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총 60,478건 중 56,801 - 56,820건 출력
  • 56801
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    Letters to Mr. Hughes of Plymouth, and Mr. Ford of Exeter, concerning the common prayer from Edm. Elis.
  • 56802
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    Letters to the council of state, from the commissioners of the militia of several counties, &c. informing them of the several marches of Colonel Lamberts forces, and shewing their readiness to suppress them and a letter from the Lord Montagu, expressing the fleets obedience to the council and Parliament, also a letter from Col. Ingoldsby, who with his own hands took Col. Lambert prisoner : with s
  • 56803
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    Lexicon Græci testamenti alphabeticum unà cum explicatione grammaticâ vocum singularum in usum Tironum : nec-non concordantiâ singulis dictionibus apposita, in usum theologicæ candidatorum / per Guil. Du-Gard ...
  • 56804
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    Lexicon chymicum. Cùm obscuriorum verborum, et rerum hermeticarum, tùm phrasium Paracelsicorum, in scriptis ejus: et aliorum chymicorum, passim occurrentium, planam explicationem continens. Per Gulielmum Johnsonum chymicum.
  • 56805
    Book Info
    Lexicon tetraglotton an English-French-Italian-Spanish dictionary : whereunto is adjoined a large nomenclature of the proper terms (in all the four) belonging to several arts and sciences, to recreations, to professions both liberal and mechanick, &c. ... : with another volume of the choicest proverbs in all the said toungs ... and the English tran
  • 56806
    Book Info
    Lexicon tetraglotton an English-French-Italian-Spanish dictionary, whereunto is adjoined a large nomenclature of the proper terms (in all the fowr) belonging to several arts, and sciences, to recreations, to professions both liberal and mechanick, &c. Divided to fiftie two secions; vvith another volume of the choicest proverbs in all the sayed toun
  • 56807
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    Liber precum publicarum in vsum ecclesiae Cathedralis Christi Oxon
  • 56808
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    Liber precum publicarum, in usum Ecclesiae Cathedralis Christi Oxon.|Book of Common Prayer.
  • 56809
    Book Info
    Lilies rules construed whereunto are added Tho. Robinsons Heteroclites, the Latin syntaxis and qui mihi. Also there is added the rules for the genders of nouns, and preterperfect tenses and supines of verbs in English alone. With the terminations of the declensions and verbs, never printed before.
  • 56810
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    Lilly lash't vvith his ovvn rod. Or, An epigram on the quaint skill of that arch temporizing astrologer Mr. William Lilly. Collected out of his almanacks, from [1]647, to this present year, 1660.
  • 56811
    Book Info
    Lilly lash't vvith his ovvn rod. Or, an epigram on the quaint skill of that arch temporizing astrologer Mr. William Lilly Collected out of his almanacks, from 1647, to this present year, 1660.
  • 56812
    Book Info
    Lilly lash't vvith his ovvn rod. Or, an epigram on the quaint skill of that arch temporizing astrologer Mr. William Lilly. Collected out of his almanacks, from 1647, to this present year, 1660.
  • 56813
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    Linguae Latinae exercitatio Joan. Lod. Vive autore.
  • 56814
    Book Info
    Logoi Oraioi. Three seasonable sermons the first preach't at St. Mary's in Cambridge, May 31. 1642. The others designed for publick auditories, but prevented. / By Tho. Stephens, M.A.
  • 56815
    Book Info
    Logomachia: a harmony in discord, shewing the mutual submission of the Episcopal party in the city, and the independent souldiery, to Charles, by the grace of God, King of England, Scotland, France & Ireland, defender of the faith.
  • 56816
    Book Info
    London and England triumphant: At the proclaiming of King Charls the Second, by both the Houses of Parliament, the Judges of the Land: with the Lord Mayor, the Court of Aldermen, and Council of the City, as it was performed with great solemnity, and loud acclamations of joy by the people in general. May the 8th. 1660. To the tune of, I am a jovial batchelor.
  • 56817
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    London's triumphant holiday being a brief relation of the chiefest memorable proceedings that hath attended His Majesty since his troubles : with a brief account of that late happy month of May's actions, in voting, proclaiming, landing, and his coming to London ... : with a short, but true account of his miraculous escape from Worcester, from that bloodthirsty tyrant Oliver Cromwell ... / writte
  • 56818
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    Londons friend, Prov. the 29, ver. 2 when the righteous are in authority the people rejoice, but when the wicked bareth rule, the people mourn.
  • 56819
    Book Info
    Londons glory represented by time, truth and fame: at the magnificent triumphs and entertainment of His most Sacred Majesty Charls the II. The Dukes of York and Glocester, the two Houses of Parliament, Privy Councill, Judges, &c. At Guildhall on Thursday, being the 5th. day of July 1660. and in the 12th. year of His Majestie [sic] most happy reign.
  • 56820
    Book Info
    Love in a maze. Or, The young-man put to his dumps: Being a gallant discourse on May-day last, between two witty lovers ... To a pleasant new tune, called, The true lovers delight, or, The Cambridge horn.|Young-man put to his dumps