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총 60,478건 중 56,261 - 56,280건 출력
  • 56261
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    Liturgia, seu Liber precum communium, et administrationis sacramentorum, aliorumque rituum atque ceremoniarum Ecclesiae, juxta usum Ecclesiae Anglicanae unà cum Psalterio seu Psalmis Davidis, eâ punctatione distinctis, quâ cantari aut recitari debent in ecclesiis. Itemque forma & modus faciendi, ordinandi & consecrandi episcopos, presbyteros, diaco
  • 56262
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    London 16. of August, 1669. The cargo's of 4 ships arrived from the East-Indies, viz. from Surrat. the Return, Captain William Whitehorn, and Rebecca, Captain William Bodily ...|Cargo's of 4 ships arrived from the East-Indies, viz. from Surrat
  • 56263
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    Londons resurrection, poetically represented and humbly presented to His Most Sacred Majesty.
  • 56264
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    Loveday's letters domestick and forreign to several persons, occasionally distributed in subjects philosophical, historical, and moral. By R. Loveday, Gent. the late translator of the three first parts of Cleopatra.
  • 56265
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    Loveday's letters, domestick and forreign To several persons, occasionally distributed in subjects philosophical, historical and moral By R. Loveday, Gent. the late translator of the three first parts of Cleopatra.
  • 56266
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    Loyalty and noncomformity, or, A loyal nonconformist decently interr'd being an elegy on the much lamented death of Mris. G.E. lately deceased.
  • 56267
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    The Lord Jesus Christ the Lord our righteousness, or, Christ the righteousness of a sinner before God delivered in several sermons some years since by Obadiah Grew.
  • 56268
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    The letter sent by Robert Rych to William Bayly and Mary Fisher, called his wife, and to the rest of the Quakers, hearers and followers
  • 56269
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    The life and death of Damaris Page That great, arch, metropolitan (old woman) of Ratcliff high-way. Who (through age and sickness) departed this life at her manner of the Three-Tuns in the parish of Stepney the 9th day of this present October, and was buried the Sunday following at St. George's in South-wark, with great lamentation of all the siste
  • 56270
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    The life and death of that matchless mirrour of magnanimity, and heroick vertues Henrietta Maria de Bourbon Queen to that blessed King and martyr Charles the First: and mother to that most magnificent monarch Charles the Second, King of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, &c.
  • 56271
    Book Info
    The life and death of that matchless mirrour of magnanimity, and heroick vertues Henrietta Maria de Bourbon Queen to that blessed King and martyr Charles the First: and mother to that most magnificent monarch Charles the Second, King of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland, &c.
  • 56272
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    The life of Deval Shewing how he came to be a highway-man;and how he committed several robberies afterwards. Together with his arraignment and condemnation. As also his speech and confession, at the place of execution.
  • 56273
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    The life of Dr. Thomas Morton, late Bishop of Duresme begun by R.B. secretary to his Lordship ; and finished by J.N., D.D., his Lordship's chaplain.
  • 56274
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    The life of Dr. Thomas Morton, late Bishop of Duresme begun by R.B. secretary to his Lordship ; and finished by J.N., D.D., his Lordship's chaplain.
  • 56275
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    The lighting colomne or sea-mirrour containing the sea-coasts of the northern, eastern and western navigation; setting forth in divers necessarie sea-cards all the ports, rivers, bayes, roads. Depths and sands ... With the discoveries of the chief countries, and on what cours and distance they ley one from another: ... As also the situation of the
  • 56276
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    The little manuel of the poore mans dayly devotion collected out of severall pious and approoved authors / by W.C.
  • 56277
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    The lives of saints vvith other feasts of the year according to the Roman calendar written in Spanish by the Reverend Father Peter Ribadeneyra ..., translated into English by W.P. ... ; to vvich are added all those vvich haue been put into the calendar since the autho
  • 56278
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    The loves of Charles, Duke of Mantua, and of Margaret, Countess of Rovera translated out of Italian.
  • 56279
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    A Letter of the Presbyterian ministers in the city of London presented the first of Jan. 1645, to the reverend Assembly of Divines, sitting at Westminster, by authority of Parliament, against toleration : now re-printed with some animadversions thereon.
  • 56280
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    A Letter to a member of this present Parliament, for liberty of conscience