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총 60,478건 중 56,621 - 56,640건 출력
  • 56621
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    L. Jvlii Flori Rerum à Romanis gestarvm libri IV. A. Johanne Stadio emendati editio nova singulis neotericis purgatior & emendatior. Seorsum excusus in eos commentarius Johan. Stadii, historiae & matheseos lovanii professoris primi, elabortissimus. Cui accesserunt Chronologicae doctiss: Cl. Salmasii excerptiones: vnà cum variis lectionibus ex notis
  • 56622
    Book Info
    L. Jvlii Flori Rerum à Romanis gestarvm libri IV a Johanne Stadio emendati. Seorsum excusus in eos commentarius Johan. Stadii ... : cui accesserunt Chronologicæ doctiss Cl. Salmasii excerptiones : vnà cum variis lectionibus ex notis Gruteri, Salmasii & Vineti & editionibus collectis & cum hac nostra collatis : sub calce prodit L. Ampelii Liber memorialis ex clariss. Salmasi
  • 56623
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    La liturgis c'est à dire le formulaire des prieres publiques, de l'administration des sacrements. Et des autres ceremonies, & coustumes de l'Eglise Anglicane. Cette version a este reueue, conferee auec l'original & corrigee en plusieurs endroits. Le 39 articles de la Confession de foy out esté adioutés a cette edition. Par l'expres commandement du
  • 56624
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    La vraye instruction des trois langues la Francoise, l'Angloise, & la Flamende proposee en des regles fondamentelles & succinctes, un assemblage des mots les plus usitez, & des colloques utiles & recreatifs; ou, horsmis d'autres discours curieus, le gouvernement de la France se deduit historiquement & politiquement: mise en ces trois langues par Gu
  • 56625
    Book Info
    Lacrymae Ecclesiae; or The mourning of Hadadrimmon for Englands Iosiah. Delivered in two sermons, Janu. 30. 1660. at the solemn fasting and humiliation, for the martyrdom and horrid murder of our late gracious King Charles the First, of ever blessed memory. In the church of the borough of Blechingley in the county of Surry. / By Wil. Hampton rector
  • 56626
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    Lamiato l Ajam, carmen Tograi poetae Arabis doctissimi, una cum versione Latina, & notis praxin illius exhibentibus / opera Edvardi Pockockii ; accessit Tractatus de prododia Arabica.
  • 56627
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    Law, or a discourse thereof, in four books. Written in French by Sir Hen: Finch Knight, His Majesties serjeant at Law. And done into English by the same author
  • 56628
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  • 56629
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    Lent-preachers at court
  • 56630
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    Les reports de Gulielme Bendloes, serjeant de la ley des divers resolutions et judgments donne par les reverendes judges de la ley : de certeine matieres en la ley en le temps del raigne de roys et roignes Hen. VIII, Edw. VI, Phil. et Mar. et Elizab. : avecque autres select cases en la ley adjudges et resolves en le temps del regne de tresillustres roys Jaques et Charles le Premier : jammais par
  • 56631
    Book Info
    Les reports de Sr Henry Yelverton Chevalier et Barrt Iades un des justices del Court de Common Bank. De divers speciall cases en le Court del Bank le Roy: cy bien en le darrein temps del reigne du Roign Elizabeth, come en le premier dix ans del Roy Jaques. Ovesq; deux tables persaicts, de matieres notables, et nosmes del cases contenues en yceaux.
  • 56632
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    Letters of Sir Henry Wotton to Sir Edmund Bacon
  • 56633
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    Leycester's common-wealth conceived, spoken, and published, with most earnest protestation of all dutifull good-will and affection towards this realm, for whose good onely, it is made common to many.|Leycesters commonwealth.|Leycester's common-wealth|Leicester's commonwealth|Copie of a leter, wrytenby a master of arte of Cambridge, to his friend in London
  • 56634
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    Libellus orthographicus: or, The diligent school-boy's directory Being certain plain and profitable dialogue-wise-placed rules and directions, for the better understanding of (especially) the English-orthography. By Thomas Hunt, Mr. of Arts of Pembroke Colledge in Oxford, and school-master at St. Dunstans in the East.
  • 56635
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    Liber psalmorum Davidis ex Armenico idiomate in Latinum traductus / operâ Dudleii Laftusii ...|Bible. O.T. Psalms. Latin. 1661.
  • 56636
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    Liberty of conscience asserted and several reasons rendred why no outward force nor imposition ought to be used in matters of faith and religion with several sayings collected from the speeches and writings of King James and King Charles the First / John Crook, Samuel Fisher, Francis Howgill, Richard Hubberthorne.
  • 56637
    Book Info
    Liberty of conscience asserted, and several reasons rendred, why no outward force, nor imposition, ought to be used in matters of faith and religion with several sayings, collected from the speeches and writings of King James, and King Charles the First. John Crook Samuel Fisher Francis Howgill Richard Hubberthorne.
  • 56638
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    Life in death, or, Support for souls under deepe pressures being a sermon preached January 13, 1660, at Mary Staynings, London, by C. Helme ...
  • 56639
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    Ligeancia lugens, or, Loyaltie lamenting the many great mischiefs and inconveniences which will fatally and inevitably follow the taking away of the royal pourveyances and tenures in capite and by knight-service, which being ancient and long before the conquest were not then, or are now, any slavery, publick or general grievence with some expedients humbly offered for the prevention thereof / by
  • 56640
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    Linguae Latinae exercitatio, Joan. Lod. Vive authore.|Joannis Lodovici Vivis exercitium linguae Latinae