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총 60,478건 중 56,981 - 57,000건 출력
  • 56981
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    A letter written by the Prince Elector of Brandenbourgh unto the King of France, declaring the reasons inducing his Electoral Highnes to take up arms against the King of Sweden. Translated out of the Latine coppies.
  • 56982
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    A light shining out of darknes : or, Occasional queries submitted to the judgment of such as would enquire into the true state of things in our times.
  • 56983
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    A light shining out of darknes [sic], or, Occasional queries submitted to the judgment of such as would enquire into the true state of things in our times
  • 56984
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    A light shining out of darknes, or, Occasional queries submitted to the judgment of such as would enquire in to the true state of things in our times
  • 56985
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    A light shining out of darknes: or Occasional queries submitted to the judgment of such as would enquire into the true state of things in our times. The whole work is revised by the authour, the proofs Englished; and augmented with sundry material discourses concerning the ministry, tythes, &c. with a brief apologie for the Quakers, that they are n
  • 56986
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    A list of the lodgers, together with the horses and arms of Mr. Loyal in Crown Court in Chancery Lane
  • 56987
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    A list of the names of the Long Parliament, anno 1640. Likewise of the Parliament holden at Oxford. As also of the three ensuing Parliaments holden at Westminster in the years, 1653. 1654. 1656. (And of the late Parliament, dissolved April, 22. 1659.) With a catalogue of the Lords of the other house.
  • 56988
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    A little vievv of this old vvorld, in tvvo books. I. A map of monarchy, wherein the state of the world is represen[t]ed under Kings, with their entrance, reign, and ends, from King Saul, to King Charls. II. An epitomy of papacy, vvherein is discovered the rise of Anti-christ, with the entrance, reign, and ends of the popes of Rome for 740 years, ti
  • 56989
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    A little view of this old vvorld in two books ... a work fitted to the press five years agone, and now published, by Tho. Palmer.
  • 56990
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    A lively character of some pretending grandees of Scotland to the good old cause.
  • 56991
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    A lively pourtraicture of the face of this Common-wealth, exactly drawn by Lewis the Fourth, of France, of famous memory.
  • 56992
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    A lying wonder discovered, and the strange and terrible news from Cambridge proved false which false news is published in a libel, concerning a wicked slander cast upon a Quaker ... : also ... an answer to John Bunions paper touching the said imagined witchcraft ...
  • 56993
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    L. et M. Annaei Senecae tragoediae post omnes omnium recensiosque editae denuo & notis Tho. Farnabii illustratae.|Tragedies
  • 56994
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    Lady Alimony, or, The alimony lady an excellent, pleasant, new comedy, duly authorized, daily acted and frequently followed.
  • 56995
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    Lady Alimony; or, the Alimony Lady. An excellent pleasant new comedy, etc. [In verse and prose. By Thomas Lodge and Robert Greene?]
    ProQuest One Literature
    전문보기 (Full Text Access)
  • 56996
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    Lavvs of war and ordinances of the sea. Ordained and established by the Parliament of the Common wealth of England. ; For the regulating and better government of the navies, fleets, and ships of war, and armies by sea of the Common wealth of England ...|Laws of war and ordinances of the sea
  • 56997
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    Law and state proposals humbly presented to the supream authority ,the Parliament of England by William Ball.
  • 56998
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    Law lies a bleeding since the sword hath so much prevail'd of late vvhat troubles and discentions do befall the state, the tune is Love lies a bleeding.
  • 56999
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    Legislative povver in problemes [sic], published for the information of all those who have continually adhered to the good cause: and for the reformation of those who had embraced the bad cause. By Peter Chamberlin Docter in Physick.
  • 57000
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    Lent, 1638 the learned reading of John Herne Esq., late of the Honourable Society of Lincolns-Inne, upon the Statute of 23 H. 8 cap. 3 concerning commissions of sewers / translated out of the French manusctipt [sic].