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총 60,478건 중 56,461 - 56,480건 출력
  • 56461
    Book Info
    Lacrymae Hungaricae in luctuosum satum illustrissimi & excellentissimi D.D. Nicolai comitis a Zereny sacrae Caesareae nec non Regiae Majestatis consi[l?]ii intimi, Dalmatiae, Croatiae, & Sclavoniae bani; Hungariae, atq; praedictorum regnorum generalissimi, in terrorem Mahumedorum anno MDCXII. nati, ac in moerorem Christianorum MDCLXIV. 24 Novembris
  • 56462
    Book Info
    Laertiou Diogenous Peri bion dogmaton kai apophthegmaton ton en philosophia eudokimesanton biblia 10 Laertii Diogenis De vitis dogmatis et apophthegmatis eorum qui in philosophia claruerunt libri X / Thomas Aldobrandino interprete cum annotationibus ejusdem ; quibus accesserunt annotationes H. Stephani & utriusque Casauboni ; cum uberrimis Aegidii Menagii observationibus.|De vitis philosophor
  • 56463
    Book Info
    Lamentation over England from a true sight, and suffering sense, of the lamentable wickedness of such rulers, priests, and people, that are erred, and strayed from the way of God, and follow too much the devices and desires of their own hearts, offending against his holy laws ... : whereby all persecutors may (in pity to their souls) truly consider what way they are in, and whether it leads, and
  • 56464
    Book Info
    Les reports du treserudite Edmund Anderson ... des mults principals cases argues & adjuges en le temps del jadis Roign Elizabeth cibien en le Common-Bank come devant touts les juges de cest roialme 1534-1604 / colligees & escries per luy mesme & imprimees per l'original ore remaneant en les maines del imprimeur ; ove deux tables des nosmes des cases & des principal matters conteinus en yceux.
  • 56465
    Book Info
    Les reports du treserudite Edmund Anderson ... des mults principals cases argues & adjuges en le temps del jadis Roign Elizabeth cibien en le Common-Bank come devant touts les juges de cest roialme [1534-1604] / colligees & escries per luy mesme & imprimees per l'original ore remaneant en les maines del imprimeur ; ove deux tables des nosmes des cases & des principal matters conte
  • 56466
    Book Info
    Leshon limudim Lingua eruditorum, sive, Methodica institutio linguae sanctae : in qua ut omnia quae ad to technikon plurima etiam quae ad to historikon linguae pertinent absolutâ brevitate facilíque ordine tractarentur / operam adhibuit Victorinus Bythner ... ; cui addita est Introductio ad linguam Chaldaeam Veteris Testamenti authore eodem.
  • 56467
    Book Info
    Leshon limudim Lingua eruditorum, sive, Methodica institutio linguae sanctae : in qua ut omnia quae ad to technikon plurima etiam quae ad to historikon linguae pertinent absolutâ brevitate facilíque ordine tractarentur / operam adhibuit Victorinus Bythner ... ; cui addita est Introductio ad linguam Chaldaeam Veteris Testamenti authore eodem.
  • 56468
    Book Info
    Leshon limudim Lingua eruditorum, sive, Methodica institutio linguæ sanctæ : in qua ut omnia quæ ad to technikon plurima etiam quæ ad to historikon linguæ pertinent absolutâ brevitate facilíque ordine tractarentur / operam adhibuit Victorinus Bythner ... ; cui addita est Introductio ad linguam Chaldaeam Veteris Testamenti authore eodem.|Lingua eruditorum
  • 56469
    Book Info
    Leshon limudim Lingua eruditorum; sive Methodica institutio linguae sanctae in qua, ut omnia quae ad to technikon, plurima etiam quae ad to historikon linguae pertinent, absolutâ brevitate facilíque ordine tractarentur, operam adhibuit Victorinus Bythner, Linguae Hebr. Professor. Cui addita est introductio ad linguam Chaldaeam Veteris Testamenti, a
  • 56470
    Book Info
    Lex Pacifica, or, Gods own law of determining controversies explain'd and asserted in a sermon preached at Dorchester at the Assizes holden there for the county of Dorset, August 5, 1664 / by John Martin ...
  • 56471
    Book Info
    Lex Pacifica: or Gods ovvn lavv of determining controversies explain'd and asserted, in a sermon preached at Dorchester, at the Assizes holden there for the county of Dorset, August 5. 1664. By John Martin, rector of Horsey's Melcombe.
  • 56472
    Book Info
    Lex Pacifica: or Gods own law of determining controversies explain'd and asserted, in a sermon preached at Dorchester, at the Assizes holden there for the county of Dorset, August 5. 1664. / By John Martin, rector of Horsey's Melcombe.
  • 56473
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    Linguae Hebraicae delineatio opera & studio / H. Knollys.
  • 56474
    Book Info
    Llyfr gweddi gyffredin a gweinidogaeth y sacramentau a chynneddfau a ceremoniau eraill yr Eglwys yn ol arfer Eglwys Lorgr : ynghyd a'r Psallwyr neu Psalmau Dafydd.
  • 56475
    Book Info
    Locorum, nominum propriorum, gentilitium, vocumque difficiliorum, quae in Latinis Scotorum historiis occurrunt, explicatio vernacula Nullum numen abest. Ex schedis nob. & clariss. D. Thomae Crafurdii, excussit, auxit, emendavit C. Irvinus.
  • 56476
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    Logicae artis compendivm Rob. Sanderson ...
  • 56477
    Book Info
    Londons triumphs celebrated the 29th of October, 1664 in honour to the truely deserver of honour Sir Iohn Lawrence Knight, Lord Maior of the honourable city of London, and performed at the costs and charges of the worshipful Company of Haberdashers, William Justice, Esq., Master, John King, Phillip Owen, Anthony Dowse, John Mascall, wardens / writt
    Tatham Gent
  • 56478
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    Love's kingdom
    ProQuest One Literature
    전문보기 (Full Text Access)
  • 56479
    Book Info
    Love's kingdom a pastoral trage-comedy : not as it was acted at the theatre near Lincolns-Inn, but as it was written, and since corrected / by Richard Flecknoe ; with a short treatise of the English stage, &c. by the same author.
  • 56480
    Book Info
    Luciani Samosatensis dialogorum selectorum libb. II. A Gulielmo Du-gardo recogniti, & (variis collatis exemplaribus) multò castigatiùs quàm antè editi: cum interpretatione Latinâ, multis in locis emendatâ, & ad calcem adjectâ