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총 60,478건 중 56,241 - 56,260건 출력
  • 56241
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    The love-sick maid: or, Cordelia's lamentation for the absence of her Gerheard. To a pleasant new tune.
  • 56242
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    The lovers logick: or, logical-love Compos'd in French by Monsieur de Callieres junior. And now newly translated into English. Licensed Sep. 21 1669. Roger L'Estrange.
  • 56243
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    The loyal indigent officer being a brief description of the truly loyal commissioned officers, which hath faithfully served His late Majesty, of ever blessed memory, and His Majesty that now is : with a discovery how to be known from the number of the pretended commission'd officers, which formerly hath appear'd, and hath participated of His Majesties gracious gifts and favours and, not contented
  • 56244
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    The loyal non-conformist, or, An account what he dare swear, and what not.
  • 56245
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    The lusty miller's recreation: or, The buxome females chief delight. Being a most pleasant design between a certain miller, the good-wife, and her three daughters. A most delectable new song, &c. Fair Peggy first to'th mill with grist was sent, who pleas'd return'd, but would not tell th' event; which Betty once perceiving, needs would go, who sped
  • 56246
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    A letter of Meric Casaubon D.D. &c to Peter du Moulin D.D. and prebendarie of the same church concerning natural experimental philosophie, and some books lately set out about it.
  • 56247
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    A letter of love to the young-convinced of that blessed everlasting way of truth and righteousness, now testified unto by the people of the Lord (called Quakers) of what sex, age and ranck soever, in the nations of England, Ireland and Scotland, with the isles abroad, but more particularly those of that great city of London : spiritual refreshments, holy courage and perfect victory from God the F
  • 56248
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    A list of the Royal Society. His Sacred Majesty King Charles II. founder and patron.
  • 56249
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    A liturgical discourse of the holy sacrifice of the mass. wherein is contained a summary explication of the several parts, rites, and ceremonies thereof, out of the Scriptures, tradition, councils, and holy fathers, conformable to the use and practice of our Holy Mother the Church / collected faithfully by A.F. the least of Frair Minours.
  • 56250
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    L. Julii Flori rerum à Romanis gestarum libri IV. A Johanne Stadio emendati. Editio nova singulis neotericis purgatior & emendatior. Seorsum excusus in eos commentarius Johan; Stadii, historiae & Matheseos Lovanii professoris primi, elaboratissimus. Cui accesserunt chronologicae doctiss[imus] Cl. Salmasii excerptiones: Unà cum variis lectionibus ex
  • 56251
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    Land-lords law a treatise very fit for the perusal of most men : being a collection of several cases in the law concerning leases, and the covenants, conditions, grants, provisoes, exceptions, surrenders, etc. of the same : as also touching distresses, replevins, rescous and waste, and several other matters which often come in debate betweem land-lord and tenant : and also, a compleat table of th
  • 56252
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    Lazarillo, or, the excellent history of Lazarillo de Tormes, the witty Spaniard Both parts. The first translated by David Rowland, and the second gather'd out of the chronicles of Toledo, by Iean de Luna a Castilian, and done into English by the same author.
    De Mendoza
  • 56253
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    Lectiones XVIII, Cantabrigiae in scholis publicis habitae in quibus opticorum phaenomenon genuinae rationes investigantur, ac exponuntur : annexae sunt lectiones aliquot geometricae / ab Issaco Barrow.
  • 56254
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    Letters patents granted by His Majesty: containing a demise of His revenue of Ireland for seven years, bearing date the twelfth day of July 1669. as also letters patents granted by his Majesty, containing an abatement of rent, bearing date the third day of August 1669. Together with Marginal notes and an alphabetical table
  • 56255
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    Lexicon heptaglotton Hebraicum, Chaldaicum, Syriacum, Samaritanum, AEthiopicum, Arabicum, conjunctim; et Persicum, separatim. Opus non tantum ad Biblia Polyglotta Londinensia, Biblia Regia Parisiensia, Biblia Regia Antwerpiana, Bibliaque card. Ximenii complutensia; sed ad omnes omnino tam mss. quam impressos libros, in universis hisce linguis extan
  • 56256
    Book Info
    Lexicon heptaglotton Hebraicum, Chaldaicum, Syriacum, Samaritanum, Aethiopicum, Arabicum, conjunctim, et Persicum, separatim : in quo, omnes voces Hebraeae, Chaldaeae, Syrae, Samaritanae, Aethiopicae, Arabicae, & Persicae, tam in Mssis. quam impressis libris, cum primis autem in Bibliis polyglottis, adjectis hinc inde Armenis, Turcicis, Indis, Japonicis, &c. ordine alphabetico, sub singulis r
  • 56257
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    Light in darkness, or, A consideration of a comfortable and instructive resignation of the Church of God by an eminent and faithful watchman upon his departure : occasioned by the sad loss of ... Thomas Moor, Junior / by C.D.
  • 56258
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    Light in darkness, or, A twofold fountain of comfort and satisfaction, to those, who walking with God, yet live, and may die unsatisfied, as to the sensible manifestations of divine love discovered, in a discourse first preached at the funerals of the Right Honourable the Lady Catharine Courten, late wife to William Courten, Esq. and since enlarged
  • 56259
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    Litterae Consolatoriae; from the author to the dejected place of his nativity, the honourable city of London emporium of Great Brittain; in some prophetick glances at it's future glory and prosperity; indici[um?] of it's present happiness, from it's upright and judicious Lord Mayor, the right honourable Sir William Turner knight; to whom he wisheth
  • 56260
    Book Info
    Litterae Consolatoriae; from the author to the dejected place of his nativity, the honourable city of London: emporium of Great Brittain; in some prophetick glances at it's future glory and prosperity; indici[um?] of it's present happiness, from it's upright and judicious Lord Mayor, the right honourable Sir William Turner knight; to whom he wishet