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총 60,478건 중 56,661 - 56,680건 출력
  • 56661
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    The late Earl of Lindsey his title by which himself, and his participants, do claim 24000. acres of land in the fennes in Lincoln-shire; and concerning which a bill hath pass'd the House of Lords, and is now with the Commons, impowring Sir Henry Heron and Sir William Killigrew to perfect their undertakings; the which, if it hath not been according
  • 56662
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    The laws and acts of the first Parliament of our most high and dread soveraign Charles the Second ... holden at Edinburgh the first of January, 1661 by a noble Lord, John, Earl of Middleton ... with the special advice and consent of the estates of Parliament / extracted and collected from the records of Parliament by Sir Archibald Primerose.
  • 56663
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    The laws in Venice for prohibition of foreign cloth. Translated from the italian Original. A proclamation published by order of the most Illustrious Lords Proveditors of the Common, 14 Novemb. 1661. in execution of the decree of the most excellent senate of the 5th instant, in matter of the prohibition of foreign woollen cloth.
  • 56664
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    The life and acts of the most famous and valiant champion, Sir William Wallace, Knight of Ellerslie. Maintainer of the liberty of Scotland. With a preface containing a short sum of the history of that time.
  • 56665
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    The life and death of Alexander the Great in X books / written by Quintus Curtius Rufus ; and translated out of Latine into English by Rober[t] Codrington.
  • 56666
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    The life of that reverend divine, and learned historian, Dr. Thomas Fuller
  • 56667
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    The life of the most learned, reverend and pious Dr. H. Hammond. [by John Fell]
  • 56668
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    The life of the most learned, reverend, and pious Dr. H. Hammond written by John Fell ...
  • 56669
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    The line of righteousness and justice stretched forth over all merchants, &c. and an exhortation unto all Friends and people whatsoever, who are merchants, tradesmen, husbandmen or sea-men, who deal in merchandize, trade in buying and selling by sea or land, or deal in husbandry, that ye all do that which is just, equal and righteous in the sight of God and man, one to another, and to all men : a
  • 56670
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    The liturgical considerator considered, or, A brief view of Dr. Gauden's considerations touching the liturgy of the Church of England wherein the reasons by him produced for imposing the said liturgy upon all, are found to be so weak ... that some, who upon His Majesties declaration did incline to the liturgy, are now further from it, by reading his wordy discourse about it. Also some reasons hum
  • 56671
    Book Info
    The liturgical considerator considered, or, A brief view of Dr. Gauden's considerations touching the liturgy of the Church of England wherein the reasons by him produced for imposing the said liturgy upon all, are found to be so weak, his defence of things offensive in it so slight, the arguments against the liturgy by himselfe afforded, are so strong, that some, who upon His Majesties declaratio
  • 56672
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    The lives, actions, and execution of the prime actors, and principall contrivers of that horrid murder of our late pious and sacred soveraigne, King Charles the First ... with severall remarkable passages in the lives of others, their assistants, who died before they could be brought to justice / by George Bate, an observer of those transactions.
  • 56673
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    The loyal remonstrance.
  • 56674
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    The loyall subjects lamentation for Londons perversenesse, in the malignant choice of some rotten members, on Tuesday the 19. of March 1661
  • 56675
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    The loyall subjects lamentation for Londons perversenesse, in the malignant choice of some rotten members, on Tuesday the 19. of March 1661.
  • 56676
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    The loyall subjects lamentation for Londons perversenesse, in the malignant choice of some rotten members, on Tuesday the 19. of March 1661.
  • 56677
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    A Letter from no far countrey being a judgement upon the present posture of affairs in England &c. : written to, and made publike at the request of a worthy person elected to serve in the approaching parliament, as worth the serious consideration of his fellow members.
  • 56678
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    A Letter to the House from the Laird Wareston, late president of the Committee of Safety
  • 56679
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    A List of the earls and lords that were present in the House of Peers on Friday, April the 27th, 1660
  • 56680
    Book Info
    A List of the earls and lords that were present in the House of Peers on Friday, April the 27th, 1660.