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총 60,478건 중 56,781 - 56,800건 출력
  • 56781
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    A list of the names of the knights citizens burgesses and barons of the Cinque Ports of England and Wales for the Parliament begun at Westminster the 25th. day of April, in the year 1660. as they were returned into the Crown Office.
  • 56782
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    A list of the names of the knights citizens burgesses and barons of the Cinque ports of England and Wales for the Parliament begun at Westminster the 25th. day of April, in the year 1660. as they were returned into the Crown office.
  • 56783
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    A looking-glass for King-opposers, or, Twenty admirable examples of Gods severe justice and displeasure against the subscribers of the late engagement against our lawfull soveraign King Charles the II. and the whole House of Peers: in these words, I do declare and promise that I will be true and faithfull to the Common wealth of England ... Also ag
  • 56784
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    A looking-glass for traytors being the manner of the tryall of those barbarous wretches at Justice-Hall in the Old-Baily, who contrived and compassed the death of his late Sacred Majesty King Charles the First, of ever blessed memory : with an account of their severall arguments, conviction, condemnation and execution.
  • 56785
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    A loving invitation (to repentance, and amendment of life) unto all the inhabitants of the island Barbados Before the Lords sore judgements come upon them, which is seen to be nigh, and which they cannot escape, except fruits meet for repentance, and amendment of life be brought forth. With somthing more particularly to the heads, and owners, of th
  • 56786
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    A loving invitation, and a faithful vvarning to all people, who believe they must give an account to the righteous God for the deeds done by them in the flesh that they speedily seek to make their peace with the living God, who made them, before the stroak of his justice come upon them, which is the breathing of my life, even to all who resort unto, or be separated from the House of Rimmon, but a
  • 56787
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    A loving salutation to all people who have any desires after the living God but especially to the free-will-Anabaptists / from ... I. Beevan.
  • 56788
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    A loyal subjects admonition, or, A true song of Brittains civil wars. Some with blind zeal ... To the tune of General Moncks right march, that was founded before him from Scotland to London, or the Highlanders march.|True song of Brittains civil wars
  • 56789
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    L'Estrange his apology with a short view of some late and remarkable transactions leading to the happy settlement of these nations under the government of our lawfull and gracious soveraign Charles the II whom God preserve / by R. L. S.
  • 56790
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    L'Estrange his apology: with a short view, of some late and remarkable transactions, leading to the happy settlement of these nations under the government of our lawfull and gracious soveraign Charls the II. whom God preserve. By R. L. S.
  • 56791
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    L'espreuve de la foy en quoy le fondement de la foy est descouvert, a sçavoir, de la foy de l'hypocrite qui perit, & de la foy des saincts, laquelle est fond'ee fur la roche eternelle, afin que tous voyent quelle est leur foy, & que c'est enquoy ils se fient. Escrit afin qu'un chacun vienne au vray cercheur de la foy, & que leur foy dont ils parlen
  • 56792
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    L'espreuve de la foy, en quoy le fondement de la foy est descouvert, a scavoir, de la foy de l'hypocrite qui perit, & de la foy des saincts, laquelle est fondeþe fur la roche eternelle, afin que tous voyent quelle est leur foy, & que c'est enquoy ils se fient. Escrit afin qu'un chacun vienne au vray cercheur de la foy, & que leur foy dont ils parle
  • 56793
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    Lachrimae sive valedictio Scotiae sub discessum clarissimi, prudentissimi, & pientissimi Gubernaotris [sic] Domini Georgii Monachi in Angliam revocati The tears and valediction of Scotland upon the departing of her Governour, the Lord Generall George Monck, and Londons welcome reception of His excellencie for being instrumentall in the bringing home our Gracious Soveraign Lord King Charles th
  • 56794
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    Laetitiae Caledonicae, or, Scotlands raptures, upon the thrise happy return of her sacred soveraign Charles the Second, monarch of Great Britain, &c.|Scotlands raptures
  • 56795
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    Lamberts last game plaid set out in a mock-comedy, betwixt John Lambert, Esq. Col. Cobbet. Young Haslerig. and Major Creed. At their lodgings in the Tovver with a merry conceited fellow, called Roger. Together vvith a visitation of divers sisters of the phanatique crew.
  • 56796
    Book Info
    Lamberts last game plaid, set out in a mock-comedy, betwixt John Lambert, Esq. Col. Cobbet. Young Haslerig. and Major Creed. At their lodgings in the Tovver with a merry conceited fellow, called Roger. Together vvith a visitation of divers sisters of the phanatique crew.
  • 56797
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    Laudensium apostasia: or A dialogue in which is shewen, that some divines risen up in our church since the greatness of the late archbishop, are in sundry points of great moment, quite fallen off from the doctrine received in the Church of England. By Henry Hickman fellow of Magd. Colledg Oxon.
  • 56798
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    Le prince d'amour; or the prince of love. With a collection of several ingenious poems and songs by the with of the age.
  • 56799
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    Learne of a Turk, or Instructions and advise sent from the Turkish Army at Constantinople, to the English Army at London. Faithfully and impartially communicated by M.B. one of the attendants of the English agent there.
  • 56800
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    Learne of a Turk, or, Instructions and advise sent from the Turkish Army at Constantinople, to the English Army at London faithfully and impartially communicated by M.B., one of the attendants of the English agents there.