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총 60,478건 중 56,161 - 56,180건 출력
  • 56161
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    A letter from a justice of peace to a counsellor at law concerning conventicles, with the counsellors reply
  • 56162
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    A letter in answer to certain quaeries and objections made by a learned Galenist against the theorie and practice of chymical physick wherein the right method of curing of diseases is demonstrated, the possibility of universal medicine evinced, and chymical physick vindicated / by George Acton ...
  • 56163
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    A letter of advice to a young gentleman leaveing the university concerning his behaviour and conversation in the world / by R.L.
  • 56164
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    A letter of love to the young convinced of that blessed everlasting way of truth and righteousness now testified unto by the people of the Lord (call'd Quakers) of what sex, age, and rank soever, in the nations of England, Ireland, and Scotland, with the isles abroad, spiritual refreshments, holy courage, and perfect victory, from God the Father, a
  • 56165
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    A letter of love to the young convinced of that blessed everlasting way of truth and righteousness, now testified unto by the people of the Lord (call'd Quakers) of what sex, age, and rank soever, in the nations of England, Ireland, and Scotland, with the isles abroad; but more particularly those of that great city of London, spiritual refreshments
  • 56166
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    A letter to Mr. Henry Stubs concerning his Censure upon certain passages contained in the History of the Royal Society
  • 56167
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    A letter to a friend concerning some of Dr. Owens principles and practices with a postscript to the author of the late Ecclesiastical polity, and an independent catechism.
  • 56168
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    A list of the English captives taken by the pyrates of Argier, made publick for the benefit of those that have relations there.
  • 56169
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    A little manuel of the poore man's dayly devotion collected out of severall pious and approved authors by W.C.
  • 56170
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    A liturgical discourse of the holy sacrifice of the mass. containing a clear, facil, solid explanation in general and particular of its substance, nature, quality, antiquity, use, rites and ceremonies, deduced out of the sacred Scripture, apostolical tradition, holy councils, orthodox Fathers, continual practise of Gods church, and unanimouis consent of all Christian nations / divided into two pa
  • 56171
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    A looking glass for a drunkard wherein is plainly shewed the filthy and abominable sin of drunkenness, proved by many places of scripture, and other historical relations, from authors of good credit and reputation how through drunkenness many have been punished, others threatned and admonished, very needful to be set up in every house for the infor
  • 56172
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    A looking glasse for maids. Or, The downfall of two desperate lovers. Henry Hartlove and William Martin ... who for the love of Anne Scabborow ... chaleng'd the field, where after a cruel fight they were both mortally wounded, and were found dead upon the place by the afore mentioned maiden ... The tune is, Aim not too high.|Downfall of two desperate lovers
  • 56173
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    A looking-glass for a bad husband, or, A caveat for a spend-thrift You that are guilty of that sinful crime of drunkenness, strive for to leave it off in time, lay up your money, do not it vainly spend, for in your greatest need, it will be your best friend, endeavour in your youth, lest in old age you want; for when that poverty doth come, friends will be scant, to the tune of, The poor man's co
  • 56174
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    A looking-glass for a bad husband: or, A caveat for a spend-thrift. You that are guilty of that sinful crime of drunkenness, strive for to leave it off in time: lay up your money, do not it vainly spend; for in your greatest need, it will be your best friend. Endeavour in your youth, left in old age you want; for when the poverty doth come, friends
  • 56175
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    A looking-glass for a covetous miser: or, Comfort to a contented minde. Being a serious discourse between a rich miser in the west country, and a poor husband-man, as they accidentally met upon the way: their dispute being so tedious, and of so great concernment, a neighbour of theirs hearing them, took pains to write down the subject of their disc
    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 56176
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    A looking-glass for maids: or, The downfal of two most desperate lovers. Henry Hartlove and William Martin, both late living in the Isle of Wight, who for the love of Ann Scarborough a beautiful virgin, she having made her self sure to one of them, and afterwards fell off to the other, they challenged the field, where after a cruel fight, they were
  • 56177
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    A lover complementing his mistriss, to the tune of, She's sweet like sugarcandie.
  • 56178
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    La couronne de vie, promise aux fideles sermon presche devant Son Altesse, Monseigneur le prince d'Orange, dans l'eglise françoise de la Savoye / par M. de Bréval.
  • 56179
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    La foy victorieuse du monde dans les justes sermon presche a las savoye dans l'eglise fran coise le dimanche, 10. jour d'Octobre 1669 / par D. Breual ...
  • 56180
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    Lacrymae Cantabrigienses in obitum illustrissmae Prinipis Henriettae Caroli Imi regis & martyris filiae, Ducissae Aurelianensis