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총 60,478건 중 56,001 - 56,020건 출력
  • 56001
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    A letter of Francesco Redi concerning some objections made upon his Observations about vipers written to Monsieur Bourdelot ... and Monsieur Alexander Morus : printed in Italian at Florence, 1670 / now made English ; together with the sequel of New experiments upon vipers, and a dissertation upon their poyson ... written in French by Moyse Charas ; now likewise Englished.|Lettera di Francesco Red
  • 56002
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    A letter of advice to a young gentleman leaving the university concerning his behaviour and conversation in the world. By R. Lingard D.D.D.L.
  • 56003
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    A list of the Royal Society His Sacred Majesty King Charles II, founder and patron.
  • 56004
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    A list of the names and stocks of the Governour and Company of the Adventurers of England Trading to Hudsons-Bay
  • 56005
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    A looking-glass for children being a narrative of God's gracious dealings with some little children / recollected by Henry Jessey in his life-time ; together with sundry seasonable lessons and instructions to youth, calling them early to remember their creator, written by Abraham Chear ... ; to which is added, many other poems very sutable [sic], as also some elegies on departed friends, made by t
  • 56006
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    La lettre des Estats Generaux des Provinces Unies des Pais Bas, envoyee a Sa Majeste le Roy de La Grande Bretagne, par un Trompette avec la response de Sa Majeste a ladite lettre.
  • 56007
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    Laws and acts past in the second session of the first Parliament, of our most high and dread soveraign, Charles the Second, by the grace of God, King of Scotland, England, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith holden at Edinburgh by the noble lord, John Earl of Middleton, Lord Cleremont and Fettercairn, His Majesties Commissioner : from the eight day of May to the ninth of September, 1662.|La
  • 56008
    Book Info
    Laws and acts past in the second session of the first Parliament, of our most high and dread soveraign, Charles the second, by the grace of God, King of Scotland, England, France and Ireland, defender of the faith Holden at Edinburgh by the noble lord, John Earl of Middleton, Lord Cleremont and Fettercairh, His Majesties Commissioner. From the eigh
  • 56009
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    Le Tombeau des controverses a grave for controversies, between the Romanist & Protestant, lately presented to the King of France / Englished by M.M.
  • 56010
    Book Info
    Leez lachrymans, sive, Comitis Warwici justa a sermon delivered at the funeral of the right honourable Charles, Earl of Warwick, Baron Rich of Leez, who ... dyed at his mansion house of Leez le Rich, in the county of Essex, August 24, 1673, in the 58th year of his age, and was solemnly interred ... the 9th of September following / by Anthony Walker
  • 56011
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    Linguae latinae exercitatio, Joan. Lud. Vive autore, cui nuper accessit subobscurarum dictionum, cum gallica, tum latina interpretatio, per Aegidium de Housteville. [Cum] Petri Mottae,... graecarum priscarumque dictionum ac subobscurorum locorum interpretatione. Iterum aucta ac recognita
  • 56012
    Book Info
    London drollery, or, The wits academy being a select collection of the newest songs, lampoons, and airs alamode : with several other most ingenious peices [sic] of railery, never before published / by W.H.
  • 56013
    Book Info
    London drollery, or, The wits academy being a select collection of the newest songs, lampoons, and airs alamode : with several other most ingenious peices of railery never before published / by William Hicks.
  • 56014
    Book Info
    London in its splendor consisting of triumphant pageants, whereon are represented many persons richly arrayed, properly habited, and significant to the design : with several speeches and a song, suitable to the solemnity : all prepared for the honour of the prudent magistrate, Sir William Hooker, Kt., Lord Mayor of the city of London, at the peculiar expences of the Worshipful Company of Grocers
  • 56015
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    Londons - triumph, or, His Majesties welcom [sic].
  • 56016
    Book Info
    Londons wonders, or, London's warning to prevent our farther destruction by fire : wherein is shewn the great causes of Gods thus destroying us by fire : with a call from Heaven, to speedy repentance, that these his heavy judgements may be removed from us : with a catalogue of fires that hapned since the dreadful burning of the city / by One that prays for the prosperity of London, and the destr
  • 56017
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    Love in the blossome, or, Fancy in the bud containing a pretty, pleasant and delightful courtship betwixt two very young (but truly amorous) lovers, being persons of very eminent quality (at their first entrance into Cupid's school) : to the tune of Amarillis told her swain / J.P.
  • 56018
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    Loveday's letters domestick and forreign to several persons, occasionally distributed in subjects philosophical, historical, and moral. By R. Loveday, Gent. the late translator of the three first parts of Cleopatra.
  • 56019
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    The London almanack, or, A compendium of the year 1673 referred particularly to the meridian of the most famous city of London : together with some antiquities relating to that ancient and honourable corporation, not commonly known to the worthy inhabitants thereof / by Mercurius Civicus.
  • 56020
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    The London prodigal, or The unfortunate spendthrift.