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총 60,478건 중 56,481 - 56,500건 출력
  • 56481
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    The Lord Strangfords case
  • 56482
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    The Lord's arm stretched ovt in an answer of prayer, or, A true relation of the wonderful deliverance of James Barrow, the son of John Barrow of Olaves Southwark, who was possessed with evil spirits near two years the diversity of means used, with the way in which he was delivered / published by me, John Barrow.
  • 56483
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    The Lusiad, or, Portugals historicall poem: written by Luis de Camoens; and now newly put into English by the Right Honourable Sir Richard Fanshawe knight.
  • 56484
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    The last discourse of the Right Honble the Lord Warestoune, as he delivered it upon the scafford at the Mercat-Cross of Edinburgh, July 22. 1663. being immediately before his death Whereunto is added a short narration of his carriage during the time of his imprisonment, but more especially at his death: all which is very comfortable and refreshing
  • 56485
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    The last speech and confession of Peter Caesar, a Portugal, at the place of execution together with his confession at Justice-Hall in the Old Bailey ... likewise the tryal of the Frenchmen for ravishing a gentlewoman near Holborn ... as also a true relation concerning Mary Smith, who cut off her childs' head, with her examination and confession bef
  • 56486
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    The law of laws, or, The excellencie of the civil law above all humane laws whatsoever by Sir Robert Wiseman ... ; together with a discourse concerning the oath ex officio and canonical purgation.
  • 56487
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    The liberty of the subject by Magna Charta, or, Several weighty things to be considered of by the jurors and judges, seeing the law of England is said to be a law of mercy and doth take care jurors be of the next neighbourhood ...
  • 56488
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    The life & death of Nebuchadnezzar, the Great, the first founder of the Babylonian Empire, represented by the golden head of that image, Dan. 2. 32., and by the lion with eagles wings, Dan. 7. 4. as also of Cyrus, the Great, the first founder of the Empire of the Medes and Persians, represented by the breast, and arms of silver in that image, Dan. 2. 32., and by a bear, Dan. 7. by Sa. Clarke
  • 56489
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    The life of Tamerlane the Great with his wars against the Duke of Mosco, the King of China, Bajazet the great Turk, the Sultan of Egypt, the King of Persia, and some others, carried on with a continued series of success from the first to the last. Wherein are rare examples of heathenish piety, prudence, magnanimity, mercy, liberality, humility, jus
  • 56490
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    The loyall subject; or Truths alarum sounded before justice and equity. Being a word in season to the kings friends, and another to them that pretend themselves so. Presented to His Majesty, and to the High Court of Parliament / written by Capt. Charles Hammond, one of the truly indigent officers.|Truths alarum sounded before justice and equity
  • 56491
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    A List of officers claiming the sixty thousand pounds &c. granted by His Sacred Majesty for the relief of his truly-loyal and indigent party which list is made publique by the consent and at the desire of the honourable the commissioners appointed by act of Parliament for distribution of said moneys.
  • 56492
    Book Info
    A List of officers claiming to the sixty thousand pounds, &c. granted by His Sacred Majesty for the relief of his truly-loyal and indigent party which list is made publique by the consent and at the desire of the honourable the commissioners appointed by act of Parliament for distribution of the said moneys.
  • 56493
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    A lamentable ballad of a combate lately performed neer [sic] London between Sir James Steward, and Sir George Wharton knights: who were both slain at that time. Tune is, Down Plumpton Park, &c.
  • 56494
    Book Info
    A lamentable ballad of a combate lately performed neer [sic] London, between Sir James Steward, and Sir George Wharton knights: who were both slain at that time. Tune is, Down Plumpton Park, &c.
  • 56495
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    A letter from Ireland concerning the late trayterous conspiracie in that kingdome with an account of the principal persons engaged in it.
  • 56496
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    A letter to a person of honour in London concerning the papists from an old cavalier in Yorkshire.
  • 56497
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    A letter to a person of quality written by Mr. Edward Bagshaw, the day before his commitment close-prisoner to the gatehouse.
  • 56498
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    A letter written to the Jewes by Rabbi Moses Scialitti a Jew of Florence baptized June 14. 1663. Declaring the reasons of his conversion, and exhorting them to embrace the Christian faith.
  • 56499
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    A letter written to the Jewes by Rabbi Moses Scialitti, a Jew of Florence baptized June 14. 1663. ; delaring the reasons of his conversion, and exhorting them to embrace the Christian faith.
  • 56500
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    A list of the fellovvs of the Royal Society, out of which ten are to be chosen into the Council, November 30th, 1663