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총 60,478건 중 57,061 - 57,080건 출력
  • 57061
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    The loyall scout ... [Issue [16]]
  • 57062
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    The loyall scout ... [Issue [18]]
  • 57063
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    The loyall scout ... [Issue [21]]
  • 57064
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    The loyall scout ... [Issue [23]]
  • 57065
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    The loyall scout ... [Issue [26]]
  • 57066
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    The loyall scout ... [Issue [27]]
  • 57067
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    The lying prophet discovered and reproved in an answer to several particulars in a book called The Quakers downfal, said to be written by Lawrence Claxton ... : with several of his damnable doctrines ... : also twelve particulars which he and his companion Lodowick Muggleton uttered ... / given forth ... by a Friend of truth, John Harwood.
  • 57068
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    A lamentable ballad of the ladies fall, declaring how a gentlewoman through her too much trust came to her end and how her lover slew himselfe. The tune of, In pescod time.
  • 57069
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    A lamentable ballad of the tragical end of a gallant lord, and a vertuous lady, with the untimely end of their two children, wickedly performed by a heathenish Blackamoor their servant, the like never heard before. To the tune of, The ladies fall.
  • 57070
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    A lamentable narration of the sad disaster of a great part of the Spanish plate-fleet that perished neare St. Lucas where the Marquis, his Lady, and children, and many hundreth of Spanyards were burnt and sunke in the bottome of the sea, by the valour and prowess of the two brave Generals Mountague and Blake in the yeare, 1657. being their first vi
  • 57071
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    A large and compleat concordance to the Bible in English according to the last translation (a like work formerly performed by Clement Cotton) / by Samuel Newman now teacher at Rehoboth in New-England.
  • 57072
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    A lash for a lyar. Or A word of warning to all Christians to take heed of Thomas Tillam: who is now discovered by his preaching and printing, to be a common slanderer of as many as are contrary to his opinions: as it is ready to be proved, provided the hearing be judicial, and the issue recorded / by William Jennison.
  • 57073
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    A late discourse made in a solemne assembly of nobles and learned men at Montpellier in France by Sr. Kenelme Digby ... ; touching the cure of wounds by the powder of sympathy, with instructions how to make the said powder ; whereby many other secrets of nature are unfolded ; rendered faithfully out of French into English, by R. White, gent.|Discours fait en une célèbre assemblée,
  • 57074
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    A late discourse made in a solemne assembly of nobles and learned men at Montpellier in France touching the cure of wounds by the powder of sympathy : with instructions how to make the said powder : whereby many other secrets of nature are unfolded / by Sr. Kenelme Digby, knight ; rendred faithfully out of French into English by R. White.
  • 57075
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    A legacy left to the world by (that able lawyer) Richard Creshald, sarjant at law, late one of the judges of the Court of Common Pleas addressed (in his life-time) to his foure sons in lawes and may be usefull for all men to read and practice.
  • 57076
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    A looking-glasse for all true Christians, very usefull and necessary for all people of what degree soever to look upon in these troublesome times of sorrow. The tune is, Aim not to high.
  • 57077
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    La fida pastora. Comoedia pastoralis. / Autore FF. Anglo-britanno. Adduntur nonnulla varii argumenti carmina ab eodem. Dux vitae ratio.
  • 57078
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    Labyrinthvs cantuariensis, or, Doctor Lawd's labyrinth beeing an answer to the late Archbishop of Canterburies relation of a conference between himselfe and Mr. Fisher, etc., wherein the true grounds of the Roman Catholique religion are asserted, the principall controversies betwixt Catholiques and Protestants thoroughly examined, and the Bishops M
  • 57079
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    Latham's faulconry, or The faulcons lure and cure: in two books the first concerning the ordering and training up of all hawks in generall; especially the haggard faulcon-gentle. The second, teaching approved medicines for the cure of all diseases in them. Gathered by long practise and experience, and published for the delight of noble mindes, and
  • 57080
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    Latham's faulconry, or The faulcons lure and cure: in two books the first concerning the ordering and training up of all hawks in generall; especially the haggard faulcon-gentle. The second, teaching approved medicines for the cure of all diseases in them. Gathered by long practise and experience, and published for the delight of noble mindes, and instruction of young faulconers in things pertain