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총 60,478건 중 56,441 - 56,460건 출력
  • 56441
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    The life & death of Julius Caesar, the first founder of the Roman empire as also, The life and death of Augustus Caesar, in whose raign [sic] Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Chri[s]t was borne / by Sa. Clarke ...
  • 56442
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    The life & death of Nebuchadnezzar the Great, the first founder of the Babylonian Empire; represented by the golden head of that image; Dan. 2. 32. and by the lion with eagles wings; Dan. 7. 4. As also of Cyrus the Graet [sic], the first founder of the Empire of the Medes, and Persians; represented by the breast, and arms of silver in that image; D
  • 56443
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    The life & death of Pompey the Great with all his glorious victories and triumphs : as also the life and death of Artaxerxes Mnemon, one of the great Persian emperours / by Sa. Clarke sometime pastor in St. Bennet Finck London.|Life and death of Artaxerxes Mnemon, one of the great Persian emperours|Life and death of Artaxerxes Mnemon, one of the great monarchs of Persia
  • 56444
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    The life and death of Pompey the Great with all his glorious victories and triumphs : as also the Life and death of Artaxerxes Mnemon, one of the great Persian emperours / by Sa. Clarke, sometime pastor in St. Bennet Finck London.
  • 56445
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    The life of Mr. Rich. Hooker, the author of those learned books of the laws of ecclesiastical polity
  • 56446
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    The lives & deaths of such worthies who by their prudence, policy, and power have purchased, and procured to themselves the surnames of Great whose names are set down in the following page. By Sa. Clarke sometime pastor in St. Bennet Finck London
  • 56447
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    The love-sick spouse, or, The substance of four sermons preached on Canticles 2.5. by William Gearing ...
  • 56448
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    The loyall martyrology, or, Brief catalogues and characters of the most eminent persons who suffered for their conscience during the late times of rebellion either by death, imprisonment, banishment, or sequestration together with those who were slain in the Kings service : as also dregs of treachery : with the catalogue and characters of those regicides who sat as judges on our late dread sovera
  • 56449
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    A Letter writ to Sir John Robinson, Lieutenant of the Tower, By Edward Bagshvve [sic], close-prisoner there.
  • 56450
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    A late discourse made in a solemn assembly of nobles and learned men at Montpellier in France by Sir Kenelm Digby, kt. & ; touching the cure of wounds by the powder of sympathy ; with instructions how to make the said powder, whereby many other secrets of nature are unfolded ; rendered faithfully out of French into English by R. White ...|Discours fait en une célèbre assemblée, t
  • 56451
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    A letter sent from Syrranam, to His Excellency, the Lord Willoughby of Parham, General of the Western Islands, and of the continent of Guianah, &c. then residing at the Barbados together, with the Lord Willoughby's answer thereunto : with a commendable description of that country / by Henry Adis.
  • 56452
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    A letter to the most illustrious Lord, the Count of Hohenlo one of the imperial generals. Written by a gentleman in the army of Count Serini before Canisia. Concerning the renegades amongst the Turks. Put into English by a person of quality. With allowance, June 10. 1664. Roger Le Strange.
  • 56453
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    A letter written out of the countrey to a friend in London concerning Easter-day
  • 56454
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    A list of the 400 hackney-coaches licensed in July and August, 1662. by the commissioners appointed by the Kings Majesties commission, vnder the great seal of England, in pursuance of the act of Parliament; together with their names, places of abode, and figure marks.
  • 56455
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    A list, or catalogue of all the mayors, and bayliffs, lord mayors, and sheriffs, of the most ancient, honorable, noble, and loyall city of Yorke from the time of King Edward the first, untill this present year, 1664. being the 16th. year of the most happy reign of our most gratious soveraign lord King Charles the Second. Together with many, and sun
  • 56456
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    A little treatise concerning sufferings for the satisfaction of all that will live godly in Christ Jesus who shall suffer persecution : unto which is annexed A little treatise concerning glory / written in the spirit of love and bowels of meeknesse by George Bishope.
  • 56457
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    A lottery licensed by His Royal Highness the Duke of York, and assistants of the Corporation of the Royal Fishing, errected by the author, for the vending certain volumes of his own books.
  • 56458
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    L'Oratione del'eccellentissimo Signore Giacobo Duca d'Ormondia Signore Luogotente Regio d'Irlanda. Fatta 27 di Settembre, 1662. Innanzi la redunanza de'stati qundo prestava loro il consentimento del re per ordinar diversi statuti.
  • 56459
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    L. Annaeus Florus Cl. Salmasius addidit Lucuim Ampelium e cod. MS.
  • 56460
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    L. Annaevs Florvs. Cl. Salmasivs addidit Lvcivm Ampelivm, e cod. MS.