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총 60,478건 중 55,941 - 55,960건 출력
  • 55941
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    A letter sent to Mr. Garway (a member of the right honorable the House of Commons of England) by an English gentleman. ; Wherein is demonstrated, that the generality of England as well as Ireland is very much prejudiced by the acts of Parliament, prohibiting Irish cattle.
  • 55942
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    A letter to the Catholicks of England, Ireland, Scotland, and all other dominions under His Gracious Majesty Charles II written by Father Peter Walsh ...
  • 55943
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    A letter written to a friend concerning Popish idolatrie
  • 55944
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    A list of persons intercommuned and declared fugitives, since the year 1674. for not compearing before the council, or commissions of council, to ansvver for conventicles and such like disorders : whose names are appointed to be affixt by sheriffs and other magistrates, ... that they may not have the benefite of the law in any proces, and who are t
  • 55945
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    A list of the Royal Society. His sacred majesty King Charles II. founder and patron.
  • 55946
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    A looking-glass for all those called Protestants in these three nations Wherein they may see, who are true Protestants, and who are degenerated and gone from the testimony and doctrine of the antient Protestants. And hereby it is made to appear, that the people, called in derision Quakers, are true (yea the truest) Protestants, because their testim
  • 55947
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    A looking-glass for ladies, or, A mirrour for married-women. Lively setting forth the rare constancy, chastity, patience, and purity of Penelope the wife of Ulisses, one of the Grecian generals, who during the ten years absence of her husband at the siege of Troy, was solicited, and importun'd, by numbers of emminent suitors; who attempted her chas
  • 55948
    Book Info
    A looking-glass for ladies, or, A mirrour for married-women. Lively setting forth the rare constancy, chastity, patience, and purity of Penelope the wife of Ulisses, one of the Grecian generals, who during the ten years absence of her husband at the siege of Troy, was solicited, and importun'd, by numbers of emminent suitors; who attempted her chastity, and endeavoured to violate her honour, but
  • 55949
    Book Info
    A looking-glass for persecutors containing multitudes of examples of God's severe, but righteous judgments, upon bloody and merciless haters of His children in all times, from the beginning of the world to this present age : collected out of the sacred Scriptures, and other ecclesiastical writers, both ancient and modern / by Sam. Clarke ...
  • 55950
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    A looking-glass for the Jews wherein they may clearly see that the Messiah is come, by the prophets in the Old Testament (above sixteen hundred years since) and the manifest testimonies since. And also, they may see their own blindness and ignorance of their own prophets, and of the Messiah unto this day. By which my desire is, they may turn to him
  • 55951
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    A looking-glass for the episcopal people shewing them how they walk contrary to the common-prayer they profess and teach / written in true love that might come to know the truth as it is in Jesus, by a lover and friend of truth, though by the world reproachfully called a Quaker, Francis Lea.
  • 55952
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    A looking-glass for traytors, or, High treason rewarded being a full account of the examination of the second person that was executed in Novem. 1678 by name, Edward Coleman, Esq, who was found guilty of high treason, at the Kings-Bench-Bar at VVestminter, the 27th of Nov. 1678 for plotting and contriving the death of our soveraign Lord the King, a
  • 55953
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    Laws and acts past in the fourth and last session of the second Parliament, of our Most High and Dread Soveraign Charles the Second by the grace of God, King of Scotland, England, France and Ireland, defender of the faith: holden by his Grace John Duke of Lauderdale, Marquess of March, Earl of Lauderdail, Viscount Maitland, Lord Thirlstane, Mussilb
  • 55954
    Book Info
    Laws and acts past in the second session of the second Parliament, of our most high and dread soveraign, Charles the second, by the grace of God, King of Scotland, England, France, and Ireland, defender of the faith Holden at Edinburgh, from the 28. of July, to the 22. of August, 1670. By a noble earl, John Earl of Lauderdail, Viscount Maitland, Lo
  • 55955
    Book Info
    Laws and acts past in the third session of the first Parliament of our most high and dread soveraign, Charles the Second, by the grace of God, King of Scotland, England, France and Ireland, defender of the faith. Holden at Edinburgh, from the eighteenth of June, 1663. to the ninth of October thereafter, on which day the Parliament was dissolved; by a noble lord, John Earl of Rothes, Lord Lefly an
  • 55956
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    Lectiones opticae & geometricae in quibus phaenomenon opticorum genuinae rationes investigantur, ac exponuntur et generalia curvarum linearum symtomata declarantur / auctore Isaaco Barrow ...
  • 55957
    Book Info
    Les reports de Sr Henry Yelverton Chevalier et Barrt Jades un des justices del Court de Common Bank. De divers speciall cases en le Court del Bank le Roy: cy bien en le darrein temps del reigne du Roign Elizabeth, come en le premier dix ans del Roy Jaques. Colligees par luy mesme, et imprimee per l'original south son maine propre en François remane
  • 55958
    Book Info
    Les reports de Sr Henry Yelverton Chevalier et Barrt. jades un des justices del Court de Common Bank : de divers speciall cases en le Court del Bank le Roy : cy bien en le darrein temps del reigne du Roign Elizabeth, come en le premier dix ans del Roy Jaqves / colligees par luy mesme, et imprimee per l'original south son maine propre en François remanent les maines de Sir Tho. Twisden cheval
  • 55959
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    Les reports des cases & matters en ley, resolves & adjudges en les courts del roy en Ireland collect & digest per Sir John Davis.|Reports des cases & matters en ley, resolves & adiudges en les courts del roy
  • 55960
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    Libels no proofs.