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총 60,478건 중 56,401 - 56,420건 출력
  • 56401
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    A list of the particulars of His Majesties fleet, as they are divided into squadrons.
  • 56402
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    A list of the perticulars [sic] of His Majesties fleet as they are divided into squadrons.
  • 56403
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    A little handful of cordial comforts scattered thorowout several answers, to sixteen questions, and objections following : intended chiefly for the good of those that walk mournfully before God ... / by Richard Standfast ...
  • 56404
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    A lost sheepe returned home, or, The motiues of the conuersion to the Catholique faith of Thomas Vane, Doctor of Divinity, and lately Chaplayne to His Maiesty the King of England, &c.
  • 56405
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    A loving salutation with several seasonable exhortations contained in two general epistles sent unto all the saints and persecuted people of God in the houshold [sic] of faith to be red [sic] among them before they be banished as bond-men and bond-women out of the land of their nativity for their religion and righteousness sake.
  • 56406
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    La picara, or, The triumphs of female subtilty display'd in the artifices and impostures of a beautiful woman, who trapann'd the most experienc'd rogues, and made all those unhappy who thought her handsome : originally a Spanish relation, enriched with three pleasant novels / render'd into English with some alterations and additions by John Davies ...|A lo que obliga el honor.|Garduña de Sev
  • 56407
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    Lamentatio civitatis, or, Londons complaint against her children in the countrey shewing her weaknesse, poverty, and desolatenesse ... : as also a brief account how many died in the years 1529 [i.e. 1592], 1603, 1625, 1630, 1636,1637, 1638, 1646,1647 1648, with this present year 1665 : likewise several preservatives against the infection.
  • 56408
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    Land-lords law a treatise very fit for the perusal of all gentlemen and others : being a collection of several cases in the law concerning leases, distresses, replevins, rescous, waste, and several other matters which often happen between land-lord and tenant, as appears in the contents of the several chapters / by G. Meriton ...
  • 56409
    Book Info
    Land-lords law a treatise very fit for the perusal of all gentlemen, and others. Being a collection of several cases in the law, concerning leases, distresses, replevins, rescous, waste, and several other matters which often happen between land-lord and tenant, as appears in the contents of the several chapters. By G. Meriton, gent. olim clericum C
  • 56410
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    Lanii triumphantes, or, The butchers prize being a description of the famous battel between Achilles a butcher of Greece and Hector a weaver of Troy, occasion'd by the rape of a daughty damosill y-clep'd Hellen the bright.
  • 56411
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    Lexicon geographicvm in qvo universi orbis oppida, vrbes, regiones, prouinciae, regna, emporia, academiae, metropoles, fontes, flumina, & maria antiquis recentibusque nominibus appellata, suisque distantiis descripta recensentur : in dvas partes divisvm, in priori qvarvm antiqva nomina recentibus, in altera recentia antiquis proponuntur ... / authore Fr. Phillippo Ferrario ...|Tabvla longitvd
  • 56412
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    Lifes security, or, A phylosophical and physical discourse shewing the names, natures, & vertues of all sorts of venomes and venemous things, as in poysons in general and in particular : also describing which are poysonous animals and which poysonous vegetables, with the signes how shall you know them and the remedy for cure of any poyson by them : by experience, & learned prescriptions o
  • 56413
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    Living truths in dying times: Some meditations (upon Luk. 21.30. [sic]) occasioned by the present judgement of the plague. / By Thomas Blake.
  • 56414
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    Locorum, nominum propriorum, gentilitium, Vocumque difficiliorum, quae in Latinis Scotorum historiis occurrunt, explicatio vernacula. / Ex schedis nob. & claris. D. Thomae Crafurdii, excussit, auxit, emendavit C. Irvinus.
  • 56415
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    Loimologia A consolatory advice, and some brief observations concerning the present pest. By Geo. Thomson, Dr of physick.
  • 56416
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    London's Lord have mercy upon us. A true relation of seven modern plagues or visitations in London, with the number of those that were buried of all diseases; viz. the first in the year of Queen Elizabeth, anno 1592. The second in the year 1603. The third in (that never to be forgotten year) 1625. The fourth in anno 1630. The fifth in the year 1636
  • 56417
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    London's complaint against her fugitives
  • 56418
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    London's deliverance predicted in a short discourse shewing the cause of plagues in general, and the probable time (God not contradicting the course of second causes) when the present pest may abate, &c. / by John Gadbury.
  • 56419
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    London's dreadful visitation, or, A collection of all the bills of mortality for this present year beginning the 20th of December, 1664, and ending the 19th of December following : as also the general or whole years bill : according to the report made to the King's Most Excellent Majesty / by the Company of Parish-Clerks of London.
  • 56420
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    London's lamentation: or, Godly sorrow and submission. By George Elliott, author of God's warning-piece to London.