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총 60,478건 중 56,561 - 56,580건 출력
  • 56561
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    Le reading del Monsieur Denshall sur l'estatute de finibus fait anno 4. H. 7.
  • 56562
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    Le reading del mon Seignior Coke sur l'estatute de 27. E. 1., appelle l'estatute de Finibus Lexatis.
  • 56563
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    Leitourgia theiotera ergia, or, Liturgie a most divine service in answer to a late pamphlet stiled, Common-prayer-book no divine service : wherein that authors XXVII reasons against liturgies are wholly and clean taken away, his LXIX objections against our most venerable service-book are fully satisfied : as also his XII arguments against bishops are clearly answered ... so that this tract may we
  • 56564
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    Lent-preachers at court
  • 56565
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    Life & death offered to the choice of the sons and daughters of Adam, or, A doctrinal essay towards the discovery of the broad way that leadeth to destruction, and also the narrow path that leadeth unto life being the substance of several sermons preach'd on Matth. 7, 13, 14 : in the entrance of which discourse you have something spoken occasionally touching judging of others, and also touchi
  • 56566
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    Lilies rules construed whereunto are added Tho. Robinson's Heteroclites, the Latine syntaxis, and qui mihi. Also there is added the rules for the genders of nouns and preterperfect tenses and supines of verbs in English alone.|Heteroclites.
  • 56567
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    Linguæ gallicæ addiscendæ regulæ collectæ operâ & industriâ H. Leighton ...
  • 56568
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    Linguæ gallicæ addiscendæ regulæ collectæ operâ & industriâ H. Leighton ...
  • 56569
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    Londons triumph presented in severall delightfull scaenes, both upon the water and land, and celebrated in honour of the truly loyal and known deserver of honour, Sr. John Robinson, knight and baronet, lord mayor of the city of London at the costs and charges of the worshipful company of clothworkers.
  • 56570
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    Loveday's letters, domestick and forreign, to several persons occasionally distributed in subjects philosophical, historical, and moral / by R. Loveday ...
  • 56571
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    Loyalty amongst rebels the true royalist, or, Hushay the Archite, a happy counsellour in King David's greatest danger / written by Edward Wolley ...
  • 56572
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    Loyalty asserted and the late remonstrance or allegiance of the Irish clergy and layty confirmed and proved by the authority of Scriptures, fathers ... and by the evidences of several theological reasons : with a brief answer to Cardinal Peron's Oration and objections / by R. Caron.
  • 56573
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    Lux matutina, or, Some beams and dawnings of early light breaking forth of ancient history discovering the judgement and practice of the primitive times in reference to ceremonies and church-discipline.
  • 56574
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    Lux orientalis, or, An enquiry into the opinion of the Eastern sages concerning the praeexistence of souls being a key to unlock the grand mysteries of providence, in relation to mans sin and misery.
  • 56575
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    The London-ministers legacy to their several congregations being a collection of farewel-sermons preached by 1 preached by Mr. Calamy, 2 Mr. Watson, 3 Mr. Sclater, 4 Mr. Watson, 5 Dr. Jacomb, 6 Mr. Case, 7 Dr. Jacomb, 8 Mr. Baxter, 9 Mr. Jenkins 10 Mr. Jenkins, 11 Mr. Lye, 11 [sic] Mr. Lye, 13 Dr. Manton. To which is annexed, a sermon preached at t
  • 56576
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    The Long Parliament as it acted in the yeare 1641, 1642 & 1643|Exact collection of all remonstrances, declarations, votes, orders ... and other remarkable passages between the Kings Most Excellent Majesty and his high court of Parliament beginning at His Majesties return from Scotland, being in December 1641, and continued untill March the 21, 1643
  • 56577
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    The Lord Archbishop of Canterbury's letter to the Lords the bishops within his Grace's province.
  • 56578
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    The ladies directory in choice experiments & curiosities of preserving in jellies, and candying both fruits & flowers. Also, an excellent way of making cakes, comfits, and rich court-perfumes. With rarities of many precious waters; among which, are Doctor Stephens's water, Dr. Matthias's palsie-water; and an excellent water against the plague: with severall consumption drinks, approved by
  • 56579
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    The ladyes vindication: being The womens answer, to Your humble Servant Madame. To the same tune.
  • 56580
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    The ladyes vindication: being The womens answer, to Your humble servant madame To the same tune.