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총 60,478건 중 57,001 - 57,020건 출력
  • 57001
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    Les termes de la ley, or, Certaine difficult and obscure words of the common lawes and statutes of this realme, now in use, expounded and explained
  • 57002
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    Let me speake too? or, Eleven queries humbly proposed to the officers of the army concerning the late alteration of government
  • 57003
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    Letter from a person of honour in France, concerning the late transactions in England, in reference to the rights of the people in electing of parliaments. And also reasons the case, answering some objections made against the late King, and his posterity.
  • 57004
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    Lilburns ghost, with a whip in one hand, to scourge tyrants out of authority; and balme in the other, to heal the sores of our (as yet) corrupt state; or, Some of the late dying principles of freedom, revived, and unvailed, for the lovers of freedome and liberty, peace & righteousness to behold. By one who desires no longer to live then to serve hi
  • 57005
    Book Info
    Lilburns ghost, with a whip in one hand, to scourge tyrants out of authority; and balme in the other, to heal the sores of our (as yet) corrupt state; or, Some of the late dying principles of freedom, revived, and unvailed, for the lovers of freedome and liberty, peace & righteousness to behold. By one who desires no longer to live then to serve hi
  • 57006
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    Linguae gallicâe addiscendae regulae collectae operâ and industriâ H. Leighton ...
  • 57007
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    London's nevv wonder: Or, The great sleeper: being a strange, but true relation, of the first, second, and third trance of a young-man ... with the manner how he was brought from Henley upon Thames, to the City of London, by the art of spirit, the manner how he hath lain nine or ten days asleep ... the signs and wonders which he presented to the people ... when he awak'd ... Whereunto is annexed,
  • 57008
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    Londons out-cry to her sister-cities of England
  • 57009
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    Londons tryumph celebrated the nine and twentieth day of October, in the year 1659, in honour of the much honoured Thomas Allen, lord mayor of the said city : presented and personated by an Europian, an Egyptian, and a Persian : and done at the costs and charges of the ever to be honoured Company of Grocers.
  • 57010
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    Long Parliament-vvork, (if they wil please to do't) for the good of the Common-Wealth: or, The humble desires of the well-affected, revived. Tender'd to the most serious consideration of the Parliament, Army, and others, in XX. proposals, concerning I. Liberty of conscience. ... XX. About hospitalls and alms-houses.
  • 57011
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    Look about you, for the devil that you fear is in you, or, The right devil unfolded in his descent, form, education, qualification, place and nature of torment : with many other divine secrets, never from the beginning yet extant till this last witness, so beneficial both for the seed of gain, and the seed of faith / written by Laur. Claxton.
  • 57012
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    Love, kindness, and due respect, by way of warning to the Parliament of the Common-wealth of England, that they may not neglect to the great opportunity now put into their hands, for the redemption and freedom of these oppressed nations, whom the Lord hath once more appeared to deliver, and hath profered his loving kindness in overturning, overturn
  • 57013
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    Loveday's letters domestick and forrein. To several persons, occasionally distributed in subjects philosophicall, historicall & morall, / by R. Loveday Gent. the late translator of the three first parts of Cleopatra.
  • 57014
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    Loyal queries, humbly tendred to the serious consideration of the Parliament, and Army, by a peaceable-minded man, and a true lover of his country.
  • 57015
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    Loyalty banished: or England in mourning· Being a perfect narrative of the present affairs and proceedings, between divers Members of Parliament, and M. Wil. Prynne ... With the several speeches made in the House, by Sir Arthur Haslerigge, Sir Henry Vane, Master Hungerford, and Mr. Ansley; and the answer and reply of the said Mr. Prynne thereunto .
  • 57016
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    Lucans Pharsalia, or, The civil-warres of Rome, between Pompey the great, and Julius Caesar An historical poem being till the death of Julius Caesar. Englished by Thomas May, Esquire.
  • 57017
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    ProQuest One Literature
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  • 57018
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    Lucasta posthume poems of Richard Lovelace, Esq.
  • 57019
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    Ludgate, what it is, not what it was, or, A full and clear discovery and description of ... that prison also, an exact catalogue of the legacies now belonging to the said prison, the names of the several donors, and the persons appointed to pay them ... / humbly presented to the Right Honorable Thomas Allen, Lord Mayor of this honorable city by M.
  • 57020
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    Ludgates late petition, to the Parliament. And the prison of the fleets letter to Mr. Caril, answered, &c.