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총 60,478건 중 56,961 - 56,980건 출력
  • 56961
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    A letter sent from Portsmouth, from a very worthy person there, to a friend of his in London.
  • 56962
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    A letter sent from Portsmouth, from a very worthy person there, to a friend of his in London.
  • 56963
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    A letter sent from Portsmouth, from a very worthy person there, to a friend of his in London.
  • 56964
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    A letter sent to his Excellency the Lord Fleetwood from Mr. John Streater comptroller of the ordinance by authority of Parliament on December the 15th.
  • 56965
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    A letter sent to the Right Honourable William Lenthal Esq., speaker of the Parliament of the commonwealth of England concerning the securing of Windsor Castle for the Parliament and a declaration of the officers and souldiers of the Regiment of Foot belonging to the Tower of London, December 24, 1659 : read in Parliament, December the 28, 1659.
  • 56966
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    A letter to Mr. Thomas Pierce, rector of Brington conteining amongst other things, a brief state of the question about Gods decrees : to which is annexed an exercitation in Latine concerning free-will / by Edward Bagshawe ...
  • 56967
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    A letter to a person of honour written by Mr. Thomas White, in vindication of himself and his doctrine.
  • 56968
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    A letter to an officer of the Army concerning a select senate mentioned by them in their proposals to the late Parliament. The necessity and prudentialness of such a senate is here asserted by reason and history. Whereunto are added sundry positions about government, and an essay towards a secure settlement. / By Henry Stubbe ...
  • 56969
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    A letter to an officer of the Army concerning a select senate mentioned by them in their proposals to the late Parliament. The necessity and prudentialness of such a senate is here asserted by reason and history. Whereunto are added sundry positions about government, and an essay towards a secure settlement. By Henry Stubbe, of Ch. Ch. in Oxon.
  • 56970
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    A letter to an officer of the Army concerning a select senate mentioned by them in their proposals to the late Parliament. The necessity and prudentialness of such a senate is here asserted by reason and history. Whereunto are added sundry positions about government, and an essay towards a secure settlement. By Henry Stubbe, of Ch. Ch. in Oxon.
  • 56971
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    A letter to the Honourable Collonel Okey member of parliament, and to his honoured and worthy friends Collonel Biscoe, Colonel Salmon, and Lievetenant Collonel Allen : communicating to them another letter written by T.F. to a person of condition, perswading to a toleration of popery.
  • 56972
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    A letter to the Lord Fleetwood, from an officer in the army.
  • 56973
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    A letter to the Right Honorable the Lord Lambert, from a lover of peace and truth. Being a most faithful advice how to chuse the safest way to the happy ending of all our distractions. Also, a declaration from the King of Scots, how the Army shall be fully satisfied all their arrears, with a large overplus. Together with an assurance and indempnity
  • 56974
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    A letter to the Right Honourable Thomas Alyn Lord Mayor of the City of London sent to him from the committee appointed to disperse the general remonstrance and protestation of the 16th of November last, into the several cities and conuties [sic] of England and Wales, to be by him communicated to the aldermen, and Common-Council of the said City.
  • 56975
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    A letter to the Right Honourable Thomas Alyn Lord Mayor of the city of London, sent to him from the committee appointed to disperse the general remonstrance and protestation of the 16th of November last, into the several cities and conuties [sic] of England and Wales, to be by him communicated to the aldermen, and common-councel of the said city. D
  • 56976
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    A letter with a narrative, written to the right Hon:ble Thomas Allen Lord Major of London, &e. [sic] concerning a strange sight that appeared over this city of London, in the yeare 1642. when the King was driven from his Parliament, dated as followeth
  • 56977
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    A letter writen from Hamborough by an impartial hand, to a friend at London. Whereby the several mistakes, and sinister allegations, in the Swedish relation, printed at London, are laid open, and published for the satisfaction of such as desire to be rightly informed.
  • 56978
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    A letter written & presented to the late Lord Protector, then Lord General, and the Councel of War but smothered in his hands.
  • 56979
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    A letter written by His Highness the Prince Elector of Brandenbourgh unto His Most Serene and Illustrious Highness Richard, Lord Protector of the Common-wealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, with the territories and dominions thereunto belonging : denoting Their Highness's joynt-interest in the protecting and defending of the Reformed Protestan
  • 56980
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    A letter written by His Highness the Prince Elector of Brandenbourgh, unto his most Serene and Illustrious Highnes Richard Lord Protector of the Common-wealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland ... Denoting Their Highness's joynt-interest in the protecting and defending of the Reformed Protestant cause; and the Swedes converting of those forces, and