건 출력
  • 55901
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    Les motifs de la conversion à la religion reformée du Sieur Francois de la Motte, cy-devant predicateur de l'Ordre des Carmes prononcez, en partie, par luy-mème dans l'Eglise de la Savoye le jour de son abjuration.
  • 55902
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    Les reports de Sir John Savile ... de divers special cases cybien en le Court de common bank, come l'Exchequer en le temps de Royne Elizabeth : ovesque deux tables, l'un des nosmes des cases l'auter des principal matters conteinus in yceux.
  • 55903
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    Les reports de Sir William Jones, chevalier, jades un des justices del' Banck le roy, et devant un des justices del' Court de common-banck et devant capital justice d'Ireland de divers special cases cy bien in le Court de banck le roy, come le Common-banck in Angleterre : cy bien en le darreign temps del' reign de roy Jaques, come en l'anns de roy Charles I : queux fueront adjudge en les dits cou
  • 55904
    Book Info
    Leshon limudim Lingua eruditorum, sive, Methodica institutio linguae sanctae : in qua ut omnia quae ad to technikon plurima etiam quae ad to historikon linguae pertinent, absoluta brevitate facilique ordine tractarentur, / operam adhibuit Victorinus Bythner ... ; cui addjta est, Introductio ad linguam Chaldaeam Veteris Testamenti, authore eodem.|Lingua eruditorum|Lingua eruditorum, sive, Methodic
  • 55905
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    Letters of intercommuning against persons declared fugitives for not compearing to answer for conventicles, &c.
  • 55906
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    Letters of intercommuning against persons declared fugitives for not compearing to answer for conventicles, &c.
  • 55907
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    Light for them that sit in darkness, or, A discourse of Jesus Christ, and that he undertook to accomplish by himself the eternal redemption of sinners also, that the Lord Jesus addressed himself to this work, with undeniable demonstrations that he performed the same : objections to the contrary answered / by John Bunyan.
  • 55908
    Book Info
    Liquor alchahest, or, A discourse of that immortal dissolvent of Paracelsus & Helmont it being one of those two wonders of art and nature, which radically dissolves all animals, vegitables, and minerals into their principles, without being in the least alter'd, either in weight or activity, after a thousand dissolutions, &c. / Published by J.A. pyrophilus.
  • 55909
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    Love and revenge a tragedy acted at the Duke's Theatre / written by Elkanah Settle ...
  • 55910
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    Love in the dark, or, The man of bus'ness a comedy : acted at the Theatre Royal by His Majesties servants / written by Sir Francis Fane, Junior, Knight of the Bath.
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 55911
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    Loves fancy, or, The young-mans dream being a caveat for all young men and maids, to make hay in sun-shine and often in shades, for maiden-heads ripe, like corn in their prime, ungathered will shed after harvest-time, to a pleasant new tune, or the the Hay-makers march.
  • 55912
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    Ludus Scacchia. A satyr with other poems. By R.G.
  • 55913
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    Lvsvs poeticvs Latino-Anglicanus in usum scholarum, or, The more eminent sayings of the Latin poets collected and for the service of youth in that ancient exercise, commonly called Capping of Verses, alphabetically digested : and for the greater benefit of young beginners in the Latin tongue, rendred into English / by John Langston ...
  • 55914
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    Lydia's heart opened: or, divine mercy magnified in the conversion of a sinner by the Gospel Being the sum of several sermons preaced lately by James Strong, M.A. and Minister of the Gospel.
  • 55915
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    The ladies calling in two parts / by the author of The whole duty of man, &c.
  • 55916
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    The ladies calling. In two parts / by the author of The whole duty of man, The causes of the decay of Christian piety, and The gentlemans calling.
  • 55917
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    The lawfulnes of tithes demonstrated to the convincing of such of the Quakers as pretend conscience against the payment of them, or, A demonstration for liberty of conscience to the Quakers in the payment of their tithes by W.J.
  • 55918
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    The life of the thrice noble, high, and puissant prince William Cavendishe, Duke, Marquess, and Earl of Newcastle ... written by ... Margaret, Duchess of Newcastle, his wife.
  • 55919
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    The liturgical-discourse of the holy sacrifice of the masse by omission of controversial questions; abridged and accommodated to the pious use of devout Christians in hearing masse, by A.F. the authour of the same at the instance of some devout friends.
  • 55920
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    The lives & deaths of most of those eminent persons who by their virtue and valour obtained the sirnames of Magni,or the Great whereof divers of them give much light to the understanding of the prophecies in Esay, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel, concerning the three first monarchies : and to other Scriptures concerning the captivity, and restauration of the Jews / by Samuel Clark ...|Lives and